Page 22 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 22

Page 22             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by
            Seton Center, Inc. Moves to New Digs

               Seton Center, Inc.’s Outreach                                                                                 percent of Family Store sale proceeds
            Office and Seton Family Store                                                                                    directly fund the Outreach Office
            are scheduled to open their new                                                                                  programs and services. In the new
            facility at 226 East Lincoln Avenue                                                                              location, the Family Store will no
            in Emmitsburg on Monday, June                                                                                    longer be separated into multiple
            11, 2018. Founded in 1969, Seton                                                                                 rooms, but will offer one bright,
            Center was established in the                                                                                    open and updated space to shop for
            former Mother Seton School by the                                                                                bargains. The schedule for retail sales
            Daughters of Charity at the request                                                                              will remain the same as well, Tuesday
            of three mothers in the Emmitsburg                                                                               through Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-4:00
            area. These hard-working women                                                                                   p.m. Donations are no longer accepted
            faced a need for quality daycare,                  Seton Center, Inc.’s Outreach Office and Seton Family Store’s   at the South Seton Avenue location.
            which could enable them to work                        New Facility on East Lincoln Avenue in Emmitsburg         Beginning June 12, the community is
            and support their families while their                                                            Courtesy Photo  welcomed to bring donations of good,
            children received safe, adequate care                                                                            clean clothing, household goods, and
            and developmental enrichment. In      to complete construction of the new building in record time: Morgan-Keller   collectibles to the 226 Lincoln Avenue
            1970, the licensed Seton Day Care     Construction, CJL Engineering, Frederick, Seibert & Associates, Inc., MSB   site, Tuesday through Saturday, 9:30
            was opened, followed by the addition   Architects of Hagerstown and their interior designer, Raquel Orsini. The project   a.m.-4:00 p.m. When coming to
            of social and nationally-recognized   produced a new 13,000-square-foot building that will house the Outreach Office,   donate items, donors will enter the
            educational services. The Thrift Store   Seton Family Store, and a large meeting room for presentations of all kinds. All   new driveway, bear right, then follow
            also opened in 1970, which is now     those visiting Seton Center will enter through the main front entrance. Once   the signs along the driveway around
            called Seton Family Store.            inside the building, Outreach Office visitors will enter a door on the left. The   to the left, to the back of the building.
               The original building at 16840     interior entrance to the Seton Family Store will be straight ahead.        Donors will stop under a covered drop-
            South Seton Avenue in Emmitsburg        Today, Seton Center’s Outreach Office continues to offer hope to under-  off area and ring the doorbell for a
            was constructed in 1956. It has long   resourced neighbors by offering a wide range of services and programs, from   staff person or volunteer to greet them
            outlasted its predicted life span of   short-term assistance with financial needs to life-changing programs for long-  and accept their items.
            ten years. Seton Center is excited    term success. Emergency material assistance, referrals, Build Your Resource   For more information or to
            to begin using its new facility, an   workshops, and the Getting Ahead and DePaul Dental programs all offer      support their mission, visit Seton
            environmentally- and user-friendly    temporary relief and substantial opportunities for systemic change. The Outreach   Center’s website at www.setoncenter.
            space from which it will continue to   Office hours will remain the same: Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m.-4:00   org, follow them on Facebook at
            serve Northern Frederick County.      p.m., closing for lunch daily from noon-1:00 p.m.                          Seton Family Store and Seton Center
               The Daughters of Charity and         Seton Family Store will also continue to offer a reputable place to donate   Outreach Office, send an e-mail to
            Seton Center are grateful for all     pre-loved items that are then sold at low-cost to the community. Because the   [email protected], or call 301-447-
            the firms and trades who worked       Daughters of Charity provide for the operational costs of Seton Center, 100   6102.

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