Nominations Now Being Accepted for 2018 Catoctin High School Distinguished Graduates

The 2018 Catoctin High School (CHS) Distinguished Graduate Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, November 20, 2018, at 9:30 a.m., at Catoctin High School. Catoctin High will be celebrating its 50th anniversary 2018-2019 as well. Community members are invited to nominate their choice of any CHS graduate (any year), who they feel is deserving of recognition in any of the five categories: academics, arts and humanities, athletics, business, and service. The community can also nominate a former CHS staff member (cafeteria worker, custodian, instructional aide, secretary, teacher, or administrator) to be recognized. Distinguished graduate nominations will be due by May 1; nominees will be provided an application form with applications due June 1; applications will be reviewed and selections made the first week of June. Call the school at 240-236-8100 to obtain an application.
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