Page 46 - September Banner 2017_Neat
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Page 46             September  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

                               Classifieds                                                  Community Calendar

            Wanted                                Help Wanted                                   september

            Wanted: Any unwanted lawn mowers, tillers,   Part-Time morning prep/grill kitchen person. Part-                      6:30-7:30 p.m. Instructor Jon Phebus, RYT/
            snowblowers, or yard items. FREE pickup. Call   time waitress. Must work weekends. Call The Palms   1 ......Bingo (held every Friday night), Thurmont   CALC. Fee by donation (suggested $5-
            301-271-4266.                         Restaurant 301-447-3689.                 Event  Complex,  13716 Stafford  Dr.,   $10).
                                                                                           Thurmont. Doors open 5 p.m.; Bingo   7 ......VITT (very important teens/tweens) Night,
            Antiques & Collectibles like crocks, jugs,   Beltway  Companies currently  seeking  experienced   7  p.m.  Great food  served  by  Thurmont   Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, 13676
            postcards, photographs, advertising items, old   diesel technicians in the Baltimore, Northeast   Ambulance  Co.  volunteers.  www.  Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit, PA.
                                                  and Hagerstown area. We offer: top hourly rates,
            signs, old dolls, toys & trains (pre-1965), quilts,   performance bonus, paid International and Cummins  6-7:30 p.m. Play Wii, board games, eat
            political items, guns, old holiday decorations,   training, ASE certification reimbursements and   1 ......Dining for Dollars (mention CHS Safe   snacks, watch movies, etc. 717-794-2240.
            hunting & fishing items, jewelry and coins; gold,   pay incentives, health insurance, 401k, paid time   & Sane when ordering), Roy Roger’s,   Also: Sept. 13.
            sterling, coin collections, etc., etc. Will buy one   off, uniforms and an excellent work environment.   Thurmont. 5-8 p.m.  8 ......Celebrating Patsy Cline - Kip & Dale
            item, collection, or entire estate. 301-514-2631.  Contact Scott Bowman at 410-247-5700 or visit   2 ......Story Hour, Blue Ridge Summit Free   Young, Forever Young Music, Green Grove
                                                        Library, 13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge   Gardens Event Center, 1032 Buchanan
            Donate your vehicle—any condition! Free towing,                                Summit, PA. 11 a.m. 717-794-2240. Also:   Trail East, Greencastle, PA. Dinner buffet;
            all proceeds benefit Catoctin Pregnancy Center.                                Sept. 9 & 16.                         cake & ice cream served at intermission.
            We are in need of donated clothing, sizes infant to   Notices              2 ......Grill Demo, Zurgable Brothers Hardware,   $25/person.
            5 years. Call 301-447-3391 for more information.                               1663 Old Emmitsburg Rd., Emmitsburg. 9   or 717-597-0800.
                                                  How Would You Like To FEEL 25 Years      a.m.-1 p.m. 301-447-2020.         8 ......Let’s Move—Scurrying Squirrels, Children’s
            For Rent                              YOUNGER and LIVE 25 Years LONGER?    3 ......ThorpeWood’s 10 Annual 5K Trail Walk   Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park, 1611
                                                  Go to now! Read
                                                                                                                                 N. Market St., Frederick, MD. 9:30-10:30
                                                  how VIVIX Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic is a   & 10K Trail Run, 12805-A Mink Farm   a.m. $5. Explore nature and learn about
            ROOM FOR RENT- shared bath/shared house.   REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH in the   Rd., Thurmont. 8-11 a.m. Proceeds benefit   animal friends & exercise. Ages 2-3. Kari
            $500.00 per month or $125.00 a week with deposit.   fight against cellular aging. All natural. Contact   ThorpeWood’s partnership  w/Frederick   Saavedra 301-600-2743.
            North of Thurmont along Rt. 15. Washer/Dryer and   Jeanne at 301-305-1466.     County Head Start. Register:  8 ......Bingo (held every Friday night), Thurmont
            internet included. No Smoking. Call Kitty - 240-                               com & search: ThorpeWood. 301-271-    Event  Complex,  13716 Stafford  Dr.,
            675-3092.                             Services                                 2823.                                 Thurmont. Doors open 5 p.m.; Bingo
            Efficiency apartment for rent 1 mile from Mount St.                        3 ......R.W. Long Reunion, Creagerstown Parish   7  p.m.  Great food  served  by  Thurmont
                                                                                           Hall. Bring dish to share, your drinks &
            Mary’s. $500 a month, $400 for students. Bicycle   Piano Lessons: Experienced professional musician   setups. Meat is furnished. Shirley Clabaugh   Ambulance  Co.  volunteers.  www.
            available, partially furnished, utilities included,   and certified public school teacher. All ages; adults   at 301-271-7975.
