by James Rada, Jr.


Public Hearing on Water and Sewer Rates

The Town of Thurmont held a public hearing on the new proposed water and sewer rates for Fiscal Year 2025, which may be increased by 15 percent at all usage levels. The rates were last raised in 2012, and costs since that time have risen dramatically. Few people spoke about the rate hike, and those that did tended to ask for clarification on various aspects.

Frank Bentz Pond Project

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners were given an update on how the dam removal at the Frank Bentz Pond is progressing. The project is out for bids with a start date expected for spring 2025. Once started, the project is expected to take 12-18 months, depending on the weather.

Once complete, the flood plain in the area is expected to shrink, which means that there should be less of a chance of flooding in the area. Residents in attendance seemed skeptical of the claim, but there is little they can do but wait and see what happens when the project is complete.

Electric Substation Project Update

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners approved a bid of $494,447 from Westco ABB to replace the circuit breakers at the electric substation on Moser Road. This is the first step in a $2.3 million project to renovate the substation.

ARPA Funds Reassigned

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners used ARPA funds left over from a Thurmont Little League project to approve the purchase of a lawn tractor for Catoctin Recreation League Softball to use for field dragging. The used tractor will be purchased from Harrington and Sons in Emmitsburg for $3,500.

In addition, the mayor and commissioners also approved $3,571 from the funds to be used to improve the sound system used for town meetings.

Sports Fee Help

Emmitsburg Mayor Frank Davis said during a town meeting that he is hoping to create a joint program with Thurmont to help Catoctin High School students afford the sports registration fee that the Frederick County School System charges. The fee is $185 for a single sport in a season, plus $148 for dual sports in a season. This would be a total of $333 for a student playing two sports in a season. The cost creates hardships for some families of student-athletes, and Davis would like to find a way to help them.

Election Judges Approved

The Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners approved the town election judges for the town election on Oct. 8. The judges are:

•  Chief Judge — Lynn Orndorff

•  Judge — Melissa Mckenney

•  Judge — Mark Long

•  Greeter/Alternate Judge — Charolette Mazaleski

They all have prior experience as election judges for the town. They will run the polls at the Old Town Office at 22 East Main Street from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Charging Stations

Currently, the charging stations for electric cars that are located behind the town office can only be used until 10:00 p.m. Because of the growing number of electric cars in town, the town is seeking a change in legislation so that the stations can be used for a longer period of time.

Shed Approved

The Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners voted to allow the Catoctin Mountain Futbol Club, a new soccer league in Emmitsburg for children ages 3 to 14, to build an equipment storage shed on town property in the E. Eugene Myers Community Park. The club is building the shed with donated materials and time and will maintain it. The club already has about 60 children signed up to play this fall season.

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