Page 11 - BNP January 2016 web
P. 11
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper January 2016 Page 11
Thurmont Downtown Revitalization Project Complete
Deb Spalding
A celebration for Photo by Deb Spalding Romano’s foreman Noel
the completion of the Alvarado said, “The town
Thurmont Downtown has been great to work for.
Revitalization Project We really enjoyed working in
was held on Thursday Thurmont.”
December 3, 2015, in the Humerick continued,
Thurmont Main Street “Since we replaced everything
Center on Water Street else, we even repainted the
in Thurmont. Those parking meters.” He noted,
who had a hand in any “Vickie Grinder (Thurmont’s
aspect of the new street Main Street Manager) got
lights or new sidewalks in this all started. She made
Thurmont were invited to the initial phone call to John
attend and celebrate a job Gober. She got the grants for
well done. the new benches, trash cans,
With welcoming and bike racks.”
remarks and gracious To this point, the State
thanks to all involved, Highway had paid for
Thurmont Mayor seventy-five percent of the
John Kinnaird said, Those involved with the Thuront Downtown Reviatlization Project are pictured during a celebration held in the sidewalk revitalization.
Thurmont Main Street Center on December 3, 2015.
“I personally thank The remaining Water Street
everyone involved with section was left out, with no
the renovation of our funding at that point. The
sidewalks and street lights: our town Construction; CJ Holtzople; the guys Soon the town was also informed mayor and commissioners voted
staff, the state for helping us out that did the work, including foreman that the sidewalks on North Church unanimously to go forward with
with grants, the concrete company, Noel Alvarado, Juan Gonzalez, Street were being redone as well, and the Water Street section. Again,
Catoctin Lighting, and everyone who Michael Buchalter, Efrain Cabrera, the State Highway Administration the mayor said, “Get a grant.”
came together to give us a fantastic Baltazar Calderon, Walter Canales, was picking up the tab for Humerick and Becky Long went to
finished product. I appreciate it.” Daniel Dominguez, Marley Guzman, everything. work again. Within a short amount
He added, “There’s one person that Marle Guzman, Esbin Isque, Josue Thurmont’s Board of of time, a Community Development
I want to thank most of all for this Macario, Francisco Montoya, Jose Commissioners had been discussing Block Grant through the Maryland
project, and that is Jim Humerick Navareta, Jason Spear, and Pedro new amenities and street lights in State Department of Housing was
(Thurmont’s Chief Administrative Ventura. Town staff included Butch the downtown area for several years. secured in the amount of $125,000
Officer)…without Jim…we wouldn’t West, Harold Lawson, Lee Hanvey, They thought that the best time to for the Water Street renovations.
have the product we have right now.” Lynn Bass, Kelly Duty, Debbie Ecker, install these was when the sidewalks Jim Castle with the Maryland
Humerick introduced those Thurmont Main Street President were torn up from the sidewalk State Department of Housing and
involved: Mayor John Kinnaird; Mike Hobbs, and Thurmont Main project. So, they met with Catoctin Community Development said,
Commissioner Marty Burns; Roger Street Manager Vickie Grinder. Lighting to review options for street “The reason we fund Thurmont is
Wilson from the County Executive’s The actual work for the project lighting. They picked a light, but because, number one, you apply for
Office; Jim Castle from the began in July of 2014 after then had to figure out who was projects which are a need to your
Maryland Department of Housing Grinder called the State Highway going to pay for it and what it was community, they’re a reasonable
and Community Development; Lt. Administration to request a new going to cost. The mayor’s repetitive amount of money, and you do good
Alan Droneburg from the Thurmont cross walk at the Trolley Trail. answer was, “Our CAO will find a work. Those are the grantees that we
Police Department; Thurmont Through this inquiry, they were grant.” Humerick and Becky Long like to keep helping.”
Commissioner Wes Hamrick; John surprised to learn that new sidewalks reached out to the Maryland Energy Thurmont Commissioner Marty
Brown with the Main Street Board of on East Main Street and West Main Administration and were approved Burns expressed his pride in the
Directors; Jim and Alison Richards Street were soon to be installed by for $26,800 for the project. town and the town staff and the
with Catoctin Lighting (and the the State Highway Administration. It The Town’s Public Works crews elected officials. He said, “It shows
hosts who supplied the snacks was going to happen within months. worked closely with the concrete people that the elected officials get
and drinks for the evening); Tony This plan included sidewalks from construction. They worked well with it. We want to make it better and
Romano from Romano Concrete Lawyer Lane to Route 15. Romano Concrete Construction. we’re doing everything in our power
to try to make it better for the entire
community. Job well done.”
Thurmont Commissioner
Hamrick said, “I think this is the
first time, ever, that we’ve had a
unified sidewalk. Before, you’d be
walking along and hit a patch that
was forty years old then a patch that
was eighty years old…great job to
Humerick wrapped up by
offering a big thanks to the residents
and businesses in Thurmont. The
vast majority were very tolerant
and positive through the whole
project. “We apologize for any
inconvenience, but look at what
we’ve got now! The results are
Thurmont Downtown Revitalization Project Complete
Deb Spalding
A celebration for Photo by Deb Spalding Romano’s foreman Noel
the completion of the Alvarado said, “The town
Thurmont Downtown has been great to work for.