            hiking trail in back. Call Nikki 301-367-8023.  welcome. Located in Thurmont. Call or text Beth   3 ......Free Fellowship Luncheon with Healthy   8,9 ...Seton Family Store’s Fall Bag Sale, 16840 S.
                                                  at 240-529-8108 or email [email protected].                                 Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $5
            Completely Renovated House for Rent. 23                                        Living Workshop, Elias Lutheran Church,   plastic bag; $7 brown paper bag. 301-447-
            Hammaker St. Thurmont, MD. 3 Bed, 2 Bath,   Critter Care by Greta. Full Service care for all   100 W. North Ave., Emmitsburg. 10:30   6102.
            Central Air. Call Trinity UCC 301-271-2305 or Russ   domestic and farm animals. Call for a quote.   a.m. Presenters:  Sandy Stillwell & Annie   8-10 .61  Annual Thurmont & Emmitsburg
            Delauter 301-271-7363.                Prices based on individual needs. Call Greta at   Hess.                        Community Show, Catoctin High School,
            COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT: Thurmont   240-367-0035.                        4 ......Labor Day Festival, Our Lady of Mount   14745 Sabillasville Rd., Thurmont. Free
                                                                                           Carmel, N. Church St., Thurmont. Noon-5
            202 E. Main St., 2000 Square Feet with loading                                 p.m. Family-style dinner & music by Home   admission/parking. Auctions, activities for
            dock. $1100/mo + utils. Owner: 301-565-0946.  Denny Brown Custom Painting. Professional   Comfort Bluegrass Band. $14/adults/;   kids, entertainment, food, exhibits & more.
                                                  brush and roll. Free estimates. 240-674-7788.                                  Robert Valentine 301-898-9014; Rodman
                                                                                           $6.50/ages 6-12;  Free/ages 5 & under.
            OFFICE/STORE FRONT:  EMMITSBURG                                            4 ......“Served with Grace” Free Community Meal   Myers 301-271-2104; Josh Ruby 301-748-
            TOWN SQUARE. THREE ROOMS & FLUSH,     Rick Hurley & Son Small Engine Repair Service.   (first Monday each month), Graceham   2926.
            ~800 sq. ft. $700.00/ month. 301-447-3585.  Call 301-271-2117 or 240-285-2494 (leave                             8-10 .Book Sale—Annual used book sale. Lot’s
                                                  message).                                Moravian Church, 8231- A Rocky Ridge   of bargains! Thurmont / Emmitsburg
            Licensed Commercial Hall Rental: Weddings,                                     Rd., Thurmont. 5:30-7 p.m. All welcome.  Community Show, by Friends of Thurmont
            Banquets, Events of any kind. Call American   Tire Pros of Frederick: Free 1 year roadside   4 ......Clothes  Closet,  Thurmont  United  Regional Library.
            Legion at 301-271-4411.               assistance, **lowest price guarantee** sell all   Methodist Church, 13880 Long Rd.,   9 ......Jesse James Day, Walkersville Southern
                                                  major brands: Good Year, Michelin, Continental,   Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m. (Holiday open).  Railroad,  34  W.  Pennsylvania  Ave.,
            FOR RENT: Thurmont Senior Center, evening   Bridgestone, and more! Visit tireporsofFrederick.  5 ......Line  Dancing,  Thurmont  Sr.  Ctr., 806  E.   Walkersville, MD. 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. $15/
            and weekends. Call 301-271-7911.      com or call 301-663-6334.                Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 a.m. Free. 301-  adult; $14/seniors; $12/ages 1-12. 301-898-
                                                                                           271-7911. Also: Sept. 12, 19, 26.     0899 or
                                                  For Sale                                 Mountain Gate Family Restaurant, 133   9 ......Lord’s  Acre Festival, Wolfsville  Ruritan
            Moon Bounce: $100 per day. 240-674-3856.                                   5 ......Gospel Sing w/Bluegrass Chapel Band,
            Hall/Pavilion for Rent: Looking for a place for a                              Frederick Rd., Thurmont. Seating begins 6   Park, 12708 Brandenburg Hollow Rd.,
                                                                                                                                 Wolfsville, MD. 2-7 p.m. Entertainment
            meeting, reunion, reception, picnic, or party?  St.   For Sale: Seasoned Firewood. Call 301-271-4812.   p.m. Buffet only; reservations recommended   by Randy Sowers and Works In Progress
            John’s UCC in Sabillasville rents its pavilion or                              but not necessary. 301-271-4373.      Community Praise BandBenefit Salem
            parish hall. Contact Donna Smith at 717-762-5297.   Approximately 30 pallets of tile faced block   6 ......50/50 Bingo, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E.   United Methodist Church, Wolfsville. Free.
                                                  (avocado, burgundy, and gold), cubes of brick, and   Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m.  Open to’s-
                                                  ground faced block. Priced to go! 301-271-1050.  public. Must be 18 to play Bingo. $5 to   acre-festival.
              Shop Local                          Two LAX helmets: Cascade Pro 7 LAX helmet   play, specials, pickle jar; $1 coverall last   9 ......Fall Festival, St. Stephen’s United Church of

