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Page 4 February 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Thurmont and Emmitsburg

Tow n Ha l l R ep or ts

 From the Mayor January 2016
by James Rada, Jr.
 Emmitsburg
 by Mayor Briggs
 Emmitsburg Commissioners Will
The town received several late Hold Fewer Meetings
 Christmas presents. On December 26,
 2015, five Troop 727 Boy Scouts were The Emmitsburg town
 awarded the Eagle Scout designation. commissioners voted in January to
  Keegan X. Wright, Andrew meet only once a month rather than
  Neibecker, Brendan P. Isaacson, twice a month, which they have done
 Paul B. Slotwinski, and Stephen M. for the past few years. If additional
  Lowe were awarded the prestigious meetings are needed during the
 achievement award at the Eagle Scout month for some reason, they will be
Court of Honor program held at St. scheduled on an as-needed basis.
 Joseph Parish Hall. It was an honor
 to be present at the award ceremony The commissioners are required
and to see these young men tracking by town charter to meet only once
 toward leadership in the future. a month. According to Mayor Don
Thank you to Scoutmaster Mary Briggs, having town staff at each
 Neibecker and assistants, Christopher meeting costs $300 to $400. Cutting
Anadale and Matthias Buchheister, for the meetings in half could save the
 a job well done. town as much as $4,800 a year.

 On January 1, 2016, Emmitsburg The commissioners have been
 received more recognition, this time as meeting twice a month since 2002.
 one of ten “Most Beautiful, Charming
 Small Towns in Maryland” by For more information on the Town of It sure is. Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd.
 gov or call 301-600-6300.
 In mid-December, Emmitsburg was
awarded its fourth State of Maryland Thurmont
 Community Legacy Program (CLP)
grant. CLP is a matching grant Applications Available for Thurmont
 program to encourage property Senior Tax Credit
 owners who live within the town
 Sustainable Community designated If you are at sixty-five years old
 area to make exterior improvements as of January 1, 2016, live within
 to their properties. To date, over the corporate limits of Thurmont,
$150,000 in grant funds have been and have a total gross household
 matched by that of owners equal to income of $70,000 or less, you
   or in excess of for a total invested may be eligible for a tax credit on
   in the town historic district of over your property. The application for
$325,000. Our goal is $400,000 by the Thurmont Senior Tax Credit
 2017. Application is available at the town
office or online at
 In January, Lib and I, along with
Councilman Glenn Blanchard and his In addition to the application, you
 wife, Maggie, attended the Vigilant will need proof of age and a copy of
Hose Company’s annual banquet and your latest tax return so that your gross
 awards dinner. This is always a special household income can be verified.
 event that we are honored to attend,
this year even more so after the two Thurmont Community Park Closed
 fires in town in December. to Vehicles

With the mild fall, our solar field Thurmont Community Park will
production exceeded expectations. be closed to vehicles until the spring.
As is the case, production dips in Vehicles can still use the first parking
winter and early spring, with shorter lot next to Frederick Road. The park
days and typically cloudy days. The itself is still accessible to walkers,
town is reliant on solar renewable bicyclists, hikers, and tennis players.
energy to reduce the energy cost of
residents by not competing with them View the Town of Thurmont’s website
for it, reduce costs, and enhance at or call the
the environment. It is a twenty-year town office at 301-271-7313 for more
program. information.

  n e w s @ t h e c a t o c t i n b a n n e r. c o m
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