Page 35 - February Banner 2018_Neat
P. 35
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2018 Page 35
the health jeanne
by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life
I believe we must learn how to He refers to how and why
become healthy. Therefore, education processed food is harming us,
is definitely a priority. and what we can do about it.
People must recognize the His research and studies reveal
problem in order to see the the solution. Individually, we
solution. Recently, yours truly must learn about a nutrient-
attended a health seminar. dense healthful diet. Dr. Fuhrman
There were representatives states, “It is the solution hiding in
from health fields, introducing plain sight!” Dr. Fuhrman coined
various solutions. It was a day the term “Nutritarian” to describe
of learning, to say the least. The a diet that is nutrient-dense and
highlight of the seminar was plant-rich, and includes anti-cancer
hearing the presentation by Dr. superfoods. These foods supply the
Joel Fuhrman. He specializes in right amount of macronutrients
preventing and reversing disease (protein, fat, and carbohydrates) and
through nutritional and natural the vital micronutrients (vitamins,
methods. His latest book, Fast phytochemicals, and minerals) that
Food Genocide, was the focus of unleash the body’s incredible power to
his speech. He has connected the heal itself and slow the aging process,
dots between processed food and giving the body renewed vitality.
our obesity and diabetes epidemic. Begin your journey to better
He not only discussed these issues, health today. Make the decision to
but gave insight as to why fast food read how you can improve your
and processed foods are destructive health by what you eat. Dr. Joel
influences on our society. In his Fuhrman’s book is available at book
book, Fuhrman explains “why the stores and on Amazon. You’ll thank
problem of poor nutrition is deeper, yourself many times over for learning
more serious, and more pervasive “the solution.” It will change your
than anyone imagined.” thinking about what you eat!