From the Mayor Thurmont
Mayor John Kinnaird
It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone! This past year, we had a lot of things going on in Thurmont, and I am happy to say that many improvements were made for the good of our residents. We completed another year’s worth of I & I infrastructure upgrades, including several new manholes and replacing and relining several damaged main waste water lines. This long-term project is helping ease the burden on our waste water plant, and has made a significant dent in the inflow issues we have been working to resolve. The sidewalks on Main Street, Water Street, and North Church Street are now in great shape, and the new street light project is completed. You will notice that we have added to the Christmas decorations on the new street lights as well. There is a new gazebo in the Mechanicstown Square Park ready to welcome visitors as they take a break from the day’s business. The town has also purchased new work trucks this year, including a new pole/auger truck for the Electric Department, with the capacity to handle the longer poles required with the increasing electric loads. The Waste Water Department purchased a new high-pressure truck, with a vacuum system for cleaning our manholes and lines. Streets received a new dump truck with snowplow and salt spreader, as well as a new pickup and plow. We are very proud of the quick response all of our employees give when it snows, and these new vehicles will help insure that our streets are open as soon as possible for our residents when bad weather hits. The Water Department also got a new service truck, and they installed a generator at one of our wells, so in an emergency, the well can keep producing water. I want to note that all of our employees are doing a great job and all of our departments work together in emergencies to make sure repairs are made in a timely manner.
Thurmont is seeing some growth in residential capacity, with the town house project on Park Lane and several infill residential projects. I also want to welcome a new business to Thurmont, with the arrival of Playground Specialist to their new facility on Apples Church Road. Criswell Chevrolet continues to make amazing improvements to their recently acquired property on Frederick Road. I want to thank all of the businesses in Thurmont for investing in our town! A strong business base helps to insure the success of our community. As part of Thurmont’s commitment to insure a healthy business climate, we are establishing a new Economic Development position within our staff. This person will work to help promote our town to new businesses and will work with all of our existing businesses to help strengthen our community.
As always, I can be reached by phone at 301-606-9458, email at [email protected], or by mail at Mayor John Kinnaird, P.O. Box 17, Thurmont, MD.
As the new year starts, I look forward to working on many projects and opportunities to help our town be the best it can be, and I hope everyone enjoys the new year!