Page 36 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 36
Page 36 September 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Our Neighborhood Veterans
by Andrea Myers Mannix - A Thurmont native, who resides in New Paltz, New York
Rite is a major
sponsor of HVHF.
A police escort and
a procession of over
Huds o n Valle y Ho no r Flight – one hundred and fifty
Honoring America’s Military Veterans driven by military
Veterans—led the
way for our coach
busses to take us
from Shop Rite to
In Washington, D.C., Saturday, in which I wanted to participate. Newburgh’s Stewart Photo Courtesy of Everett Collie
April 8, 2017, it was a beautiful, Guardians pay a fee for their flight, International Airport.
early spring day with clear blue while Veterans deservingly have no The Vails Gate Fire
skies. This was the day that I served cost. In early March 2017, I was Company had both of
as a guardian to accompany ninety- notified that I had been selected as its fire truck’s ladders
one-year-old World War II Navy a guardian (or “guardian angel” fully extended, with
Veteran, Francis Farnsworth of as Francis referred to me!). Next, I an American flag
Woodstock, New York, on Hudson received a letter with my Veteran’s flying underneath,
Valley Honor Flight’s Mission 15. name, Francis, and his phone as our busses passed
Hudson Valley Honor Flight number. I called Francis, introduced under it.
(HVHF) is a 501c3 nonprofit myself, and we talked for a while. Upon arrival at
organization that “Honors American On March 18, 2017, I visited Francis Stewart Airport,
Veterans” for all of their sacrifices, at his home that he shares with his cadet candidates
and transports these heroes to daughter and grandson. Over coffee from West Point Francis Farnsworth and Andrea Myers Mannix, entering the
Washington, D.C. to visit their and muffins, Francis showed me on a were lined up and airport greeting line.
memorials, at no cost to them. As map where he served in the Pacific in saluted. Bagpipers
a local hub of the National Honor WWII. His late twin brother, Frank, played, and people were outside the Lincoln Memorial, where a
Flight Network, which consists was also a WWII Veteran and served welcoming the Veterans with signs Veterans’ group photo was taken.
of over one hundred independent in the Air Force; he passed away and waving American flags! As Francis’ birthday is the same day as
non-profit hubs in forty-five states, several years ago. Francis shared his we exited our busses, we walked Abraham Lincoln’s, so he enjoyed
HVHF flies multiple times a year WWII experience with me, as well as through a processional area lined spending time inside the memorial
out of both Newburgh New York’s many old family photos. We had a with military Veterans, holding by Lincoln’s statue and reading the
Stewart International Airport and wonderful visit. American flags. These Veterans Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s
Westchester County New York All guardians were also required shook Francis’ hand, thanked him Second Inauguration Speech, which
Airport. HVHF serves Veterans from to attend an Orientation Session, for his service, and wished us a great are inscribed on the memorial’s
its seven surrounding counties. where we learned about the Hudson day in Washington, D.C. inside walls.
Mission 15 consisted of ninety Valley Honor Flight history and A pre-flight patriotic ceremony Our last stop was Arlington
military Veterans of WWII, the mission, and our role as a guardian was held inside Stewart Airport, National Cemetery for the very
Korean War, and several terminally- on flight day. and we then proceeded to board our moving Changing of the Guard at
ill Vietnam Veterans, who traveled On March 26, 2017, a “Meet American Airlines charter flight. Our the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
with their guardians, along with & Greet” event was held for all plane was decorated inside with red, Our busses then drove past the
HVHF’s volunteers, safety/medical the guardians and Veterans who white, and blue decorations, and Iwo Jima Memorial, as we headed
team, and staff. would be on Mission 15; we also everyone was very excited. A little for dinner near Reagan National
My experience with the Honor met our bus leaders and safety team over an hour later, our plane arrived Airport. We boarded our plane,
Flight started in Summer 2016, members. In two weeks, we would at Reagan National Airport, with a saying goodbye to Washington,
when I submitted a guardian be going on our Honor Flight! water cannon salute. D.C., after a wonderful day.
application, as I had read several Finally, April 8, 2017, arrived, As Francis and I walked up the One more surprise was in store
local newspaper articles about the and in the early morning, I drove jetway, we could hear the crowd for all the military Veterans: mail
organization and its past honor us to the Shop Rite grocery store cheering, and I said to Francis, call! Family and friends, local
flights. This was an experience in Montgomery, New York. Shop “Those cheers are for you and schools and organizations, all had
all the military Veterans!” Many helped to make, or gather, cards for
greeters were at the gate. Then we the Veterans ahead of time. One
met Buzz Aldrin, the second man of the HVHF staff members spoke
to walk on the moon in July 1969. on the plane’s loudspeaker, and
As we walked through the airport, announced each Veteran’s name
people stood up and applauded, for mail call. A big envelope full of
then shook Francis’ hand and cards and greetings were thoroughly
thanked him for his service to our enjoyed by each Veteran.
country. We arrived at Stewart Airport
Our busses in Washington, around 9:00 p.m., after a day full of
D.C., were escorted by the Park many memories. Francis was handed
Police, and our first stop was the a patriotic quilt as a keepsake.
WWII Memorial. Former Senator Crowds of local citizens were inside
Bob Dole of Kansas, who was the airport to welcome us home,
instrumental in getting the WWII and our local New Paltz Boy Scout
Memorial built, shook Veterans’ Troop 172 had a dozen scouts and
hands and spoke with us. Our leaders in attendance for Francis and
next stops were the Korean War me!
Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, and … Story continued on page 37