Page 41 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 41

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   September  2017            Page 41

               Seni                        R                                                                                                 by John Dowling

               Hello, everyone, and welcome to                                                                               entertaining evening of music and
            the upcoming month of September.                                                                                 dance on Saturday, September 30,
            Time is flying by, as summer is almost                                                                           from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Food and drink
            over. I want to thank our coordinator,                                                              Thank you    will be available. Admission is by
            Teresa, for doing last month’s Senior                                                               to all those   donation, plus a 50/50 raffle.
            Moments while my family and friends                                                                 involved        The Thurmont Senior Center
                                                                                                                with the
            enjoyed a great vacation. I hope                                                                    Zumbathon    is here for all to enjoy. There are
            everyone has been able to go on a trip                                                              Fundraiser   no dues or fees to be a part of our
            or have plans to take even a mini-                                                                  on August    great center. Stop by and talk with
            vacation. We all need a little change                                                               13, 2017!    Teresa, our coordinator, for more
            in our everyday life-style to renew our                                                                          information about what you are
            spirits a little.                                                                                                missing and can be a part of.
               Speaking of renewing, visiting the                                                                               At last, our restrooms now have
            Thurmont Senior Center is a great way                                                               Courtesy     “press” button automatic door
            to renew your whole being. At the                                                                   Photos       openers for your safety.  Thanks
            Center, there are a variety of activities                                                                        to a grant from the Elder Provider
            that can renew every part of your                                                                                Services Council (EPSC), and many
                                                     August Birthday
            body, from your mind, right down to     Party Celebration                                                        generous dona-tions in memory of
            your feet.  Starting with your mind,                                                                             Lela “Chubby” Lillard and Doris
            taking place on all Fridays are cards   Pictured from left                                                       Roman, we were able to have them
            and games, starting at 1:00 p.m. The      are: (back row)                                                        installed on Monday, August 7.  Vice
            Center will be closed for Labor Day on   Gene Beard, Wes                                                         President Roy Clever applied for the
                                                       Glass, Charles
            Monday, September 4. Hope you all        (Skeeter) Beard,                                                        grant, and it was approved—thank
            have a wonderful Labor Day holiday!   Mary Webber, Shirley                                                       you, Roy! Look for a plaque by the
               The following are just a few of       Riffle, Kay Miller,                                                     bathrooms coming in the future.
            the many wonderful activities the      Judy Petefish, J. R.                                                         I want to thank Ruthye Wilhide,
                                                    Hamilton; (middle
            Thurmont Senior Center offers (please   row) Rachel Weiler                                                       chairperson of the picnic committee,
            check the calendar on pages 46 & 47      and Frank Riffle;                                                       and its members and all those who
            for dates and times and/or stop in the    (front row) Moe                                                        helped, for making our annual picnic
            Center and get a schedule): Tuesdays,    Snyder and LuRay                                                        a success! We really enjoyed having
            renew your muscles with exercise with                                                                            it in the Town Park; thank you to
            Alice (by donation) experience a fun   participation, otherwise we will have   regardless if you have a birthday that   those town employees who helped
