Page 30 - October Banner 2018_Neat
P. 30

Page 30             October 2018                                    The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    Published by

                     C atoctin

                                K IDs                   For kids and parents alike                                           anything right, and she believed

                                                                                                                             no one liked her. It broke my heart
                                                                                                                             that this sweet, loving, devoted
                                                                                                                             mom was feeling this way. Having
                    by Anita DiGregory                                                                                       felt this exact way just hours
                                                                                                                             earlier, I understood how she was
                                                                                                                             feeling and convinced her that her
             “Lessons Learned from the Chicken Guy”                                                                          assertions could not have been
                                                                                                                             further from the truth; in fact, she
                                                                                                                             is a wonderful mother and friend,
                                                                                                                             and people really do care about her.
              It was one of those horrible,         After running all over the place,   proverbial straw that broke this        I am not sure why we moms fall
            awful, no good, really bad days.     adding this and that to the cart, I   harried mother’s back. As I pushed    into this trap so often. It isn’t like
            I was rushed, not Mary Poppins       stopped by to grab the chickens.      my overloaded cart to the register    this mom thing isn’t hard enough!
            “spit spot” rushed, more like Dirty   The few that were left had been      and waited in line, I played the      Maybe we need to do a better
            Harry “make my day” rushed! The      hanging out for a while. So, I        interaction over again in my head.    job of building each other up and
            day was a recipe for disaster…start   grabbed a couple more groceries      By the time I had everything in the   supporting one another. Sometimes,
            with a frazzled, working mom of      from here and there and came          car, I was wondering why, out of      we need to work on changing how
            six…add in hosting a get-together    back…still no fresh chickens. The     all the customers this store must     we look at things, our paradigm.
            at the house…mix in that the house   checkout lines were growing, and      see, why did my chicken choices          Dr. Stephen Covey said,
            is already a huge mess…stir in some   it was getting dangerously close     frustrate this person so much he      “Paradigms are powerful because
            extended family drama brewing in     to my daughter’s pick-up time. I      chose to counsel me. Having safely    they create the lens through which
            the it off with no   zoomed around and made a couple      retrieved my daughter, I continued    we see the world... If you want
            idea of how many guests will be      additions to the cart. I returned and   to focus on the day’s dramas and    small changes in your life, work on
            arriving the next day for said event,   still no chickens! Now, by this time,   felt increasingly insecure and upset.    your attitude. But if you want big
            and you have the recipe for my day:    I was pretty confident that the store   There was a huge backup on the    and primary changes, work on your
            the perfect storm!                   employee tasked with preparing        way home; we had to take a detour     paradigm.”
              I was more than just a little      and stocking the chickens, whom       and just barely made it to Mass on       So, sometimes, we might have
            stressed when I headed off for the   I affectionately shall refer to as    time.                                 to force ourselves to realize that
            day, my giant to-do list in hand.    “the chicken guy,” had seen me in        Silent and still for the first time   maybe the chicken guy was just
            I had to drop off my daughter at     my harried trips back and forth       that day, I felt the tears well up and   having a bad day, too.
            work, shop for gifts, shop for food,   through the store. I was also pretty   then the insecurities circled round;
            pick up my daughter, drop the        sure I had unintentionally irritated   “You are a mess…even the chicken
            carload of supplies off, get to Mass,   him on past shopping expeditions   guy hates you!” Okay, this was
            and get home to resume cleaning      by sifting carefully through the      definitely not my finest moment, but
            and prepping, all within a matter of   chickens, looking for the most well   true nonetheless. Now, in reality,
            hours.                               done bird. But, today, with the       the chicken guy had probably had a
              Well, drop-off and gift shopping   time clock clicking loudly in my      bad day, and I had definitely had a
            didn’t go as planned, so by the time   head and visions of my daughter     bad day. But in those moments, all
            I arrived at the store, I was focused   standing out on the street waiting   my insecurities and baggage that I
            on getting it all done as quickly and   for me, today after he carefully and   carry from other hurts translated in
            efficiently as possible. Grabbing a   methodically prepared the chickens   my mind to, “Everyone hates me!”
            cart, I mapped out in my head each   for sale and placed them out and I       God and my family helped me
            stop I would make, the last one      scooped up the first four without     sort through things and see the
            being the meat department where I    delay, TODAY was the day he           truth. But here’s the kicker: Later
            would grab the rotisserie chickens   chose to counsel me on my chicken-    that very evening, I ran into a good
            for the gluten-free chicken salad.    choosing strategies.                 friend who happens to be a new
            And that, my friends, is where it       Well that, my friends, was         mom. After talking for a while,
            happened…right there in the meat     it. Mic drop, game over. That         she confided through her tears
            department.                          quick little interaction was the      that she felt like she couldn’t do


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