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Page 36 February 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Advertise MHA and 2-1-1 Western Maryland Hosts 3rd Annual
in The Catoctin Banner Kindness Challenge

Full Color One day, two hundred and eleven Association of Frederick County. event page can be found at www.
Affordable random acts of kindness. That Any random act of kindness
is the goal of the Mental Health
Effective Association (MHA) and 2-1-1 counts, and each person is welcome An act of kindness doesn’t have
on February 11. 2-1-1 is an easy- to do more than one. The hope is to be large or expensive to make
• 301-447-2804 • to-remember three-digit number, that there will be a ripple effect of a difference in someone’s day:
providing information and referral kindness throughout the state. Past holding open a door, complimenting
[email protected] • service in Western Maryland and is year’s events have exceeded the a stranger, or lending an ear to
the force behind the 2-1-1 Random goal of 211 acts of kindness and a friend are some free ways to
Get Results! Acts of Kindness Challenge, taking have had participants from across participate, or for a minimal cost
place on Saturday, February 11, the country, including Texas and you could pay for the person behind
The Catoctin Banner, serving Northern 2017. A “Kindness Crew” of Florida. you in the drive-thru. Any act of
Frederick County, Maryland, since 1995 MHA and 2-1-1 staff members and kindness counts! Hosting the 2-1-1
partner organizations will be out in Participating is easy. Participants Random Acts of Kindness Challenge
We Invite You to Share Your Frederick and Washington Counties, should perform a random act of for its third year is a fun way to
Good News! performing random acts of kindness kindness on Saturday, February 11, remind the community that everyone
and encouraging others to do the and share that act on the Facebook can use a little kindness and support.
[email protected] • same. 2-1-1 in Western Maryland event page: 211 Random Acts of With your help and participation, it
is provided by the Mental Health Kindness Challenge 2017 or use will be a great day!
• Message Line 240-288-0108 • #211ActsofKindness. The 2-1-1
• Publisher’s Line 301-447-2804 • Random Acts of Kindness Challenge 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember
three-digit number, providing a
unique community information
and referral service to people in
need of food, shelter, job resources,
health care, child care, and other
vital services. 2-1-1 is available
throughout the country 24/7 in 150
languages. Anyone can dial 2-1-1 for
free, confidential help.

Take Us

Take The Catoctin Banner
newspaper along with you on
your travels! Have someone take a
photo of you holding The Catoctin
Banner, and your photo could be
included in our next issue. Email
your photo, along with the details
of where you traveled, name(s)
of person(s) pictured, and any
details you would like to add to:
[email protected].

Thanks for taking us along with you!
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