Page 39 - August Banner 2018_Neat
P. 39
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper August 2018 Page 39
The New Seton Center, a State-of-
the-Ar t Building
James Rada, Jr.
The new Seton Center Photo by James Rada, Jr.
Outreach Office and
Seton Family Store are
open for business. The
Seton Center is not only
serving as a community
resource in Northern
Frederick County, but it
is demonstrating some
of the best technologies
in green and sustainable
living. timers so that if no movement is
“We wanted to be as earth- detected for fifteen minutes, the lights
friendly as possible,” said Sister in a room shut off.
Martha Beaudoin, Seton Center “We don’t have to worry about
Executive Director. leaving the lights on, but if I’m in
The building at 226 East Lincoln my office and not moving around,
Avenue in Emmitsburg was dedicated the lights sometimes go off on me,”
and had a ribbon-cutting ceremony explained Sister Martha.
on July 10, 2018. Morgan-Keller The parking lot uses permeable
Construction of Frederick served as pavers to allow water to pass
the general contractor, building the through it when it rains.
13,000-square-foot building designed The Seton Center has dishwashers
by MSB Architects of Hagerstown. and reusable dishes so that
It houses the Outreach Office, throwaway plastic and paper plates
Seton Family Store, and a large and utensils aren’t needed.
meeting room for workshops and The HVAC system also allows
presentations. staff to control the amount of
The most obvious energy-saving particulate matter indoors. Filters
technology is the use of solar energy throughout the building collect
to power the entire building. The particulates from the air.
Seton Center has only electricity, “A lot of our staff have asthma
which the solar panels power. problems, but they come in here, and
“Our first full month electric bill they are fine,” Sister Martha said.
was a little more than $348,” said The toilets in the six bathrooms
Sister Martha. “Our bill used to be are all low-water usage, and the
about $600.” faucets are motion activated. Both
An unseen improvement is that the features help reduce the water usage
building is insulated on the exterior, for the Seton Center.
beneath the brick veneer. All of these features are in a
Lighting in the store maintains building that is attractive and
a constant level of brightness and welcoming to visitors. It replaces an
adjusts based on the natural light old building on South Seton Avenue.
coming through the windows. That original building only had a
Windows are tinted and have shades ten-year lifespan, but it was used for
to help control how hot a room more than sixty years.
gets from sunlight. Lights have LED “If you’re going to do this once
bulbs, and the lighting throughout every fifty years, you might as well
the building is on motion-sensitive do it right,” stated Sister Martha.