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Page 12 February 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

S ta te C ha m pio n Littl e L ea g u e Tea m Ty r i a n Courtesy Photo
Presents Plaque to AMVETS Post 7 Lodge 205
On January 4, Courtesy Photo Officers for
2016, at AMVETS
Post 7 in Thurmont,
at the Sons’ meeting,
the 9-10 State
Champion Little
League team and On January 14, 2016,
their coach, Bill Tyrian Lodge #205
Utermahlen (pictured Emmitsburg installed the
far left), gave the newly elected officers for
Post and Sons a the coming year in an
beautiful plaque and “Open Installation,” with
a big “Thank You” the public invited. There
for their generous were approximately forty
donation. Pictured persons in attendance, Pictured from left: (front row) Austin Fogle, SW; Vance Click,
behind the team on the left is Post 7 (1st Vice Commander), Bruce Rice, and including three of Frederick SD; Don Stultz, Chaplain; Kevin Willis, Grand Inspector; Dwight
holding the plaque is Joe Forrest (Sons Commander). County’s “Sitting Masters” Daily, JD; Ron Hedges, JW; (back row) Doc Flanagan, SS; Ernie
and twelve Past Masters. Gelwicks, outgoing WM; Ed Hahn, Worshipful Master; Ron Cool,


Loren “Curley” Kruen Recognized Wivell Christmas Get-to-Gather
for His Continued Generosity
Commander Ed Superczynski The descendants of the late Roy Prizes were won by Avi Rutan;
Courtesy Photo (pictured left) presented a plaque and Helen Wivell held their annual Corey Wagman; Phyllis Green;
to Loren “Curley” Kruen (pictured Christmas party at Mother Seton Ben Parsons; Wayne Yoder; Sarah
right) at their December meeting at School in Emmitsburg on December Damico; the Hoffs—Sarah, Danielle,
AMVETS Post 7 in Thurmont. The 27, 2015. Attendance was 145. and Fred; Jenny Little; Jarrett and
plaque was to thank Loren for his The family now totals 557. Arlene Jennifer Cornbrooks; the Wivells—
continued generosity to the Post Putnam led the blessing. Donna, Jennifer, Tyler, Kim, Lisa,
over the years. Dick, Jamie, Shane, Gary, Sam,
Tom Wivell and Arlene Putnam and Donnie; and Andy and Brian
“He certainly deserved this gave a wonderful update on the new Parkhust. Sorry if any names were missed.
recognition, and we wish we had family calendar they created—a job
more members like him. Thanks well done. A copy was given to each The family enacted a nativity
again, Curley!” brother and sister. scene: Mary was played by Ashley
Merriman; Joseph, Cole Merriman;
CALL TODAY FOR A FREE TREE EVALUATION The highlight of the year was that Jesus, Kelsie Merriman; Shepherd,
BY OUR ARBORIST Tyler Wivell (twelve years old) shot Herbie Matthews; wise man, Lyndon
a 250 pound deer in West Virginia Wivell; angels, Abby Harrington
800-383-4595 while hunting with his grandfather, and Sydney and Riley Lambert.
Mike Baust. Tyler is the son of Josh Jenny Little read the story of the
and Jen Wivell and grandson of Roy first Christmas. Cathy Yoder was the
and Rose Wivell. director.

Linda Kahley gave an update Gifts were given out to the
on the family. In 2015, there were children. The family made
ten births; nine weddings; and two a generous donation to the
deaths (Mary Anne Wivell and Emmitsburg Food Bank and also
Marty Wivell). Congratulations were to the Seton Family Center to help
given to couples celebrating their the misplaced victims of the recent
wedding anniversary on a five-year fires in Emmitsburg. As always,
basis. The oldest couple celebrating the family wishes everyone a holy,
an anniversary was Tom and Mary happy, and healthy new year. God
Jo Wivell, who celebrated fifty-eight bless all!

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