Page 24 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 24

Page 24             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

            s C h o o l news

            Future Leaders Attend Conference                                           Catoctin High School Science

               Theresa Dardanell                                                       Olympiad State Competition

            Thurmont                                                                      Theresa Dardanell
            School (TMS)                                                                                                                            Courtesy Photo
            attended the
            of Student
            convention in
            Ocean City.
            This event
            gives the
            TMS Student
            (SGA)           Pictured are John Gidcumb, Charlotte Bradley, Cheyenne Van Echo, Morgan
            members the         Ridenour, Sean Whitworth, Natalie Dodson, and Peyton Moxley.  The CHS Science Olympiad Team is pictured with coaches Rebecca Hurley and Theresa Hutchinson.
            opportunity                                                                                         Not pictured: Coach Doug Young.
            to improve their leadership skills.   being leaders and just being able to
            They listened to a motivational       help others and increase the school     Congratulations to the Catoctin    Reynolds, Sophia Degennaro,
            speaker, attended leadership          spirit.”                             High School (CHS) Science             and Sean Miller — Experimental
            workshops, and met with other           I met with the students who        Olympiad team. They recently          Design; Karianna Strickhouser and
            student leaders from across the state.     attended the conference and was   competed in the Maryland State      Madison Raimondi — Dynamic
               The SGA members at TMS  are        impressed with their confidence and   Tournament at Johns Hopkins          Planet; Sean Miller and Kyle Dutrow
            chosen based on their grades, their   genuine concern for their fellow     University in Baltimore.  According   — Hovercraft; Michael Yang and
            attendance at afterschool meetings,   students.                            to their coaches, “The nerd trials    Sean Miller — Towers; Sam Grimes
            and their participation in school       SGA President Sean Whitworth       lasted close to ten hours. The        and Michael Yang — Rocks and
            and evening events. They meet once    said that he joined the organization   cougars competed against 24 teams   Minerals; Lauren Ames and Avie
            a week during the school day to       so that students know they have      (12 in our division). We placed       Hopcraft — Forensics; Emmalynn
            brainstorm ways to improve school     somebody looking out for them.       10th in our division and 23rd in      May, Madison Raimondi, and
            spirit and to make their school a       Natalie Dodson is looking          the state! This was our very first    Maddy Reynolds — Astronomy;
            comfortable place for students.  They   forward to being a community leader   time qualifying for the state level   Grace Mazaleski and Zack
            visit classrooms and lead discussions   to help other people.              competition. It was a wonderful       Carter — Disease Detectives; Sean
            with students; concerns and ideas are   The other students who attended    experience for the students.”         Miller and Sam Grimes — Fermi
            then forwarded to the administration   the conference were: John Gidcumb,     Students competing in the events   Questions; Avie Hopcraft and
            by Student Government Advisor         Charlotte Bradley, Cheyenne Van      were: Zack Carter and Grace           Grace Mazaleski — Anatomy and
            Angela Knapp.                         Echo, Morgan Ridenour, and Peyton    Mazaleski — Microbe Mission;          Physiology; Sean Miller and Michael
               The SGA members also plan,         Moxley.                              Emmalynn May and Sophia               Yang — Mousetrap Vehicle; Devon
            organize, and run events like the       Other SGA members are Maddie       Degennaro — Write It Do It; Kyle      Shorb and Teairah Velasquez were
            game days, the afterschool open gym,   Ring, Skyler Payne, Traci Stine,    Dutrow and Sophia Degennaro           alternates.
            and the evening candy bingos. Knapp   Peyton Davis, Kayleigh Frantz,       — Game One; Michael Yang                 CHS Science Olympiad coaches
            said, “They are great. I’ve definitely   Natalie Hoty, Nikita Burris, Randall   and Sean Miller — Helicopters;   are Rebecca Hurley, Theresa
            seen them grow.  They really like     Hall, and Samantha Davis.            Sophia Degennaro and Madison          Hutchinson, and Doug Young.
                                                                                       Raimondi — Thermodynamics;
                                                                                       Michael Yang and Kallan Latham
                                                                                       — Chemistry Lab; Zack Carter and
                                                                                       Grace Mazaleski — Ecology; Avie
                                                                                       Hopcraft and Kallan Latham —
                                                                                       Optics; Kyle Dutrow and Emmalynn
                                                                                       May — Remote Sensing; Kallen
                                                                                       Latham and Karianna Strickhouser
                                                                                       — Mission Possible; Sam Grimes
                                                                                       and Lauren Ames — Material
                                                                                       Science; Zack Carter and Grace
                                                                                       Mazaleski — Herpetology; Maddy

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