Page 35 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 35

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   September  2017            Page 35

                       the health jeanne

                        by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life

              One of the best snacks you can      monounsaturated fatty acids and
            eat are nuts. They are in season      contain essential amino acids.
            year-round! No waiting for them to      Pecans are good for baking.
            ripen.                                They are high in potassium and
              There are a few kinds of nuts       vitamin A. Like many nuts, they
            that seem to be favorites, as well as   contain some of the same minerals
            nutritious. Eating healthy snacks,    and vitamins that make them a
            like nuts, is a good way to get       nutritious snack. Southern people
            some of your essential vitamins and   will let you know they are known
            minerals.                             for pecan pie! But, snacking on
              I learned almonds are called        pecans is less fattening and more
            the “king of nuts,” because they      nutritious than pie.
            contain calcium, potassium,             Sunflower seeds can be included
            magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid,    in the nut category. They have a
            and protein. A handful of roasted     unique flavor: somewhat nutty, yet
            almonds proves to be a satisfying     subtle. Yours truly recommends
            snack any time of day.                trying them for a snack or adding
              Walnuts are delicious in baked      them to a salad. Roasted sunflower
            goods and sprinkled on salads.        seeds are available with or without
            Protein and fiber are key nutrients   salt. They are a good source of
            in walnuts, plus vitamins B, A, and   fiber, too.
            E, as well as important minerals.       There are so many kinds of nuts.
              Pistachios have one of the          You can eat nuts and seeds without
            highest sources of potassium          any preparation. Nuts makes
            of all nuts. Other supplements        snacking easy and handy at home
            are thiamin, phosphorus,              or on the go! They are one of the
            magnesium, manganese, and fiber.      most beneficial snacks available.
            In addition, they are also high in    Enjoy some nuts today!
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