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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2015 Page 21
Thurmont Students Planning to Visit

Europe Congratulations...

James Rada, Jr.
Courtesy Photo Class of 2015!
Last year, —from all of us at The Catoctin Banner
Tracey Law stood “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
watching her
son, Eamonn, Catoctin High School’s national Art Honor
who was usually
introverted, Society Inductees and Annual Artscape
walk up to
street vendors in In 1978, the Photo by Michele Tester
Barcelona, Spain, National Art
and talk with Education Association
them about their began the National Art
jobs and what Honor Society (NAHS)
they were selling. program to inspire
He would even and recognize students
barter a price who have shown an
for something he outstanding ability
liked. Pictured from left are Tina Mumm, CHS and TMS students Ariel Mumm, and interest in art. The
It was a Angel Michalski, Eamonn Law-Knotts, Josh Small, and Connor Smoak NAHS strives to aid
simple thing, (laying); (back) Rick Albee, Tracey Law-Knotts, Phyllis Nizer, CHS student members in attaining
Erica Baker, Patty Small, Carrie Clark, and Kelley Fujii.
done thousands the highest standards The CHS NAHS inductees proudly hold their self-expression pieces
of times a day in in art scholarship, during their induction ceremony on May 6, 2015. Pictured with
Barcelona, but for Law, she saw it as and I think we saw more (of Europe) character, and service, inductees are guest speaker Rebecca Pearl (far left) and NAHS Advisor
Laura Day (far right).
an expansion of her son’s world. than some people who have gone and to bring art
Law and her son were part of a over there for a longer time.” education to the attention of the school and community.
group of students from Thurmont She remembers standing on a The NAHS Chapter at Catoctin High School (CHS) was revived four years
Middle School who traveled last year street in Paris, and Eamonn started a ago, under the encouragement of CHS Principal Bernie Quesada. Laura Day, Art
through Barcelona and Paris, France. conversation with her about how old and Drawing and Painting teacher, is the NAHS advisor. The student’s eligibility
“We wanted to open up a global the buildings around them were and for membership is based on their academic success and their dedication to the
understanding for our kids so that how crowded the city was, but it all visual arts. Ms. Day also requires students to create a self-expression piece in the
they could learn about the world seemed to work. medium of their choice on a 15x15 masonite board. These pieces will decorate
through other’s eyes,” said Kelley Fujii is now putting together a the halls of Catoctin High School, inspiring future NAHS members.
Fujii, a media specialist with Green group that will travel to Europe next The NAHS Induction Ceremony was held at Catoctin High School on
Valley Elementary School. year to visit Switzerland, Italy, and Wednesday, May 6, 2015, with guest speaker, local artist Rebecca Pearl.
Frederick County Public Schools France. Because of the cost of the trip Congratulations to the following NAHS inductees: seniors—Leah Tester, Logan
sponsored the trip, which was (around $4,000 for thirteen days), Barrick, Emily Linker, Rebecca Burns, Raven Garver, Whitney Grim, Terrene
operated through Education First she wants to give the families who Price, Noah Propps, Kelsey Stafford, Monique Norfolk, and Quin McCarthy;
Tours. The cost of the package want to go plenty of time to raise the juniors—Katelyn Glass, Stephanie Freniere, Tyler Wilhelm, Casey Hanvey;
included just about everything, funds. standing members—Taylor Cooley and Courtney Kirby.
including air fare, hotels, tours, and “Our trip was even better than Immediately following the NAHS inductions, Catoctin’s Visual and
meals. Fujii added that Education I thought it would be,” Law said. Performing Arts Department proudly opened its doors to the 5th Annual
First puts together trips that are “Everyone should take a trip like Artscape. A grand display of artwork, representing each student from the fall
specifically tailored for middle school this.” and spring semesters, filled the auxiliary gym. Jen Rogers, Ceramic teacher;
and high school students. Fujii is planning an informational Theresa Hutchinson, Digital Photography and Department chair; and Laura
“We were pretty much on the go meeting for anyone with a middle Day, Art and Drawing and Painting instructor, came together to showcase
each day from 7:30 in the morning school student who might be their student’s best work. Students in the music and drama department—led by
to dinner,” Fujii said. “We had some interested in traveling next year. The instructors Karen Stitely and Ben Zamostny—entertained visitors of the event
free time in the evening, but most of meeting will be on Thursday, June with individual and group performances.
it was organized activities.” 11, 2015, from 6:30-7:15 p.m., in the
Law decided to go along on the Thurmont Regional Library Small
trip, because she had never been to meeting room. CHS Senior Earns Eagle Scout Award
Europe herself and she had always If you have any questions about On Sunday, May 17, 2015, Patrick Courtesy Photo
wanted to. the trip, you can ask them at the Van Der Cruyssen of Cascade received
“It was the opportunity of a meeting or e-mail Fujii at misskfujii@ his Eagle Scout Award at a Court of
lifetime,” Law said. “We came home, Honor Ceremony, which was held at
the Historic Monterey Country Club
in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania.
Catoctin FFA Alumni Fundraiser constructing a split rail fence around
Patrick’s Eagle project was

The Catoctin FFA Alumni is sponsoring a “Roy’s Night Out” fundraiser, the edge of a creek at Fort Ritchie, as
which will be held at the Roy Rogers in Thurmont on Friday, May 29, 2015, well as cleaning up the brush from
from 5:00-9:00 p.m. under the pathway bridge. Patrick
Please mention the Catoctin FFA Alumni when you place your order (inside began his scout path as a Tiger Cub
or through the drive through), and Roy Rogers will donate a portion of the Scout in second grade at St. Andrew’s
evening receipts to the Alumni. The Catoctin FFA Alumni is one of the largest School in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.
affiliates in the state of Maryland and assist many Catoctin FFA members He has earned thirty-two merit badges. Patrick Van Der Cruyssen of Cascade receives his
Eagle Scout.
with their projects and community activities, such as the FFA butchering, the Patrick is a senior at Catoctin High
Catoctin Colorfest, the Community Show, as well as supporting FFA members School (CHS) and will be attending High Point University in the fall; he has
to the State and National FFA Convention. signed a letter of commitment to run on their Track and Field Team.
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