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Page 24 June 2015 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
s p o rt s news
Young CHS Wrestling Squad Gleams During Exceptional Season, Salutes Four State
Place-Winners, 3x Maryland State Champion
The Catoctin High School veterans qualified for states, and twenty-one clubs from four states.
(CHS) wrestling team turned each of the team’s three seniors The Cougars would sweep the
in another remarkable placed, two of them surpassing competition and go undefeated in a
performance under Head Coach the school’s career win record field of eight clubs at the Catoctin
Ryan Green, now in his eighth set by Colin Schildt in 2013 with Duals, where three individual
year, and his staff Richard 144 wins, and the last overcame grapplers, including Garrett Buckley,
Gialanella, George O’Brien, potentially career-ending injuries to Kevin Simmel, and Dennis Pittinger,
Brad Maze, Garrett Baer, and realize a dream. would also be unbeaten.
newly acquired, first-year For the fourth year in a
assistant Tyler White. White Courtesy Photos row, the Catoctin wrestling
wrestled for NCAA Division I team was ranked by the
programs, including the United Maryland State Wrestling
States Naval Academy and Association in several
West Virginia University. As categories. First, at number
a Walkersville High School sixteen as a tournament team,
wrestler, he was a four-time down two places from the
state place winner, two-time previous year, based on how
Frederick County champion, Charlie Perella, 3x Maryland State Champion. individuals fare in bracketed
and frequent Maryland Greco/ tournaments. Next, and
Roman, freestyle state champ. the years spent with a stellar CYA unchanged, as an honorable
“CHS has added a second wrestling program, not unlike their mention in the dual meet team
outstanding wrestling coach in as upperclassman teammates. category, based on how the
many years. He brings intensity The results were anything team as a whole stacks up
to the room,” Green said, adding but ordinary. The freshmen did against the competition. And
that, “Timely change was needed their part, and much more, as the finally, at number nineteen in
for the program, and I can think Cougars carved up rival line-ups the state overall, which not
of no one better to fill that role and stymied opposing coaches, only includes the 198 public
than White.” Together, this group winning by unusually wide margins Kevin Simmel, Maryland State inalist. schools, but the numerous
of talented and dedicated coaches, in many instances. private schools as well.
each with a unique perspective and Each freshman wrestler saw The team got off to a unfortunate Catoctin has gained a reputation,
philosophy—and believed by many varsity action at some point during start when a scheduling conflict and rightly so, as a top-tier wrestling
to be the best crew in the state— the year. Two first-year wrestlers forced them to settle for thirteen program throughout the state and
made unprecedented gains with just went undefeated in dual meet regular season duals instead of surrounding area.
four upperclassmen wrestlers. action, another was unbeaten at the usual fourteen. The scheduling The defending Frederick County
The freshmen on the squad would the Catoctin Duals, and each was mishap would prove even more champions managed a third place
occupy nine of fourteen starting instrumental in helping the team to detrimental as the season unfolded, team finish this year out of a field of
weight classes during the season, but set a new single-season dual meet specifically during regional dual ten very tough wrestling programs.
they were anything but green. The win record. invitations. Thirty-eight Frederick County
scrappy newcomers brought over Justin and Caleb Peters, Conner The young squad compiled a 25-4 wrestlers qualified for the state
fifty years of combined wrestling Smaok, and Bradley Richards overall dual meet record, winning championships this year, of them
experience to an already perennial competed and placed in the Frederick 85 percent of their meets, five more seventeen placed. Sixteen advanced
state-ranked, competitive program. County JV tournament with Justin wins than the previous year and a to the semi-final rounds, ten to the
The freshmen were seasoned, Peters and Richards taking first. new season-high; and a 10-3 regular finals, and for only the second time,
tested, and decorated, most of Caleb Peters and Smoak were dual meet total, just one win shy five Frederick County wrestlers
them earning their stripes during runner’s up. In addition, all four of a regional dual meet invitation would be crowned champions in
for the second straight year. The a single season, a testament to the
Cougars placed second out of nine caliber and fortitude of our local
teams at the Bauerlien Duals, with athletes.
three undefeated wrestlers, including The Cougars advanced eight
freshmen Zachary Bryant, Joshua wrestlers to the medal rounds,
Small, and senior Charlie Perella. including five finalists and two
The team’s only loss came at the champions. Seniors Kevin Simmel
hands of a solid Urbana squad. and Charlie Perella claimed county
At the Hub Cup, the Cougars titles. Simmel, wrestling at the
had three wrestlers in the top eight, pinnacle of his career, literally beat-
including freshmen Joshua Small up his opponents to attain his first
and Dennis Pittinger, and senior county championship, winning by
Garrett Buckley. This pushed five pin. Perella, who pinned his way
wrestlers into the medal rounds, through the competition and was
with junior Payne Harrison securing named the tournament’s outstanding
third, and freshman Zachary Bryant wrestler, became only the 11th
and seniors Charlie Perella and athlete in county history to win four
Kevin Simmel each placing second. consecutive titles, and the first from
The team finished sixth in a field of Catoctin.
s p o rt s news
Young CHS Wrestling Squad Gleams During Exceptional Season, Salutes Four State
Place-Winners, 3x Maryland State Champion
The Catoctin High School veterans qualified for states, and twenty-one clubs from four states.
