Once Upon a Time
by James Rada, Jr.
November 1919, 100 Years Ago
Mt. St. Mary’s Items
The annual procession of St. Anthony’s parish to the old cemetery on the hill was held Sunday after the 10 o’clock Mass. The procession was largely attended. Rev. Father Wheeler of Thurmont gave a very beautiful sermon at the cemetery upon the arrival of the procession.
Forty hours devotions begins at St. Anthony’s on Nov. 16th and will terminate on Tuesday evening.
– Catoctin Clarion, November 13, 1919
Lad, 16, Patents Device
Waynesboro can probably qualify as having the youngest inventor in the State. Allen J. Gardenour, 16 years old, has just been granted letters patent upon a combination electric lock system. The invention relates to an electric switch, controlled by a combination, the primary object of which is the prevention of closing of the circuit by any other then the authorized person. The combination device does away with all need of keys and is especially adaptable for automobile ignition systems. He expects to have it placed on the market.
– Catoctin Clarion, November 20, 1919
November 1944, 75 Years Ago
Awarded Air Medal
Sergeant Harvey Eiler, 19, of Thurmont, Md., radio operator and gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress has been awarded the Air Medal at this Eighth Air Force base in England. Sgt. Eiler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton E. Eiler of Route No. 1, Thurmont.
Prior to entering the Army Air Forces in March, 1943, Sgt. Eiler was graduated from the Frederick High School. He received his gunner’s wings in March, 1944, at Fort Myers, Fla.
– Frederick News, November 24, 1944
Mother of 24 To Give Her Ninth Pint of Blood Monday
Mother of 24 children, 12 of whom are still living, Mrs. Charles H. Clarke, Sr., Thurmont, will donate her ninth pint of blood to the Red Cross Monday when the Mobile Blood Donor Unit returns to Frederick. Mrs. Clarke, who manages a 17-room house, and helps her husband farm their six-acre tract, had already become a member of the Gallon Club of Baltimore. She says she expects to go on giving her blood “as long as the doctor says it is okay.” This despite the fact she had undergone five operations.
– Frederick News, November 25, 1944
November 1969, 50 Years Ago
Thurmont Bridge To Be Erected
Work on relocated U.S. 15 in Frederick County has moved forward as the State Roads Commission received bids on construction of a bridge on the highway over Maryland Route 81 at Thurmont, Regional Commissioner John J. McMullen said this week.
The 3-span bridge, totaling nearly 170 feet, will be built on a site approximately 200 feet north of the existing intersection, Mr. McMullen said.
Apparent low bidder, he said, was Wolfe Brothers Construction of Myersville with an offer of $247,332.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, November 7, 1969
Softball Champs To Be Honored
St. Anthony’s Parish Softball Team, champions of the Thurmont Church Softball League, will be honored at the annual banquet of the Thurmont Church League, Friday, November 28, 6:30 p.m., at the Cozy Restaurant, Thurmont. Jim Palmer, pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles, will be the guest speaker.
The St. Anthony’s team will receive the league’s first place trophy and the Weller United Methodist Church of Thurmont will receive the second place trophy.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, November 14, 1969
November 1994, 25 Years Ago
For 25 Years…Seton Center Serves the Needs of People
In the beginning, when Seton Center opened its doors a quarter of a century ago, there were 20 pre-schoolers enrolled.
It was a very small beginning. Some people said, “No matter. There’s really not much need for day care in the Emmitsburg area.”
Last year the center provided 23,822 days of care for nearly 300 youngsters age 2 to 12.
There was a need for day care and for more than day care. Seton Center grew rapidly. Adult education classes got underway. Day care expanded to include both before- and after-school and full-day summer programs for older children. The Thrift Shop, the food bank and the outreach program all began in the ‘70s and are flourishing today.
– Frederick News-Post, November 2, 1994
Exhibitors Win at All-American
Fairhill Enhancer Song-ET was named the grand champion Holstein female and the All-American supreme champion during the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show recently held in Harrisburg, Pa.
… Mark Valentine of Thurmont exhibited the grand champion Ayrshire in the junior show with Vales-Pride Olympic Rose.
– Frederick News-Post, November 29, 1994