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P. 13
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2016 Page 13

The Town of Plans for the 2016 Business
Thurmont’s Showcase are Underway
Green Team
This year, the Business Expo will have some exciting changes, starting with
Deb Spalding the name. The event will be titled the “Thurmont Business Showcase” and will
be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016, from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. They have a
The Town of Thurmont formed Street Park, for $25.00 each. new and exciting location as well. The Thurmont Business Showcase will be
the Thurmont Green Team in May, This is a great opportunity for held at the brand new Thurmont Community Ambulance Event Complex.
2015, and is working towards all residents, but especially
certification this spring as a residents who live in apartments, By holding the event on Saturday, at a larger venue and for longer hours,
Maryland Certified Sustainable townhouses and condos to enjoy local businesses can get a bigger “bang for their buck”! Applications will be
Community. Sustainable Maryland gardening. For more information available by mid-February on, at the town office,
is a voluntary certification program or to sign up, email Greg Daniels, and at a few Thurmont businesses. Look for more details in next month’s
for municipalities in Maryland who Community Garden Coordinator issue of The Catoctin Banner.
want to go green, save money, and at ThurmontCommunityGardens@
take steps to sustain their quality of Applications can also The Thurmont Business Showcase is a Main Street Community event.
life. be picked up at the Thurmont Make plans now for Taking Care of Business at the Thurmont Business
Municipal Offices. Showcase.
Residents from Thurmont and the
surrounding communities comprise Hillary Rothrock, a new
Thurmont’s Green Team, and it is Green Team member, took part in
these team members, chaired by Frederick County’s Neighborhood
Anita Philips, who attended training, Green Program which allowed
implemented action items, measured homeowners to apply for funding
progress, drafted a town ordinance, for green improvements on their
and are taking the required steps to personal property. Rain barrels,
achieve certification. minimizing rainwater runoff,
compost, and a biomex rain garden
Some action items, such as are just a few of the improvements
establishing and promoting a local supported under this program. She
farmers market, energy audits, said, “I think educating people
establishing and promoting a about how easy it is to apply to
local business directory, a buy make improvements is important to
local campaign, and a yard future sustainability.”
waste program, had already been
implemented before the Green Team The Green Team is partnering
was formed. The town earned points with Frederick County for
for conducting a municipal energy Residential Energy Efficiency Action.
audit, measuring residential energy At www.FrederickGreenChallenge.
efficiency, converting street lights org, residents learn about fifty
to LED lights, converting to paper actions that they can take to save
biodegradable yard waste bags, energy. Here residents can earn
hosting a buy local program and points to become Certified Power
creating a local business directory. Savers. Thurmont’s goal was to have
20 percent of households certified as
Adding to that firm foundation, Power Savers—a goal that was met
The Green Team has also completed in 2013. Residents who participate
additional action items in order to are automatically placed in an
obtain points towards certification. online Thurmont Green Team. To
New projects completed included date, forty-one households have
the Pet Waste Program and Pet participated in the Power Saver
Waste Ordinance, and partnering Challenge.
with the Department of Housing
and Community Development’s The Green Team has several
Sustainability Program. other projects that promote
sustainability. With them come
One project of note is the some really interesting volunteer
Thurmont Community Gardens. opportunities. If you would like to
Jim Humerick, Thurmont’s Chief serve on The Green Team, email
Administrative Officer said, “This [email protected]
will be up and running in the or visit Thurmont Green Team on
spring and we’re really excited Facebook.
about it.” Registration began
February 1 to lease 9’x11’ plots Green Team Chair, Anita Philips,
within the 30x100’ Community urges each of us to, “Be a good
Garden area, located at Carroll ancestor now!”

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