Page 41 - Feb BNP ALL
P. 41
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2017 Page 41
Seni R by Helen Deluca
Hello, again! Here we are at the January Birthday Photo by Teresa Kempisty from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Marie
end of January, and what a month it Party Celebration Boxmaking from Free will give seated massages for
has been. The temperature fluctuated at Thurmont Senior Cards Class at $1.00 per minute. On February 20,
so much at times that it felt like days Thurmont Senior the Teen Group from the Thurmont
of spring, fall, and winter, all in one Center Center Library will celebrate Presidents Day
week. Even the birds are confused. Pictured from left Making pretty little with the seniors, making crafts and
I saw a robin in the back yard! are L to R Chooi’hal boxes with cards enjoying snacks. On Wednesday,
But I’m not complaining; it sure Monroe, Jackie Martz, (from left) are: February 22—due to patron
beats shoveling snow. It was a busy Anne Holmes, John (front row)Sandy requests—from 1:00-3:00 p.m.,
month. Getting back to a normal Powell, Nancy bring in your jewelry that needs
routine after the holidays was nice. Dowling, Janice Rice, Nancy Davis; mending, and Teresa will try to fix
Next came Martin Luther King Day, Snyder, Emory Motter, (back row) Joanie it for you. Also on February 22, a
and then the inauguration of our Rosemary McDermott, Freeze, Donna group of people wanting to play 500
new president. But the big “to do” Righter, Marie will meet at the Center, from 7:00-
for shoppers is the opening of the Dick Glass, Dolly Free, and Greta 10:00 p.m. Call Teresa at 301-271-
massive new Walmart. I was told Dingle. Lambert. 7911 if you have questions.
it’s the largest in the United States!
Whether it is or not, personally I with Margaret Cornejo as assistant Photo by Teresa Kempisty On February 24, Ellie Jenkins will
don’t intend to get anywhere near it treasurer. Kay Ensor is corresponding be here to answer questions about
for some time! secretary, with Jeri Bowers assisting. an activity. This event is free; call the Department of Aging Programs
George Anzelone is president, Roy Teresa at 301-271-7911 for more and Medicare, and I am happy to
Because of priorities at home, Clever is vice president, and Carol information. On February 9, join say that she will be here every month
I don’t get to be as active at the Long is recording secretary. This us at 12:30 p.m. for the Monthly on the last Friday of the month. You
Center anymore, but I did get to the makes up the officers of the B.O.D. Birthday Party, and enjoy some can either call the Center at 301-
last B.O.D. meeting. All kinds of John Dowling and Ruthye Wilhide cake and ice-cream. Don’t forget 271-7911 or stop in to sign up for a
good things are in the planning. Are were reelected to a three-year term, the dance on February 11, from half-hour appointment, from 10:00
you ready to get away from cabin to expire December 2019. Last year, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Overflow parking a.m.-2:00 p.m.
fever? Well, get ready to shake your I “retired” from the Board and from is located next door, behind the
“booty” at the dance on February 11 writing this column for The Catoctin police station (follow the connecting On February 28, we will celebrate
(with a snow date of February 18). Banner, but I was asked to come path to our parking lot), as well as “Fat Tuesday” with a Mardi Gras
Peggy and John Offut and their band back when my replacement couldn’t across the street at the Thurmont Party, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.,
“Back Roads” will entertain, with a continue. Well, my dear friends, this Elementary School and on the street. and will enjoy something special to
nice mix of dance music. Admission is my last column. I can’t and won’t Our snow date is February 18 at eat. If you have a mask and beads,
is by donation and refreshments will be able to continue. It’s been fun the same time. On February 17, wear them, if not, we will have some.
be available. for several years, but it’s time for
younger ideas and “new news.” I Here’s a thought I want to share
There is a change in plans for the will miss it, but there comes a time with you: Be thankful for what you
summer picnic. The picnic will be at when there are no choices. I have have; you’ll end up having more.
the Thurmont Town Park, instead of reached that time. If you concentrate on what you
Pen Mar. Complaints were addressed don’t have, you will never ever have
regarding the distance from the Now, get your calendars ready. enough. So share your time. Smile
parking area to the pavilion, the Here are some of the “big goings and always be happy.
restrooms, and the difficulty of on” coming up at TSC. On February
getting over the bench to the tables. 1 and 15, come on down and play T h e C a t owccwot imwn.B a n n e r.
A change might be appreciated. The 50/50 Bingo at 1:00 p.m. The cost
local park is beautiful and well-kept. for Bingo is just $5.00 to play, with Your Good News Community
It certainly is worth a try. As the a $1.00 per card coverall; last game, Newspaper
date draws closer, there will be more winner takes all. Some are special
information available. The date set games, paying $10.00 and 15.00. Serving Northern Frederick
for the picnic is Thursday, August 3, County, Maryland, Since 1995
2017, with a rain date of August 10. Sign up for the Memory Café on
February 2, from 12:00-2:00 p.m.,
You know I constantly remind with a complimentary lunch and
you that the Thurmont Senior Center
(TSC) is your Center. Seniors from
Thurmont and the surrounding areas
are all welcome. The Center is what
you make it. Your ideas, talents,
comments, good or bad, and your
willingness to share your time, are
always welcome.
That’s what makes the Thurmont
Senior Center the special place that it
is. It’s a happy place.
