Once Upon A Time…
by James Rada, Jr.
April 1922, 100 Years Ago
Right-Of-Way Assured
The last obstacle standing in the way of constructing a modern highway, leading from the Emmitsburg state road at St. Anthony’s, and running to Motters Station, on the Emmitsburg Railway, has been removed. Daniel E. Callahan, through whose land the road will run, and who had hitherto refused to permit a road to be built across his land, has announced that he has come to an understanding with the State Roads Commission and will yield right of way across one of his fields.
The highway, which is between three and four miles in length, runs for about 1000 feet through Mr. Callahan’s property. It is to be of concrete.
– Catoctin Clarion, April 20, 1922
Wind Damage
The high winds of last Thursday overthrew the temporary exhaust pipe at the power house; the stack buckled and confined the gas from the exhaust. The gas took fire and was communicated to the engine, and this put the engine out of business for a few hours.
– Catoctin Clarion, April 27, 1922
April 1947, 75 Years Ago
Governor May Not Sign Two County Bills
Indications were Wednesday night that Governor Lane may not sign Frederick County local bills recently passed by the Legislature to license mechanical devices in incorporated clubs and to provide $1,000 annual expense account for the State’s Attorney….
Many local bills were among those signed into law Wednesday by the Governor. They include: Authorizing Thurmont Commissioners to establish a Police Department and provide for parking meters.
– Frederick Post, April 17, 1947
Last Night’s Low Was 27
A moderately heavy frost was reported early today in some sections as the mercury descended to a minimum of 27 degrees in the city, coldest since April 4, but it was not believed there was serious damage to budding fruit trees….
A very light frost was noted at an orchard near Thurmont where there was also thin ice. The mercury dropped to 32 degrees there. No damage was reported.
– Frederick Post, April 28, 1947
April 1972, 50 Years Ago
State Highway Administration Offers Benefits If Rt. 15 Dualization Plan Used
Officials of the Maryland State Highway Administration Wednesday night offered three general plans for solution to the controversy over the U.S. Route 15 dualization through the Catoctin Furnace area.
An audience of 250 concerned citizens and officials from federal, state, and local agencies gathered at the Lewistown Elementary School to hear the presentation, and offer views and comments for consideration of the officials.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, April 6, 1972
Adams Bros. & Dad Win Talent Show
With an enthusiastic crowd of 200 on hand, the Sunrise Singers of Emmitsburg sponsored a talent show Sunday evening in the Mother Seton School auditorium when first place of $100 was won by the Adams Brothers and Dad of Gettysburg, while a trio from the Hoffman Home, near Littlestown, carried off second honors and $50 prize.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, April 2, 1972
April 1997, 25 Years Ago
Committee Seeks Residents’ Views on Speed Limit
According to Streets and Transportation chairman Brian Brotherton, committee members will poll the citizens of Emmitsburg on the question of a uniform 30 mph speed limit through town. We would like to see the 30 mph speed limit extend from Tract Road to Harney Road,” said Brotherton.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, April 1997
New Candidate Makes It a Race For Commissioner’s Seat
Duane Pilch, Northgate resident, announced that he will seek the upcoming open position on the town council.