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Page 8 February 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Since the show, everything has
Community news gone back to normal, thankfully. The
week leading up to my shows was
An Interview with a Jeopardy! Champion absolutely crazy; so many people were
wishing me good luck and things
Nicholas DiGregory really blew up. I’m very grateful that
I had so many people rooting for
If you tuned in to Jeopardy! on like everyone Courtesy Photo at the end of the me, but I’m even more grateful that
December 3, 2015, you would have else. Everyone show, when the everything died down quickly as well.
seen Rocky Ridge’s own Kelly Wright who works at contestants and
crowned a Jeopardy! champion. The the studio and him are standing
twenty-six-year-old, who graduated with the show, on the stage,
from McDaniel College in 2011, and the other just chatting.
earned a total of $7,700 in winnings, contestants, were That’s when you
with a first-place victory on the awesome; there really get to find
December 3 show and a third-place wasn’t any real out that he has
victory on the December 4 show. feeling of super a hilariously
competitiveness dry sense of
I had a chance to ask Wright a few since I think humor. During
questions about her experiences on we were all just my first show,
the show; here is what she had to say: stoked to be we all chatted a
How were you chosen to take part there. When I little bit about
in the Jeopardy! game show? initially found Kelly Wright of Rocky Ridge, crowned a Jeopardy! hockey and the
out I was going champion, is pictured with Jeopardy! host, Alex Trebek. then-upcoming
I initially took the Jeopardy! online to be on the NHL season, and
test in April of 2015 and found out show, I was kind of terrified, but once during the second show, he gave me a
I had an audition in early May. The the day was actually happening, the little bit of ribbing about my bone-
audition was in Boston on June 10, contestant coordinators with the show headed final Jeopardy answer, and it
so I flew up for the day and had my do such a good job at keeping people was hilarious. How many people get
audition. It consists of another fifty- calm, I was never really as nervous to say that Alex Trebek made fun of
question test, and then you do a little as I thought I would be. There were them?
mock game so they can find out if definitely some jitters once I was
you’re going to freak out and pass actually standing behind the podium, Rumor has it that you wore a lucky
out or anything like that once you’re though! t-shirt on air? Is this true and, if so,
holding the buzzer. Then there’s a little what was the significance?
impromptu interview, so they can get Do you have any favorite memorable So, when I auditioned for the
a feel for the possible contestants. moments? show in Boston during the summer, I
After all that, you find out that you’ll The best thing about going on the was wearing an Alex Ovechkin shirt
be in their contestant pool for the next show was that my ninety-one-year- under my auditions clothes for good
eighteen months, and you may or may old grandfather, Horace Wright, got luck. When I found out I was going
not hear anything back during that to come along and watch me play. to be on the show, I figured I had to
period. So I was pretty shocked when He’s the one who really pushed me up the ante and I ordered a shirt from
I got a call from them in late August to try out for the game, and getting “Russian Machine Never Breaks”—
that they wanted me to come out and to make him proud was the best it’s a Capitals blog run by guys from
play. I guess I figured it would be a possible outcome. One other cool Frederick—that commemorated when
much longer wait, if ever! thing was, after the taping was done, Alex Ovechkin famously acted like
What was the game show experience I got to go see the RV from Breaking his stick was on fire after scoring his
like? Bad that they keep on the Sony 50th goal of …the 08-09 season. I
studio lot. I’m a huge fan of Breaking knew I wanted to rock the red under
The whole experience was Bad, so getting to see that in person whatever I was wearing for the show,
completely amazing, and it was a was a great finish to a fantastic day. and I like to think it brought me
great day. They tape a week’s worth enough luck to join the ranks of the
of episodes in one day, and the two How was interacting with Alex Jeopardy! champions.
challengers are drawn randomly. Trebek?
The other contestants sit in the The best stuff with Alex comes How has life been since the show?
audience and watch the taping, just
Since the show, everything has
Community news gone back to normal, thankfully. The
week leading up to my shows was
An Interview with a Jeopardy! Champion absolutely crazy; so many people were
wishing me good luck and things
Nicholas DiGregory really blew up. I’m very grateful that
I had so many people rooting for
If you tuned in to Jeopardy! on like everyone Courtesy Photo at the end of the me, but I’m even more grateful that
December 3, 2015, you would have else. Everyone show, when the everything died down quickly as well.
seen Rocky Ridge’s own Kelly Wright who works at contestants and
crowned a Jeopardy! champion. The the studio and him are standing
twenty-six-year-old, who graduated with the show, on the stage,
from McDaniel College in 2011, and the other just chatting.
earned a total of $7,700 in winnings, contestants, were That’s when you
with a first-place victory on the awesome; there really get to find
December 3 show and a third-place wasn’t any real out that he has
victory on the December 4 show. feeling of super a hilariously
competitiveness dry sense of
I had a chance to ask Wright a few since I think humor. During
questions about her experiences on we were all just my first show,
the show; here is what she had to say: stoked to be we all chatted a
How were you chosen to take part there. When I little bit about
in the Jeopardy! game show? initially found Kelly Wright of Rocky Ridge, crowned a Jeopardy! hockey and the
out I was going champion, is pictured with Jeopardy! host, Alex Trebek. then-upcoming
I initially took the Jeopardy! online to be on the NHL season, and
test in April of 2015 and found out show, I was kind of terrified, but once during the second show, he gave me a
I had an audition in early May. The the day was actually happening, the little bit of ribbing about my bone-
audition was in Boston on June 10, contestant coordinators with the show headed final Jeopardy answer, and it
so I flew up for the day and had my do such a good job at keeping people was hilarious. How many people get
audition. It consists of another fifty- calm, I was never really as nervous to say that Alex Trebek made fun of
question test, and then you do a little as I thought I would be. There were them?
mock game so they can find out if definitely some jitters once I was
you’re going to freak out and pass actually standing behind the podium, Rumor has it that you wore a lucky
out or anything like that once you’re though! t-shirt on air? Is this true and, if so,
holding the buzzer. Then there’s a little what was the significance?
impromptu interview, so they can get Do you have any favorite memorable So, when I auditioned for the
a feel for the possible contestants. moments? show in Boston during the summer, I
After all that, you find out that you’ll The best thing about going on the was wearing an Alex Ovechkin shirt
be in their contestant pool for the next show was that my ninety-one-year- under my auditions clothes for good
eighteen months, and you may or may old grandfather, Horace Wright, got luck. When I found out I was going
not hear anything back during that to come along and watch me play. to be on the show, I figured I had to
period. So I was pretty shocked when He’s the one who really pushed me up the ante and I ordered a shirt from
I got a call from them in late August to try out for the game, and getting “Russian Machine Never Breaks”—
that they wanted me to come out and to make him proud was the best it’s a Capitals blog run by guys from
play. I guess I figured it would be a possible outcome. One other cool Frederick—that commemorated when
much longer wait, if ever! thing was, after the taping was done, Alex Ovechkin famously acted like
What was the game show experience I got to go see the RV from Breaking his stick was on fire after scoring his
like? Bad that they keep on the Sony 50th goal of …the 08-09 season. I
studio lot. I’m a huge fan of Breaking knew I wanted to rock the red under
The whole experience was Bad, so getting to see that in person whatever I was wearing for the show,
completely amazing, and it was a was a great finish to a fantastic day. and I like to think it brought me
great day. They tape a week’s worth enough luck to join the ranks of the
of episodes in one day, and the two How was interacting with Alex Jeopardy! champions.
challengers are drawn randomly. Trebek?
The other contestants sit in the The best stuff with Alex comes How has life been since the show?
audience and watch the taping, just