We want to thank Kathy
Dowling for all of her efforts and
time that she gave to TSC as our
treasurer. She did an excellent job,
and we regret that she has turned
in her resignation. The B.O.D. has
approved Pam Robbins as treasurer,
Seni R by Helen Deluca
Hello, again! Here we are at the January Birthday Photo by Teresa Kempisty from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Marie
end of January, and what a month it Party Celebration Boxmaking from Free will give seated massages for
has been. The temperature fluctuated at Thurmont Senior Cards Class at $1.00 per minute. On February 20,
so much at times that it felt like days Thurmont Senior the Teen Group from the Thurmont
of spring, fall, and winter, all in one Center Center Library will celebrate Presidents Day
week. Even the birds are confused. Pictured from left Making pretty little with the seniors, making crafts and
I saw a robin in the back yard! are L to R Chooi’hal boxes with cards enjoying snacks. On Wednesday,
But I’m not complaining; it sure Monroe, Jackie Martz, (from left) are: February 22—due to patron
beats shoveling snow. It was a busy Anne Holmes, John (front row)Sandy requests—from 1:00-3:00 p.m.,
month. Getting back to a normal Powell, Nancy bring in your jewelry that needs
routine after the holidays was nice. Dowling, Janice Rice, Nancy Davis; mending, and Teresa will try to fix
Next came Martin Luther King Day, Snyder, Emory Motter, (back row) Joanie it for you. Also on February 22, a
and then the inauguration of our Rosemary McDermott, Freeze, Donna group of people wanting to play 500
new president. But the big “to do” Righter, Marie will meet at the Center, from 7:00-
for shoppers is the opening of the Dick Glass, Dolly Free, and Greta 10:00 p.m. Call Teresa at 301-271-
massive new Walmart. I was told Dingle. Lambert. 7911 if you have questions.
it’s the largest in the United States!
Whether it is or not, personally I with Margaret Cornejo as assistant Photo by Teresa Kempisty On February 24, Ellie Jenkins will
don’t intend to get anywhere near it treasurer. Kay Ensor is corresponding be here to answer questions about
for some time! secretary, with Jeri Bowers assisting. an activity. This event is free; call the Department of Aging Programs
George Anzelone is president, Roy Teresa at 301-271-7911 for more and Medicare, and I am happy to
Because of priorities at home, Clever is vice president, and Carol information. On February 9, join say that she will be here every month
I don’t get to be as active at the Long is recording secretary. This us at 12:30 p.m. for the Monthly on the last Friday of the month. You
Center anymore, but I did get to the makes up the officers of the B.O.D. Birthday Party, and enjoy some can either call the Center at 301-
last B.O.D. meeting. All kinds of John Dowling and Ruthye Wilhide cake and ice-cream. Don’t forget 271-7911 or stop in to sign up for a
good things are in the planning. Are were reelected to a three-year term, the dance on February 11, from half-hour appointment, from 10:00
you ready to get away from cabin to expire December 2019. Last year, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Overflow parking a.m.-2:00 p.m.
fever? Well, get ready to shake your I “retired” from the Board and from is located next door, behind the
“booty” at the dance on February 11 writing this column for The Catoctin police station (follow the connecting On February 28, we will celebrate
(with a snow date of February 18). Banner, but I was asked to come path to our parking lot), as well as “Fat Tuesday” with a Mardi Gras
Peggy and John Offut and their band back when my replacement couldn’t across the street at the Thurmont Party, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.,
“Back Roads” will entertain, with a continue. Well, my dear friends, this Elementary School and on the street. and will enjoy something special to
nice mix of dance music. Admission is my last column. I can’t and won’t Our snow date is February 18 at eat. If you have a mask and beads,
is by donation and refreshments will be able to continue. It’s been fun the same time. On February 17, wear them, if not, we will have some.
be available. for several years, but it’s time for
younger ideas and “new news.” I Here’s a thought I want to share
There is a change in plans for the will miss it, but there comes a time with you: Be thankful for what you
summer picnic. The picnic will be at when there are no choices. I have have; you’ll end up having more.
the Thurmont Town Park, instead of reached that time. If you concentrate on what you
Pen Mar. Complaints were addressed don’t have, you will never ever have
regarding the distance from the Now, get your calendars ready. enough. So share your time. Smile
parking area to the pavilion, the Here are some of the “big goings and always be happy.
restrooms, and the difficulty of on” coming up at TSC. On February
getting over the bench to the tables. 1 and 15, come on down and play T h e C a t owccwot imwn.B a n n e r.
A change might be appreciated. The 50/50 Bingo at 1:00 p.m. The cost
local park is beautiful and well-kept. for Bingo is just $5.00 to play, with Your Good News Community
It certainly is worth a try. As the a $1.00 per card coverall; last game, Newspaper
date draws closer, there will be more winner takes all. Some are special
information available. The date set games, paying $10.00 and 15.00. Serving Northern Frederick
for the picnic is Thursday, August 3, County, Maryland, Since 1995
2017, with a rain date of August 10. Sign up for the Memory Café on
February 2, from 12:00-2:00 p.m.,
You know I constantly remind with a complimentary lunch and
you that the Thurmont Senior Center
(TSC) is your Center. Seniors from
Thurmont and the surrounding areas
are all welcome. The Center is what
you make it. Your ideas, talents,
comments, good or bad, and your
willingness to share your time, are
always welcome.
That’s what makes the Thurmont
Senior Center the special place that it
is. It’s a happy place.
We want to thank Kathy
Dowling for all of her efforts and
time that she gave to TSC as our
treasurer. She did an excellent job,
and we regret that she has turned
in her resignation. The B.O.D. has
approved Pam Robbins as treasurer,