Emmitsburg New Business and Development Briefs
The following are the status of new businesses and development coming to Emmitsburg:
Brookfield cul-de-sac — The sketch plan has been submitted, and the town is waiting for development plans for 10 single-family dwellings.
Christ’s Community Church — A concept plan has been submitted to build a 12,500-square-foot church, with 98 parking spaces on Creamery Road near Quality Tire.
Emmit Ridge 2 — The property has been sold to an investor. RJD Development and Ryan Homes are working with the investor to purchase it. Wetlands have been found that compromise eight of the proposed lots and part of the proposed Irishtown Drive. Wetland mitigation will need to be approved by the State of Maryland. Forty-eight lots have been proposed.
Federal Stone — The final subdivision plat, the forest conservation plan, and the site plan have been submitted for combined lots 7 and 8.
Frailey Farm — The property is for sale. A potential developer has reached out to the town for a meeting.
Mason Dixon Logistics Park (Trout Property) — The concept plan has been submitted to staff.
MDOT/SHA Park & Ride — The design is 15 percent complete. The project is on hold due to state budget cuts resulting from COVID-19. Staff is working with legislators to push the project forward.
Ripleigh’s Creamery — The owners are working on obtaining a Frederick County building permit.
Rutter’s — The project is under active construction. It is expected to be completed later this summer.
Village Liquors & Plaza Inn — The owners are working with Frederick County on erosion and sediment control and stormwater management permits. Also, they are working on conditions for approval on the town site and improvement plans.
Warthen’s Court 5-unit townhomes — A sketch plan has been submitted. The developer is preparing the required engineered plans for the Emmitsburg Planning Commission submittal.