Page 17 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 17
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2018 Page 17
Community Food Drop
Theresa Dardanell
Thurmont Photo by Theresa Dardanell
Middle School
(TMS) and
The Maryland
Food Bank are
working together
to provide food
for neighbors
in need. Once
a month, TMS
receives 1,500
pounds of food,
including frozen
meats, breakfast
and lunch
foods, snacks,
and baking
supplies, from Setting up the tables for the Community Food Drop are Community Liaison
the Maryland Kelly Pizza and students, Blake McManus, Colby Keilholtz, Justin Clair,
Food Bank. Evan Washek, Kolton Whetzel, Dodge May ,and Theodore Adams.
The monthly
community food drop takes place staff at Thurmont Middle School.
from 2:30-4:00 p.m. on the second Anyone living in the Catoctin feeder
Tuesday of every month during district is eligible to participate in
the school year. TMS Community this program. There is no sign-up
Liaison Kelly Pizza started this required, and families are free to
outreach program in October 2017. choose what they need from the food
In addition to the food provided that is available.
by the Maryland Food Bank, Sign up for FCPS Find Out First
milk, eggs, bread, and butter are to receive information about future
purchased with funds donated by the community food drops.
Heifer International Thanks Apples
United Church of Christ
Theresa Dardanell
Since 1977, Apples Photo by Theresa Dardanell
United Church of Christ
(Thurmont) has donated a
total of $36,816 to Heifer
International (H.I.).
On Sunday, April 29, We Invite You
2018, a representative of
H.I. presented a plaque to to Share
Pastor Laura Robeson and Your Good News!
the members of the church • [email protected] •
in recognition of their
contributions over the years.
Community Engagement
Coordinator for H.I.
Melanie Kapinos said
that these donations have
provided seven full ARKs Pictured are Pastor Laura Robeson and Melanie Kapinos.
to communities in need.
The gift of an ARK includes farming by providing livestock to
two water buffalos, two cows, two work the land.
sheep, two goats, two oxen, two During the presentation, Kapinos
pigs, two ducks, two guinea pigs, explained that the mission of H.I. is
two llamas, two schools of fish, to provide communities with support
bees, chicks, rabbits, and an animal to end hunger and poverty, while
vet kit. The ARK provides the caring for the earth. They do this by
community with milk, honey, eggs, supplying resources, training, and
and wool, and an income from the ongoing assistance. Kapinos thanked
abundance of goods that they can the congregation for its very generous
then sell. The ARK also sustains support of this mission.