Page 28 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 28

Page 28             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by
                    C atoctin                                                                                                   Charles Ingalls (Little House on

                               K IDs                    For kids and parents alike                                           the Prairie)…“Everybody wants to
                                                                                                                             know that they are loved, or needed,
                                                                                                                             or cared about.”
                                                                                                                                Jack Pearson (This Is Us)…
                    by Anita DiGregory                                                                                       “Sometimes they’ll make good
                                                                                                                             decisions. Sometimes bad decisions.
                                                                                                                             And every once in a while, they’re
                           “A Tribute to Dads”                                                                               gonna do something that’s gonna
                                                                                                                             knock us off our feet. Something
                                                                                                                             that exceeds even our wildest
               According to the U.S. Census       board meetings, hard labor, dirty       Ward Cleaver (Leave It to          dreams.” “The kids are gonna be
            Bureau, there are over 72 million     diapers, minimal sleep, and even     Beaver)…“You are never too old        fine. We’ve shown them a healthy
            fathers across the country. This      teenage eye-rolling and attitudes,   to do goofy stuff.” “A thing is       marriage…We’re their parents,
            month, as we prepare to celebrate     your dedication and commitment       either right or it’s wrong. And if it   Bec, but at the end of the day, what
            dads, their importance in society,    is making a positive difference…a    is wrong in the first place…then it   happens to them, how they turn
            communities, and families is          difference you may not see now, but   is still wrong no matter how many    out, it’s bigger than us.”
            palpable and unmistakable.            a life-altering difference. Thank you!    people do it.” “There’s nothing old-  Danny Tanner (Full House)…
               Recent research points to the      As a tribute, here are some words of   fashioned about politeness.”        “Just remember, when children
            importance of an engaged father       wisdom from some famous TV dads.        Dan Connor (Roseanne)…             seem the least lovable, it means
            in the development of his children.                                        “Someday, my precious angel, you      they need love the most.”
            According to Pennsylvania State       Words of Wisdom from TV Dads         will be a parent and you will realize
            University Sociologist Paul Amato,      Philip Banks (The Fresh Prince     that every day is Kid’s Day.”            Andy Taylor (The Andy Griffith
            continued research points to “the     of Bel Air)…“Before you criticize                                          Show)…“You do the best you can
            father effect,” a term depicting the   somebody, you find out what he’s all   Howard Cunningham (Happy           and that’s all I’ll ever ask of you.”
            many positive effects that children   about.”                              Days)…“Richard, there is one          “It don’t take courage to be a
            with engaged fathers experience.                                           thing that women like men to do.      winner. It DOES take courage to be
            He adds, “Fathers and mothers are       Ray Barone (Everybody Loves        It’s what they call ‘a romantic       a good loser. Now, you wanna be a
            children’s most important teachers.   Raymond)…“Look, you want to          gesture.’ We men call it ‘eating      good loser, you’ll be proud of your
            Fathers might ask themselves, what    know what marriage is really like?   crow.’ “Well, what can I say? Both    friends that DID win and you’ll
            are my children learning about life   Fine. You wake up—she’s there. You   of our children are married now,      congratulate ‘em for it.”
            in general, about morality, about     come back from work—she’s there.     and they’re starting out to build        Tim Taylor (Home
            how family members should treat       You fall asleep—she’s there. You eat   lives of their own. And I guess when   Improvement)…“We are
            one another, about relationships      dinner—she’s there. You know? I      you reach a milestone like this you   enlightened men, and enlightened
            from observing me every day?”         mean, I know that sounds like a bad   have to have to reflect back on, on   men share in the household
               This sentiment seems to be shared   thing. But, it’s not. Not if it’s the   what you’ve done and, and what    responsibilities, right?” “(On
            by many. Former President George      right person.”                       you’ve accomplished. Marion and       helping with math homework)...
            W. Bush, who himself is a father        Mike Brady (The Brady Bunch)…      I have not climbed Mount Everest      why don’t they just call it
            of two, stated, “By providing their   “It may be the hip thing to call     or written a great American novel,    the bottom number? The
            sons and daughters with a positive    parents by their first names, but    ,ut we’ve had the joy of raising      denominator... that sounds like a
            example, fathers help give their      around here, we’re still Mom and     two wonderful kids, and watching      Schwarzenegger movie doesn’t it?”
            children the necessary foundation     Dad.” “Fighting isn’t the answer to   them and their friends grow up into     Carl Winslow (Family
            they need to make wise decisions      anything. If it were, the biggest and   loving adults. And now, we’re gonna   Matters)…“When you make a
            throughout their lives.”              the strongest would always be right.   have the pleasure of watching them   mistake, you fess up to it. Trying
               Happy Father’s Day to all those    That doesn’t make any sense does     pass that love on to their children.   to cover it up would only make it
            dads out there working tirelessly     it? Reasoning. Calm, cool reasoning.   And I guess no man or woman         worse.”
            and heroically for their families.    That’s a lot better than violence. And   could ask for anything more.”
            Although you may not own a red        it’s the only sensible way to settle
            cape, you rise each day and fight     differences.” “Never open the front
            the good fight. And, even though      door without asking who it is.”
            your days may be filled with traffic,   “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”              Your Good News Community Newspaper
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