Page 42 - February Banner 2018_Neat
P. 42
Page 42 February 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
AS K Type 2 Diabetes
Lo by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic
Dr . & Nutritional Healing Center
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a for cells for energy and growth. various types of cancer, increased
growing epidemic that afflicts more Insulin helps glucose enter cells for inflammation without resolution,
than twenty-nine million people either oxidation (burning) or storage poor wound healing, dental disease,
in the United States today. Sadly, (of excess glucose as glycogen in loss of cognitive function, and
most diabetics feel helpless and the liver). With insulin resistance, neuropathy (nerve damage). In the
clueless about how to reverse their glucose cannot properly enter cells. beginning stages of diabetes, many
condition. Another concern is that Instead of the cells using glucose as people have no symptoms or mild
many of those with T2D are not fuel, it builds up in the bloodstream, symptoms that aren’t suspected
even aware they have diabetes, and leading to hyperglycemia (high of being diabetes. Symptoms may
90 percent of those who have a blood sugar). For a while, the include: increased thirst, increased
condition known as prediabetes are pancreatic beta-cells pump out more hunger, increased urination
not aware of their circumstances, insulin to compensate for the added (especially at night), sores that
either. Most people do not realize demand, so blood sugar levels stay don’t heal, fatigue, unaccounted for
that T2D is a preventable disease under control. However, eventually, weight loss, and blurred vision.
and can be reversed. the pancreas cannot keep up and Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c),
I will focus on T2D in this the body tips over into diabetes. a measure of long-term average
article, as it is different from Type As insulin output falls, blood sugar blood sugar, was previously used
1 diabetes, dubbed “juvenile onset climbs. T2D is now defined as an only to monitor glucose control, but
diabetes,” affecting around 1 in 250 epidemic. is now used to diagnose diabetes.
Americans. Occurring in individuals The definition of T2D has Also, “the optimum HbA1c seems
younger than age twenty, it has no changed over the years. For to vary between patients.” A glucose
known cure. In type 1 diabetes, example, in the 1970s, a fasting tolerance test is usually used and/or
your own immune system ravages blood sugar over 140 resulted in a random glucose, fasting glucose, and
the insulin-producing cells of your diagnosis; in 1997, it was decided two-hour glucose concentrations
pancreas. Type 1 diabetics need to that a fasting blood sugar over 126 after an oral glucose (a refined
be supplemented with insulin for the was diabetes. That “little” alteration sugar) challenge.
rest of their lives, as failure to do so converted over 1.6 million people Although T2D was thought
will rapidly result in death. into diabetics. Medical treatment to involve genetic components,
Type 2 diabetes occurs when guidelines have also changed it is becoming clear that if genes
the body produces insulin, but it strikingly since the 1980s. are involved, it is epigenetic
doesn’t work well—it is unable People with T2D are at risk for modifications—factors that turn
to process glucose appropriately developing many complications. genes on or off—that create the
or lower glucose levels effectively Some of the complications include: tendency. Epigenetic influences
due to insulin resistance. T2D used heart disease, vascular disease are primarily environmental,
to be referred to as “adult-onset” (including hypertension, heart including diet, chemical exposures,
diabetes, but it is becoming more attack, stroke), poor circulation medications, sedentary lifestyle,
common in children and teenagers, (causing problems such as foot family history of diabetes, high
as well as adults of all ages. It now ulcers), eye damage (retinopathy blood pressure, and so forth.
accounts for 90-95 percent of all that can lead to blindness), kidney However, the leading cause of
diabetes. Glucose (the end product disease (progressing to kidney T2D is excess weight or obesity—
of carbohydrate digestion) is needed failure), bone fractures, arthritis, … Continued on page 43
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