            way to exercise by doing line dancing;   to raise the cost, or worse, cancel the   month or not.The youngest and oldest   us. Thank you to the Maple Run
            50/50 Bingo, which is always on the   class. I would also like to thank Kellie   get a coupon for a free lunch at the   Golf Course for use of the golf cart
            first and third Wednesdays of each    Brevard, who planned and organized   Thurmont Senior Center!               for bathroom trips. Thank you to
            month (open to public, and payouts    the Zumbathon event and all of the      On Friday, September 22, come      Somerford House for supplying and
            increase with the number of players);   instructors: Kellie Brevard, Melissa   by at 11:30 a.m. for a free Sit-to-  bringing a freezer full of delicious
            we offer exercise and Tai Chi at 9:30   Borns, Kelli Donaghue, Rebecca     Stand Testing (for balance), by St.   ice cream from South Mountain
            a.m., and our Memory Café, 12:00-     Kennedy, Megan Rosier, and Nicola    Joseph’s Ministries Physical Therapy   Creamery for dessert. Thank you to
            2:00 p.m., with a free lunch and an   Sussman, who volunteered their       Department. Following testing, there   St. Joseph’s Ministries and Accessible
            activity; Marie Free’s seated massages   time. Thank you to all of the helpers   will be cards and games.        Home Health Care for door prizes,
            for $1.00 per minute; Zumba           and to those who participated, and      Coming up on Wednesday,            fans, and supplies and help. It all
            Gold; and many more activities and    thank you to the local businesses who   September 27, is our Pot Luck and   came together for a very pleasant
            programs. Call for more information   donated raffle prizes and food. This   General Meeting at 12:00 p.m. Sign   picnic.
            on any of our activities at 301-271-  was an awesome event and will help   up at the Center and bring a dish to     Also, thank you to high school
            7911.                                 the Center continue with it’s Zumba   share, or you can pay $6.00. The     junior Zoe Willard for volunteering
               On Friday, September 8,            program.                             Center will provide fried chicken.    at the Center and earning her
            the Thurmont & Emmitsburg               On September 11, from 1:00-        After the general meeting, from       community service hours for the
            Community Show starts at 6:00 p.m.    3:00p.m., there will be a movie shown   1:00-3:00 p.m., Stacey of Med One   National Honor Society, as well
            at Catoctin High School, where the    on our new big screen TV. Call the   Pharmacy will be giving flu and       as for helping the seniors at lunch
            Senior Center will have a table set   Center to order lunch or to hear what   one-time pneumonia shots, so bring   time with Bingo, etc. We greatly
            up; we are looking for volunteers to   movie is playing.                   your Medicare and health insurance    appreciate her time and efforts—she
            man the table from Friday at 6:00       On Wednesday, September 13,        cards. Please sign up for the shots   was a big help! We are going to miss
            p.m. through Saturday at 9:00 p.m.    lunch will be served, but the Center   at the Thurmont Senior Center, so   her when school starts!
            If you can spend a few hours, please   will close at 1:00 p.m. for our     we can get an estimate of how many       If anyone can volunteer a couple
            call us at 301-271-7911. On Saturday,   monthly board of directors meeting.  Stacey will need to bring. This is an   of hours every week, Teresa, our
            September 9, stop by the Community      Drop by for a free blood pressure   important opportunity for all seniors.  coordinator, is trying to fill a vacancy
            Show and visit our table to see       check by Right At Home on Thursday,     Elly Jenkins from the Department   in the kitchen on Tuesdays, from
            what is up these days. Also, all you   September 14, from 10:00 a.m.-      of Aging will be here to talk to any   11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. We also need
            crafty seniors and garden and flower   noon. They will be here every second   senior about senior programs and   someone to pick up the food from
            gardeners, get your stuff and enter the   Thursday of the month to check blood   Medicare on Friday, September 29,   Mountain Gate at 11:30 a.m. and
            Community Show.                       pressures, and we gratefully thank   from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. There       deliver it to the Center on Tuesdays
               ATTENTION! All of you Zumba        them. Our September birthday party   will be free, half-hour, one-on-one   (it will not fit on a seat; it has to go
            Gold folks, the fall session starts   will be on September 14 at 12:30     sessions for anyone who signs up. So,   in a hatchback or in the back of a
            Monday, September 11, at 10:15-       p.m.; so if you have a birthday in   call to arrange your time at 301-271-  truck, or you can be approved to
            11:00 a.m. The cost will be $24.00    September, please come and celebrate   7911.                               drive the center van and pick it up).
            for a card of eight sessions, or      it with us with cake and ice cream.     Back by popular demand, we         Call Teresa at 301-271-7911 if you
            $5.00 for a single session. We need   Everyone is invited to the party,    will have Chuck Fisher for an         can help.
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