Page 42 - August Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 42             August 2018                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

                       AS K         Mold and Your Health

                         Lo              by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic

                  Dr   .                     & Nutritional Healing Center

               Mold seems to be everywhere,       is available. The review concludes   leaky roofs, windows, and pipes;      Mold Prevention Tips
            and exposure to damp and moldy        that the most important effects are   thoroughly cleaning and drying out      Keep humidity levels as low
            environments may cause a variety of   increased prevalence of respiratory   furniture, carpets, and drywall after   as you can—no higher than 50
            health effects or none at all.        symptoms, allergies and asthma,      flooding; and ventilating shower,     percent—all day long. An air-
               In 2004, the Institute of Medicine   as well as disturbance of the      laundry, and cooking areas.           conditioner or dehumidifier will help
            (IOM) found there was sufficient      immunological system.  The most         If mold is growing in your home,   you keep the level low. Bear in mind
            evidence to link indoor exposure      important means for avoiding         you need to clean up the mold and     that humidity levels change over
            to mold with upper respiratory        adverse health effects is the        fix the moisture problem. Many        the course of a day, with changes
            tract symptoms, coughing, and         prevention (or minimization) of      molds can be removed from hard        in the moisture in the air and the
            wheezing in otherwise healthy         persistent dampness and microbial    surfaces with commercial products,    air temperature, so you will need to
            people. There was also a link with    growth on interior surfaces. Selected   soap and water, or a bleach        check the humidity levels more than
            asthma symptoms in people with        interventions that improve housing   solution of no more than one cup      once a day.
            asthma and with hypersensitivity      conditions can reduce morbidity      of household laundry bleach in one       Be sure your home has enough
            pneumonitis in individuals            from asthma and respiratory          gallon of water.                      ventilation. Use exhaust fans, which
            susceptible to that immune-           allergies, but more research is           Mold growth, which often looks   vent outside your home in the
            mediated condition. For sensitive     needed.                              like spots, can be many different     kitchen and bathroom. Make sure
            people, mold exposure can cause                                            colors, and can smell musty. If you   your clothes dryer vents outside
            nasal stuffiness, throat irritation,   Mold and Your Home                  can see or smell mold, a health risk   your home.
            coughing, wheezing, eye irritation,      Mold is found inside and outside   may be present. You do not need to      Fix any leaks in your home’s
            and, in some cases, skin irritation.   the home. Mold can enter your       know the type of mold growing in      roof, walls, or plumbing, so mold
            People with mold allergies may have   home through open doorways,          your home. No matter what type of     does not have moisture to grow.
            more severe reactions. Immune-        windows, vents, and heating and air-  mold is present, you should remove      Clean up and dry out your home
            compromised people and people         conditioning systems. Mold in the    it. The effect of mold on people      thoroughly and quickly (within
            with chronic lung illnesses—such      air outside can also attach itself to   can vary greatly, depending on the   24–48 hours) after flooding.
            as obstructive lung disease—may       clothing, shoes, bags, and pets, and   amount or type of mold, so you want    Add mold inhibitors to paints
            get serious infections in their lungs   can be carried indoors.            to get rid of it. Also, good sampling   before painting.
            when exposed to mold. These people      Mold will grow in places with      for mold can be expensive, and           Clean bathrooms with mold-
            should stay away from areas that are   a lot of moisture, such as around   standards for judging what is and     killing products.
            likely to have mold, such as compost   leaks in roofs, windows, or pipes,   what is not an acceptable quantity      Remove or replace carpets and
            piles, cut grass, and wooded areas.   or where there has been flooding.    of mold have not been set. The best   upholstery that have been soaked
               In 2009, the World Health          Mold grows well on paper products,   practice is to remove the mold and    and cannot be dried promptly.
            Organization (WHO) issued             cardboard, ceiling tiles, and wood   work to prevent future growth.        Consider not using carpet in
            additional guidance. The WHO          products. Mold can also grow in                                            rooms or areas like bathrooms or
            Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality:    dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation,   If You Choose to Use Bleach to      basements that may have a lot of
            Dampness and Mold [PDF – 2.65         drywall, carpet, fabric, and         Clean Up Mold                         moisture.
            MB]; Microbial pollution is a key     upholstery.                             Never mix bleach with ammonia
            element of indoor air pollution;                                           or other household cleaners. Mixing   Do You Think You Have Been
            caused by hundreds of species of      You Can Control Mold                 bleach with ammonia or other          Exposed To Mold?
            bacteria and fungi, in particular       You can control mold growth        cleaning products will produce           Do you think you have been
            filamentous fungi (mold), growing     inside your home by controlling      dangerous, toxic fumes. Open          exposed to mold, or that your
            indoors when sufficient moisture      humidity levels; promptly fixing     windows and doors to provide fresh    asthma, lung issues, or stuffiness is
                                                                                       air. Wear non-porous gloves and       related to mold toxicity? Dr. Lo uses
                                                                                       protective eyewear. Always follow     a non-invasive way of analyzing the
                                                                                       the manufacturer’s instructions       body to determine the underlying
                                                                                       when using bleach or any other        causes of ill or non-optimum health.
                                                                                       cleaning product.                     Call the office at 240-651-1650 to
                                                                                          If the area to be cleaned is more   find out more or come to one of the
                                                                                       than ten square feet, consult the     free seminars held at the office on
                                                                                       U.S. Environmental Protection         rotating Tuesdays and Thursdays.
                                                                                       Agency (EPA) guide, titled:           The office is located in Frederick.
                                                                                       Mold Remediation in Schools           Check out the website at www.
                                                                                       and Commercial Buildings. You
                                                                                       can get it by going to the EPA
                                                                                       website at          *Resource for article was the US
                                                                                       mold-remediation-schools-and-         Centers for Disease Control and
                                                                                       commercial-buildings-guide.           Prevention (CDC).

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