The New You in 2022

BY Terry Pryor

Writer, Poet, Life Coach, and Student of the Mind

Note: This is the third month of action described in a series of motivational articles. Take some time each month to complete these action items, and you’ll see a “New You” emerge. Enjoy!

Power Action #3: I Spy

Do you know that game that children play where they spy something red or bigger than a cow or something green that you eat? Well, this power action #3 is the adult version.

This month, using that same legal pad or notebook you used last month (don’t throw away that list of things you never want to do again just yet), you are going to “spy” the things you want in your new life. You are going to spy (imagine) your dream job, your perfect relationships, the places and spaces where you feel at home.

List them as fast as they come. Do not try to think anything through at this point. What you want to create is a free flow of thoughts as they come to mind. Make them short and sweet.

Here are a few examples, but you create whatever it is that you desire.

•   I spy a better-paying position than my previous/current job (be sure to

     spy that paycheck amount).

•   I spy excellent health benefits.

•   I spy a 36-hour week…or less!

•   I spy working from home.

•   I spy an incredible loving and caring relationship.

•   I spy travel.

•   I spy fun in my work and in my life.

•   I spy contentment.

•   I spy the feeling of abundance of love, money, safety, and opportunity.

•   I spy a great connection with the world around me.

Whatever you want and can imagine having, regardless of how impossible you think it will be to achieve, write it down. Do not edit or second-guess yourself by thinking it is impossible. Do not stop to correct spelling. This is not a business report and no one but you will see it. Nothing is too big or unrealistic for you to spy.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

                                                                          —Albert Einstein

Now imagine that huge, fertile garden with rich, loamy soil. Each thing that you want in your new life is a seedling being planted. Imagine yourself as the gardener, carefully tucking in the plants of your thoughts, patting the soil around them as you go down the rows. You are in control of your seedlings—your thoughts. You are a Master Gardener, tending to your precious desires.

It’s spring…time to prepare and plant the new you!


My mind is a rich and fertile garden. I now plant incredible ideas to help create the perfect life for me. I am smart and savvy and possess the skills others seek. I am open to receiving new avenues of income, social events, relationships, and adventure.

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