Page 28 - October Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 28             October 2018                                    The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    Published by

            Catoctin High School Opens, Victorious After Years of Controversy

                                                                                                              Courtesy Photo
              James Rada, Jr.

              The Year was 1969                                                                                                 “This site had previously been
                                                                                                                             approved by both the County
                                                                                                                             Commissioners and the School
              Students at both Thurmont High                                                                                 Board, and its selection, one of
            and Emmitsburg High left school                                                                                  the most scenic in the northern
            at the end of the day on Friday,                                                                                 section of the county, and one easily
            February 7, 1969. However, when                                                                                  accessible off U. .S Route 15, is felt
            they boarded their school buses                                                                                  by the committees to be the most
            or walked to school the following                                                                                feasible and agreeable to the citizens
            Monday, February 10, they wound                                                                                  and taxpayers of this area,” the
            up at Catoctin High School. Students                                                                             Emmitsburg Chronicle reported.
            from the two rival high schools now                                                                                 However, negotiations on the cost
            found themselves classmates in a                                                                                 of the property faltered.
            brand new school.                                                                                                   Then, on November 27, 1963,
              “If problems do arise between                                                                                  Emmitsburg residents awoke
            the two groups of students, it will                                                                              to discover that the board of
            probably not be a shock to Catoctin                                                                              education had reversed direction and
            High, for this school, even before it                                                                            authorized the purchase of the Staub
            was built, had one of the stormiest       The first graduating class from Catoctin High School is shown entering the auditorium. The   site for $30,000.
            histories of Frederick’s educational              photo appeared in the first Catoctin High School yearbook in 1969.  “However, the Board of
            growth,” the Frederick News                                                                                      Commissioners apparently threw
            reported.                                                                                                        caution to the winds and when the
                                                 school…but just one. By giving up     wanted $1,000 an acre. Meanwhile,     Board of Education, either by default
            The Need for a New School            their small schools in town, each     a suitable and larger site just north   or deliberate intention, offered no
              A consolidation of the two schools   community was told that their       of Thurmont could be had for $750     alternate site, the Commissioners
            had been talked about since the late   students would attend a modern      an acre. It was also possible for the   went ahead and okayed the sight and
            1950s. Both Thurmont High and        high school located between the two   school to hook into Thurmont’s        appropriated the money,” reported
            Emmitsburg High were old schools.    towns.                                water and sewer system for            the Emmitsburg Chronicle.
            They needed updating. Thurmont          The problem was where to locate    additional savings.
            High School, which had been built    that school?                             The latter site, called the Staub   lawSuiT aNd fuNdiNg ProblemS
            in 1919, was overcrowded. During        This is where Catoctin High        property, was attractive to some         The new school was named
            a Frederick County Commissioners     first became a contentious topic.     members of the Frederick County       Catoctin High in February 1965.
            meeting about combining the          Local committees couldn’t reach an    Board of Education because bussing    However, this wasn’t the first
            schools, “A young woman told         agreement on where to locate the      expenses would be minimized,          choice. It might have been named
            the commissioner that she knows      new school.                           considering the bulk of the students   James A. Sensenbaugh High School,
            a new school is needed for she          “Since the two committees          attending the new school were in      after the former Frederick County
            has had physical education in the    appointed some time back to select    Thurmont. Since the school was        school superintendent who was the
            halls, classes in the warehouse, and   a site for a consolidated school have   closer to Thurmont, it meant that   Maryland school superintendent
            has been a witness to ‘many other    not come up with a solution as to     while some students would travel      at the time. The Frederick News
            problems’ in the school system,”     where the new school would be         further to school, more would have a   reported that Sensenbaugh had
            according to the Hagerstown          located, it is becoming apparent that   shorter ride.                       rejected the honor because he didn’t
            Morning Herald. On the other hand,   the School Board just might take the     Faced with having a site forced    like naming buildings after living
            Emmitsburg High School, built in     ‘bull’ by the horns and pick a site   upon them, the local committee met    people, even if it was him.
            1922, was much underutilized, which   itself,” reported the Emmitsburg     and unanimously recommended the          Three days after the school was
            was limiting some of the educational   Chronicle in July 1963.             purchase of forty acres on Payne’s    named, six Emmitsburg residents
            opportunities available to students.    One possible site was found        Hill for the school. It was a site
              The Frederick County Board of      midway between Thurmont and           nearly halfway between the two
            Education decided to build a new     Emmitsburg, but the property owner    communities.                            — Continued on page 29

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