Page 45 - February Banner 2018_Neat
P. 45

Published by                                  The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                  February 2018             Page 45

               Seni                        R                                                                                                 by John Dowling

               Hello, everyone! What a winter                                                                                don’t have any, we will have some for
            we are having this season. It has                                                                                you here. There will be a prize for best
            been a few years since we have seen                                                       January 2018           outfit, door prizes, and special Mardi-
            temperatures as low as they’ve been.                                                      Birthdays Celebrated   Gras snacks. The lucky people who
                                                                                                      at the Thurmont
            Hope you have been able to stay                                                           Senior Center          find the baby in the King Cakes will
            warm enough during this very cold                                                         Picture from left:     win a prize, too! Don’t forget to call
            spell. On the bright side, we are half                                                    Robert Follin, Janice   the day before if you want lunch.
            way to spring and temperatures will                                                       Snyder, Dick Glass,       Enjoy a seated massage by the
            warm up once again.                                                                       and Anne Holmes.       soothing hands of Marie Free on
               Here at the Senior Center, there                                                                              Friday, February 16, from 10:30 a.m.-
            is the warmth of heat to warm your                                                                               1:00 p.m.  The cost is only $1.00 per
            body, but also the warm feeling of                                                                               minute, with no appointment needed.
            being among warm-hearted folks,                                                           Photo by Teresa Kempisty  On February 22, from 1:00-1:30
            who care about who comes to the                                                                                  p.m., there will be a talk by the
            Center.  Whether you are a first-timer                                                                           Health Dept. on opioid addiction and
            or an old-timer, our coordinator,     for $5.00. This month’s basket will be   from 10:00 a.m.-noon. Stay for cards   issues that directly affect the senior
            Teresa, will welcome you and make     raffled off at our February 7 Bingo.    and games at 1:00 p.m. We have     community. Elly Williams of the
            you feel at home. So if you have not    There are a variety of fun activities   something new! On Friday, February   Department of Aging will be seeing
            been to the Thurmont Senior Center,   at the Center that you can take part   9, from 10:30-11:30 a.m., there will   people who registered for their free
            and you are fifty-five years or older,   in; come in and pick up a schedule   be a free talk and class on “Staying   half-hour appointments to discuss
            then what are you waiting for? It     and also check the Community         Fit and Healthy,” with Doug Allen     senior programs, Medicare, and so
            costs you nothing to join in on all   Calendar on pages 46 and 47. There   from Amber Hill Physical Therapy in   forth, on Friday, February 23, from
            of the fun activities. Call ahead for   are so many fun activities to choose   Thurmont. Please wear comfortable   1:00-2:30 p.m.  She is here on the last
            lunch reservations; lunch is $6.00    from, including Zumba Gold, line     clothes, as he will be teaching       Friday of every month; call Teresa at
            and is prepared by Mountain Gate      dancing, exercise with Alice, Bingo,   stretches to do before and after    301-271-7911 to find out what you
            Restaurant. Lunch is served at noon.   and much more.                      exercise to prevent injury, as well as   may qualify for and what is available
            You must call the day before to order   Come to the Thurmont Senior        techniques for dealing with pain.     for seniors. Elly has helped numerous
            your lunch at 301-271-7911.           Center to see some great free movies.   To celebrate Valentine’s Day, the   seniors, and it’s worth your time and
               I want to thank the Cougar         On February 6, from 1:00-3:00 p.m.,   Center is decorated with many hearts   effort to meet with her.
            Connections Club and the staff at     Failure to Launch will be shown. On   and beautiful centerpieces, donated     On February 28, in recognition of
            the Thurmont Elementary School        Tuesday, February 13, will be the    and made last year by the Rocky       American Health Association Month,
            for coming in December and playing    showing of Open Range, a western     Ridge 4-H Club. They also plant our   the Rehabilitation Unit from St.
            Bingo with us. Thank you also to all   with Kevin Costner and Robert       flower beds in the spring, and we will   Joseph’s Ministries is giving a Heart
            the children who made Christmas       Duvall. On Thursday, February 22,    surely be looking forward to that!    Health Talk, from 1:00-2:00 p.m.
            cards for the seniors. A special thank   we will feature another free movie:   On February 14—and every second   Also, on February 28, from 6:00-9:00
            you goes out to the young lady,       Gran Torino.                         Wednesday—we close the Center at      p.m., is the 500 card game. Cost is
            Kylie, and her mom, who made            Come to our Valentine’s Dance and   1:00 p.m. for our monthly Board      $2.00 to play.
            and gave the beautiful silver and     show off the new dances you learned.   meeting.  Please join us on February   Mark your calendars for March 6
            blue snowflake winter wreath to the   The dance will be held on February   19 at 1:00 p.m. for a patriotic “sing-  for the Spring Fashion Show at 11:00
            Senior Center. Everyone comments      10, 2018, with the Back Roads Band   a-long” to celebrate Presidents       a.m. We need senior women to model.
            on how pretty it is, and we are       playing. Admission is by donation.   Day with the Teen Group from the      TaylorMarie’s Apparel will be selling
            keeping it up on the wall all winter.    Doors will open at 4:00 p.m., with   Thurmont Library. They will also be   spring clothing, discounted winter
            It is a delight to have the children   dancing from 5:00-8:00 p.m.  If you   making Mardi Gras masks to be used   clothing, jewelry, and accessories; a
            connect with the seniors, and we      don’t dance, that’s okay, too. You can   at our upcoming Mardi Gras Bingo   percentage of the total sales is donated
            look forward to the four times a year   sit and listen to the music and laugh at   on Wednesday, February 21, at 1:00   to the Thurmont Senior Center. Why
            when we all meet.                     Peggy’s jokes. Food and beverages will   p.m. Come dressed up in your wildest   not make a lunch reservation and stay
               Thank you to Santa Claus (aka      be available for sale. As usual, alcohol   Mardi Gras outfit. Wear your masks   to eat at noon. Just think…spring
            Mayor Kinnaird) who came for a visit   and smoking is prohibited. This is a   and beads (come on February 19 and   is just around the corner! Let that
            during our Christmas lunch.  You      good cure for cabin fever and chasing   make a mask with the teens); if you   thought put a smile on your face.
            brought joy and smiles to all of us   the winter blues away!
            here, and we appreciated you taking     Wednesday, February 7, at 1:00
            the time out of your busy schedule for   p.m., is our 50/50 Bingo. Our Bingos
            us!                                   are on the first and third Wednesdays
               Carol Long, a gifted and talented   of each month. If there is a fifth
            person, who is an officer on the board   Wednesday in a month, then that
            of directors, holding the recording   Bingo’s proceeds will go to a chosen
            secretary position, takes all the     charity from the Thurmont area. Our
            minutes of the board’s meetings,      Bingos are always lots of fun, and
            which are always held at 1:00 p.m.    we have a variety of free snacks at
            on the second Wednesday of each       intermission. Bingo only costs you a
            month. Carol uses her talents to create   minimum of $5.00 for a pack of three
            a large, beautiful basket, overflowing   cards for twenty games, and $1.00 for
            with all kinds of gift cards, personal   a sheet of three cards for our winner-
            goodies, snacks, and many useable     take-all. Bingo is open to the public
            gifts. Most baskets have a value of   (ages eighteen and older).
            over $100. Each month, Carol comes      Get your blood pressure checked
            up with another unique basket to      for free by a nurse from Right At
            raffle off. Tickets are $1.00 each or six   Home on Thursday, February 8,
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