                                                  (Catoctin colors) $45/OBO; Brine Youth LAX   game. 301-271-7911. Also: Sept. 20.  Christ, 25445 Highfield Rd., Cascade, MD.
              Support Y our                       helmet (black) $20. Call 240-285-6197.  6 ......Coffee Club, Blue Ridge Summit Free,   2-7 p.m. Food, music, an auction & games
                                                                                           13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit,
                                                                                                                                 for kids. Everyone welcome.
               Community!                                                                  PA. 3:30-5 p.m. Coffee, tea, puzzles, board   9 ......Sportsmans Bingo, Emmitsburg Firehall, 25
                                                                                           games, coloring books, etc. Food donations
                                                                                                                                 East Main St., Emmitsburg. Doors open 4
                                                    T e s t   Y ou r   W or d   P ow e r    appreciated. 717-794-2240. Also: Sept. 13.   p.m.; Bingo 6 p.m. Benefit VHC Auxiliary.
                           Pratronize                   1. b   —   Ans w e r s   —   5. c   6 ......Parent  Meeting  of 2018  Safe  &  Sane,   $35/person (includes cards for each regular
                                                                                           Catoctin High School Library, Thurmont.
                                                                                                                                 game, one strip of cards for each jackpot,
                                                                  3. c
                                                                                           7-8:30 p.m.
                           your local                   2. c      4. b     6. b        7 ......Memory Café, Sponsored by Somerford   light dinner & beverages). Fire hall: 301-
                           businesses.                                                     House, St. Joseph’s & Accessible Home   9 ......Yoga on Main Street for Beginners,
                                                            7.  c onnot at i on            Health Care Assisting, Thurmont Sr. Ctr.,   Thurmont Historical Society’s Creeger
                                                                                           806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 12:00-2 p.m.   House, 11 N. Church St., Thurmont. Held
                                                                                           Free lunch & activity (usually a craft).   every  Sat.  in  Sept.  11  a.m.-noon.  Fee  by
                                                                                           Register: 301-271-7911.               donation (suggested $10-$15). Bring mat.
                                                                                       7 ......Dinner & Celebrate Patsy Cline’s Birthday,   All welcome. Yoga presented by Jon Phebus
                                   Answer to Movie Trivia                                  Shamrock Restaurant, Rt. 15, Thurmont.   - Yoga To You.

                 Legally Blonde,  a  2001 American  comedy  film,  adapted  from  the  novel  of  the  same  title   5-8 p.m. With Kip & Dale Young, Forever   9 ......Bass Fishing Tournament, Fort Ritchie
                 by  Amanda  Brown.  It  stars  Reese  Witherspoon,  Luke  Wilson,  Selma  Blair,  Matthew   Young: hits of Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, Dolly   Community Center, 14421 Lake Royer Dr.,
                 Davis,  Victor  Garber,  and  Jennifer  Coolidge.  The  film  tells  the  story  of  Elle  Woods,  a   Parton & more. Reservations recommended.   Cascade, MD. 7 a.m.-noon. $35/adult per
                                                                                                                                 event; $15/youth per event (17 & under).
                 fashionable  sorority  queen,  who  is  dumped  by  her  boyfriend.  She  decides  to  follow  him   7 ......Mindfulness  on Main  Street  Seminars/  Must have MD fishing license; catch &
                 to law school; while she is there, she figures out that there is more to her than just looks.  Workshops: “Mindfulness: What is it and   release. Sponsored by Cobblestone Hotel &
                                                                                           Why it Matters,” 11 Water St., Thurmont.   Suites. Register: 301-241-
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