Revitalization Project We really enjoyed working in
was held on Thursday Thurmont.”
December 3, 2015, in the Humerick continued,
Thurmont Main Street “Since we replaced everything
Center on Water Street else, we even repainted the
in Thurmont. Those parking meters.” He noted,
who had a hand in any “Vickie Grinder (Thurmont’s
aspect of the new street Main Street Manager) got
lights or new sidewalks in this all started. She made
Thurmont were invited to the initial phone call to John
attend and celebrate a job Gober. She got the grants for
well done. the new benches, trash cans,
With welcoming and bike racks.”
remarks and gracious To this point, the State
thanks to all involved, Highway had paid for
Thurmont Mayor seventy-five percent of the
John Kinnaird said, Those involved with the Thuront Downtown Reviatlization Project are pictured during a celebration held in the sidewalk revitalization.
Thurmont Main Street Center on December 3, 2015.
“I personally thank The remaining Water Street
everyone involved with section was left out, with no
the renovation of our funding at that point. The
sidewalks and street lights: our town Construction; CJ Holtzople; the guys Soon the town was also informed mayor and commissioners voted
staff, the state for helping us out that did the work, including foreman that the sidewalks on North Church unanimously to go forward with
with grants, the concrete company, Noel Alvarado, Juan Gonzalez, Street were being redone as well, and the Water Street section. Again,
Catoctin Lighting, and everyone who Michael Buchalter, Efrain Cabrera, the State Highway Administration the mayor said, “Get a grant.”
came together to give us a fantastic Baltazar Calderon, Walter Canales, was picking up the tab for Humerick and Becky Long went to
finished product. I appreciate it.” Daniel Dominguez, Marley Guzman, everything. work again. Within a short amount
He added, “There’s one person that Marle Guzman, Esbin Isque, Josue Thurmont’s Board of of time, a Community Development
I want to thank most of all for this Macario, Francisco Montoya, Jose Commissioners had been discussing Block Grant through the Maryland
project, and that is Jim Humerick Navareta, Jason Spear, and Pedro new amenities and street lights in State Department of Housing was
(Thurmont’s Chief Administrative Ventura. Town staff included Butch the downtown area for several years. secured in the amount of $125,000
Officer)…without Jim…we wouldn’t West, Harold Lawson, Lee Hanvey, They thought that the best time to for the Water Street renovations.
have the product we have right now.” Lynn Bass, Kelly Duty, Debbie Ecker, install these was when the sidewalks Jim Castle with the Maryland
Humerick introduced those Thurmont Main Street President were torn up from the sidewalk State Department of Housing and
involved: Mayor John Kinnaird; Mike Hobbs, and Thurmont Main project. So, they met with Catoctin Community Development said,
Commissioner Marty Burns; Roger Street Manager Vickie Grinder. Lighting to review options for street “The reason we fund Thurmont is
Wilson from the County Executive’s The actual work for the project lighting. They picked a light, but because, number one, you apply for
Office; Jim Castle from the began in July of 2014 after then had to figure out who was projects which are a need to your
Maryland Department of Housing Grinder called the State Highway going to pay for it and what it was community, they’re a reasonable
and Community Development; Lt. Administration to request a new going to cost. The mayor’s repetitive amount of money, and you do good
Alan Droneburg from the Thurmont cross walk at the Trolley Trail. answer was, “Our CAO will find a work. Those are the grantees that we
Police Department; Thurmont Through this inquiry, they were grant.” Humerick and Becky Long like to keep helping.”
Commissioner Wes Hamrick; John surprised to learn that new sidewalks reached out to the Maryland Energy Thurmont Commissioner Marty
Brown with the Main Street Board of on East Main Street and West Main Administration and were approved Burns expressed his pride in the
Directors; Jim and Alison Richards Street were soon to be installed by for $26,800 for the project. town and the town staff and the
with Catoctin Lighting (and the the State Highway Administration. It The Town’s Public Works crews elected officials. He said, “It shows
hosts who supplied the snacks was going to happen within months. worked closely with the concrete people that the elected officials get
and drinks for the evening); Tony This plan included sidewalks from construction. They worked well with it. We want to make it better and
Romano from Romano Concrete Lawyer Lane to Route 15. Romano Concrete Construction. we’re doing everything in our power
to try to make it better for the entire
community. Job well done.”
Thurmont Commissioner
Hamrick said, “I think this is the
first time, ever, that we’ve had a
unified sidewalk. Before, you’d be
walking along and hit a patch that
was forty years old then a patch that
was eighty years old…great job to
Humerick wrapped up by
offering a big thanks to the residents
and businesses in Thurmont. The
vast majority were very tolerant
and positive through the whole
project. “We apologize for any
inconvenience, but look at what
we’ve got now! The results are