(CHS) wrestling team turned each of the team’s three seniors The Cougars would sweep the
in another remarkable placed, two of them surpassing competition and go undefeated in a
performance under Head Coach the school’s career win record field of eight clubs at the Catoctin
Ryan Green, now in his eighth set by Colin Schildt in 2013 with Duals, where three individual
year, and his staff Richard 144 wins, and the last overcame grapplers, including Garrett Buckley,
Gialanella, George O’Brien, potentially career-ending injuries to Kevin Simmel, and Dennis Pittinger,
Brad Maze, Garrett Baer, and realize a dream. would also be unbeaten.
newly acquired, first-year For the fourth year in a
assistant Tyler White. White Courtesy Photos row, the Catoctin wrestling
wrestled for NCAA Division I team was ranked by the
programs, including the United Maryland State Wrestling
States Naval Academy and Association in several
West Virginia University. As categories. First, at number
a Walkersville High School sixteen as a tournament team,
wrestler, he was a four-time down two places from the
state place winner, two-time previous year, based on how
Frederick County champion, Charlie Perella, 3x Maryland State Champion. individuals fare in bracketed
and frequent Maryland Greco/ tournaments. Next, and
Roman, freestyle state champ. the years spent with a stellar CYA unchanged, as an honorable
“CHS has added a second wrestling program, not unlike their mention in the dual meet team
outstanding wrestling coach in as upperclassman teammates. category, based on how the
many years. He brings intensity The results were anything team as a whole stacks up
to the room,” Green said, adding but ordinary. The freshmen did against the competition. And
that, “Timely change was needed their part, and much more, as the finally, at number nineteen in
for the program, and I can think Cougars carved up rival line-ups the state overall, which not
of no one better to fill that role and stymied opposing coaches, only includes the 198 public
than White.” Together, this group winning by unusually wide margins Kevin Simmel, Maryland State inalist. schools, but the numerous
of talented and dedicated coaches, in many instances. private schools as well.
each with a unique perspective and Each freshman wrestler saw The team got off to a unfortunate Catoctin has gained a reputation,
philosophy—and believed by many varsity action at some point during start when a scheduling conflict and rightly so, as a top-tier wrestling
to be the best crew in the state— the year. Two first-year wrestlers forced them to settle for thirteen program throughout the state and
made unprecedented gains with just went undefeated in dual meet regular season duals instead of surrounding area.
four upperclassmen wrestlers. action, another was unbeaten at the usual fourteen. The scheduling The defending Frederick County
The freshmen on the squad would the Catoctin Duals, and each was mishap would prove even more champions managed a third place
occupy nine of fourteen starting instrumental in helping the team to detrimental as the season unfolded, team finish this year out of a field of
weight classes during the season, but set a new single-season dual meet specifically during regional dual ten very tough wrestling programs.
they were anything but green. The win record. invitations. Thirty-eight Frederick County
scrappy newcomers brought over Justin and Caleb Peters, Conner The young squad compiled a 25-4 wrestlers qualified for the state
fifty years of combined wrestling Smaok, and Bradley Richards overall dual meet record, winning championships this year, of them
experience to an already perennial competed and placed in the Frederick 85 percent of their meets, five more seventeen placed. Sixteen advanced
state-ranked, competitive program. County JV tournament with Justin wins than the previous year and a to the semi-final rounds, ten to the
The freshmen were seasoned, Peters and Richards taking first. new season-high; and a 10-3 regular finals, and for only the second time,
tested, and decorated, most of Caleb Peters and Smoak were dual meet total, just one win shy five Frederick County wrestlers
them earning their stripes during runner’s up. In addition, all four of a regional dual meet invitation would be crowned champions in
for the second straight year. The a single season, a testament to the
Cougars placed second out of nine caliber and fortitude of our local
teams at the Bauerlien Duals, with athletes.
three undefeated wrestlers, including The Cougars advanced eight
freshmen Zachary Bryant, Joshua wrestlers to the medal rounds,
Small, and senior Charlie Perella. including five finalists and two
The team’s only loss came at the champions. Seniors Kevin Simmel
hands of a solid Urbana squad. and Charlie Perella claimed county
At the Hub Cup, the Cougars titles. Simmel, wrestling at the
had three wrestlers in the top eight, pinnacle of his career, literally beat-
including freshmen Joshua Small up his opponents to attain his first
and Dennis Pittinger, and senior county championship, winning by
Garrett Buckley. This pushed five pin. Perella, who pinned his way
wrestlers into the medal rounds, through the competition and was
with junior Payne Harrison securing named the tournament’s outstanding
third, and freshman Zachary Bryant wrestler, became only the 11th
and seniors Charlie Perella and athlete in county history to win four
Kevin Simmel each placing second. consecutive titles, and the first from
The team finished sixth in a field of Catoctin.