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Page 12 January 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Tyrian Masonic Lodge 205 Master national Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann

Mason Degree Seton Selected as Site for “Door of Mercy”

Courtesy Photo The Basilica of The National Courtesy Photo
Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann
Seton has been chosen by the
Archdiocese of Baltimore as a
site for a Door of Mercy, as part
of Pope Francis’s Extraordinary
Jubilee Year of Mercy. The
Year of Mercy, which began on
December 8, 2015, in Rome,
encourages people to encounter
the mercy and love of God, as
well as to be merciful with others.
“We’re so pleased that The Basilica of The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth
Archbishop Lori has designated Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, selected as site for “Door of
our Basilica as one of the few Mercy.”
sites of a Door of Mercy in the
Pictured from left are Dr. John Hagemann, Worshipful Master Acacia Lodge 155 Thurmont;
Bob Brown Worshipful Master, Brunswick Lodge 191; Senior Warden Ed Hahn, Tyrian Lodge; Baltimore Archdiocese,” said Rob Judge, Executive Director of The National
Brother Dwight Daily, Tyrian Lodge; Ernie Gelwicks, Worshipful Master Tyrian Lodge 205; Robert Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. “It’s such an extraordinary gesture by Pope
Kotchenruethers Worshipful Master, Fervency Lodge 200, Point of Rocks, Maryland. Francis to ask every bishop around the world to designate Doors of Mercy. With
numerous ones throughout the world, the Pope is demonstrating that God’s
Tyrian Masonic Lodge 205 Emmitsburg recently conferred the Master mercy is available and accessible to all. It’s a wonderful opportunity for people to
Mason Degree upon Brother Dwight Daily. Assisting in the Degree work were experience the love of God, who consoles and instills hope.”
four of the six Worshipful Masters of Frederick County, Maryland. The Seton Shrine’s Door of Mercy opened at Mass on December 13, 2015, and
will remain open until the Year of Mercy ends in November 2016. “Designating
Doors of Mercy throughout the world has never been done before,” said Judge.
Masons on the Move “We welcome visitors of all faiths to the Shrine and Basilica, and invite them to
experience this rare occurrence and walk through our Door of Mercy.”
On Courtesy Photo The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is open Tuesday through
Saturday, Sunday, from 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Guided tours of the Shrine, including the
December 12, Basilica, historic homes, and the grounds, are available on the hour, from 10:00
2015, Brother a.m.-3:00 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. The Basilica at the Shrine is open every
Ed Hahn of day, from 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. To plan a visit, please call 301-447-6606 or visit
Tyrian Lodge
205 received
the Past
Masters Degree
at Fervency
Lodge 200. The
Degree was
conducted by
the Frederick
County Past
There were Pictured from left: (front row) Past Master Robert Kotchenruether;
twenty-four Worshipful Master elect Ed Hahn; Past Master and current Worshipful Master
Past Masters Ernie Gelwicks; (back row) Past Master Mike Reynolds and Past Master Roy
of Frederick Burkholder.
County Masonic
Lodges in attendance. Brother Ed Hahn is the Worshipful Master-Elect of
Tyrian Lodge 205 in Emmitsburg.
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