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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2016 Page 5

Play Our Games The Catoctin The goal of The Catoctin Banner is to provide good
community news and information for residents of
northern Frederick County, Maryland—promoting a
sense of community pride and spirit.
Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland Published on or before the beginning of each month. Publish
515B E. Main Street • Emmitsburg, MD 21727 date will be early if holidays or events warrant adjustment.
Phone: 240-288-0108 Message Line
Each month, you’re invited to participate in our Where Am I? Photo Contest 301-447-2804 Store • Fax: 301-447-2946 AD/CONTENT DEADLINE: On or before the 15th of month
and Hidden Object Game. The winners of each game are announced in the next
issue of The Catoctin Banner newspaper. Winners are given a gift certificate to prior to issue month. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15.00
the advertiser of their choice. To participate, call 240-288-0108 or email news@ email: [email protected] to record your guesses by the 15th of each month. Please CIRCULATION: 12,500 copies mailed to all The Banner Crew: Barbara Abraham, Susan Allen, Jeanne
don’t forget to spell your full name and leave your phone number. Angleberger, Nicholas DiGregory, Joan Fry, Avie Hopcraft, Jim
Houck, Jr., Joseph Kirchner, Christine Maccabee, John Nickerson,
homes in Thurmont, Lewistown, Rocky Ridge, Valerie Nusbaum, Chris O’Connor, Erin Dingle, Carie Stafford,
Cascade, Sabillasville & Emmitsburg, MD and Maxine Troxell, Buck Reed, Denise Valentine, and Robert Warden.
hand outs in surrounding areas.
Graceanne Eyler and Allison Rostad, Advertising Design;
Michele Tester, Managing Editor and Layout Design;
Published as a project of Alison Bailey, Advertising Sales;
E Plus Copy Center & Promotions
James Rada, Jr., Contributing Editor; Deb Spalding, Publisher

Where Am I? Photo Contest POLICY: The publisher of The Catoctin Banner reserves the right to revise, reclassify, or reject any advertisement or any article
for any reason, at any time, and to omit all copy when not submitted in time to conform with deadline. The views expressed in
For the “Where Am I?” Photo advertisements may not be those supported by the staff of The Catoctin Banner. The deadline for submission is no later than the
Contest, take a look at the photo to the 20th of the month prior to the issue month. Information and advertising copy received after the deadline will be accepted at the
right and tell us where it was taken. It is discretion of the publisher. The publisher assumes no liability for misinformation, misprinting, or typographical errors. The publisher
somewhere in or around our Northern reserves the right to edit all submitted material.
Frederick County Area, which is defined
as Rocky Ridge to Cascade, Lewistown to Movie …the 1970s
Emmitsburg, Foxville to Creagerstown,
and everywhere around and in-between. Do you know the answer to this movie trivia?

Last month’s “Where Am I?” photo In the first two Jaws films, what was the
was taken at the Rocky Ridge Fire Hall in name of the police chief?
Rocky Ridge.

The winner of the “Where Am I?”
contest for January’s issue is Kerri Gasior.

Photo by Irene Matthews

Hidden Object Game Answer on page 47

Last month’s Hidden Object was a gold horseshoe. It was located on page
43 in the Mountain View Lawn Service ad. The winner of the Hidden Object
game for January’s issue is Steve Fitz. If the winner has not been contacted,
please contact us to claim your prize.

This month’s Hidden Object is an owl reading a book . Good luck!

Note: Hidden Object is hidden in one of our advertiser’s display ads.

If you see your name listed as a winner, please email us at [email protected]
with your name, address, and the name of the advertiser from which you would like your gift
certificate, and we will send you your prize! If you do not have access to email, please call us at

240-288-0108 and leave us a message with the above information. Thank you.

The Catoctin Patronize Our Advertisers! The Catoctin Banner exists

due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.

n e w s @ t h e c a t o c t i n b a n n e r. c o m • w w w. c a t o c t i n b a n n e r. c o m

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17319 N. Seton Ave.
Emmitsburg, MD 21727


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@ 10:00 A.M.
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Bruce & Barb May, Prop.
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