Looking Back-1988
by James Rada, Jr.
Thurmont Forced to Allow KKK to March Through Town
On May 27, 1988, the Maryland Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) applied for a parade permit in Thurmont to be held in August. The KKK said the parade was to support the “Just Say No to Drugs” campaign and the AARP. However, it was also being held to recruit new members with the slogan “Save Our Land, Join the Klan.” The parade would be made up of no more than one hundred members, one float, and a few vehicles.
The Thurmont Commissioners denied the permit.
The Maryland State Police had already approved the Klan’s special event permit. It had also been submitted to the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA). SHA would not recommend it without the approval of Thurmont’s police chief, who would only approve it with the support of the commissioners.
Although commissioner approval was not required in the town ordinance, a process had developed that the town evaluated any parade applicants in Thurmont and approved or denied applications. In the case of the Klan’s parade, the commissioners rejected the permit because according to a KKK lawsuit against the town:
- “They did not want to set a precedent where many other groups could request to hold parades in Thurmont”;
- “The parade would require the use of all of the Town’s police officers and would require time and a half to be paid to these officers”;
- “Concern for the safety and welfare of citizens as well as of the KKK members”; and
- “Another group, Moore’s Business Forms, would be holding a large event on the same day.”
- “We don’t know who we are giving this permit to. Granted Mr. Roger Kelly has signed it. We have asked various questions as to who the Klan is, and we have not gotten answers. Who is responsible for damages that may be incurred by the town, for anyone along the parade route?”;
- “The town facilities and resources are being provided to an organization that appears to be discriminatory to races other than the white race, and also appears to be antisemitic and discriminate against other religions.”; and
- “You have indicated you will not provide insurance coverage or any hold harmless agreement or reimbursement of expenses in assisting you with a parade in this town apparently meaning claiming no responsibility.”