Once Upon A Time…

by James Rada, Jr.

May 1922, 100 Years Ago

Student Government Organized at T.H.S.

Student government has been organized in the High School in order to take care of the grounds of the building.

…At present it is turning its attention to keeping the floors clean, and although student government is entirely new to all of us, it seems to be making great progress so far and we hope this will continue.

                                          – Catoctin Clarion, May 4, 1922

Oh Joy! Riches!

Whether some of the Thurmont smoke of several weeks ago just arrived in Frederick and got in the eyes of compositors or linotype operators, proof readers, etc., of the Frederick Post, or a spasm or some violent disease fell unexpectedly on some old typewriter—well, take a breath, then read the figures $555,548,220 given as the total resources of the Central Trust Company of Maryland. If it were, thus many of us would quit work. Mistakes! We all make them. Read the figures in the bank statement in this issue.

                                          – Catoctin Clarion, May 11, 1922

May 1947, 75 Years Ago

County Roads Board Awards Contract

The Frederick County Roads Board Monday night heard a request of Ballenger District residents for road improvements and approved the low bid of L. R. Waesche and Sons, Inc., Thurmont, for construction of 1.194 miles of the Rocky Ridge-LeGore road. The bid was $10,518. The bid also has to be approved by the Federal Bureau of Public Roads.

                                          – Frederick Post, May 13, 1947

Ice, Frost Accompany Low of 31

…Near Thurmont and also in the vicinity of Unionville, there were reports of “black frost” which may have done serious damage to garden produce. There were places where tomato plants were frozen, even though they had been covered. The damage undoubtedly extended to strawberry beds, in full blossom, and possibly such produce as potatoes, beans and early corn, just pushing through the ground.

                                     – Frederick Post, May 28, 1947

May 1972, 50 Years Ago

Scouts Keep Town Free of Litter

Scouts from the Emmitsburg area joined literally thousands of other scouters in a nation-wide clean-up event on Saturday. The clean up campaign was a joint effort of the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Those participating agreed that the project was worthwhile and something the more than 100 scouts from Emmitsburg should participate in more often as a service to the community.

                                          – Emmitsburg Chronicle, May 5, 1972

Mount Graduates 164th Class Sunday

Mount Saint Mary’s College will confer bachelor degrees on 247 members of its 164th graduating class on Sunday, May 28. In addition, eight Master of Arts degrees will be awarded.

                                          – Emmitsburg Chronicle, May 25, 1972

May 1997, 25 Years Ago

Phil Postelle Wins Council Seat

On April 21, Emmitsburg elected Phil Postelle to be the new town commissioner. Of the approximate 1,000 registered voters, 160 voted in the election.

Mr. Postelle received 59 votes, defeating the incumbent Tom Gingell and Duian Pilch, a newcomer to the area. Pilch received 56 votes and Commissioner Gingell followed with 45 votes. He will serve a three-year term and will be sworn in at the May 5 Town Meeting.

                                          – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, May 1997


Helen Reaver, Emmitsburg Town Office receptionist, received Emmitsburg’s Municipal Government Award at the public workshop on April 21.

                                          – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, May 1997

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