Page 11 - November Banner 2017_Neat
P. 11

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    November  2017            Page 11
            Girl Scout Gear Comes to Thurmont                                          Trinity UCC’s 4         th

                                                                                       Annual Veterans
               The girls of local Girl Scout                              Courtesy Photo
            Troop 81178 are excited to be                                              Day Celebration &
            the first to benefit from the sale                                         Luncheon
            of official Girl Scout Merchandise
            (GSM) in Thurmont. Hillary                                                    Join Trinity United Church of
            Rothrock, troop co-leader and                                              Christ at its Veteran’s Day Celebration
            owner of J. Rothrock Outfitters,                                           and Luncheon on November 5, 2017,
            has been granted a contract with                                           where they will be honoring all of the
            GSM to sell uniform necessities,                                           living Veterans and remembering the
            journeys, fun accessories, and                                             names of deceased loved ones and
            other official Girl Scout gear.                                            friends.
               “This is a big win for our      Brownie Girl Scouts from Troop 81178 (from left)  The Service will begin at 11:00
            community,” said Rothrock. She   Nova Rothrock, Paige-Marie Woods, Ily Rothrock, Alice   a.m., with the luncheon from 12:15-
                                             Harrison & Maria Perella enjoy the Scout Room at J.
            explains that up until now, local       Rothrock Outfitters in Thurmont.   2:00 p.m. Veterans, and all others
            girls had to travel to the Girl                                            planning to attend, must RSVP by
            Scout Shop in Germantown or order     in scouts and/or who enjoy the great   November 1 with their information
            online. The time and cost involved    outdoors with their families. They   so that enough food can be planned
            was deterring families from joining,   take consignment, in addition to    for the event. Call 301-271-2305
            because unless a leader was willing to   carrying a selection of new gear,   or email tootielenhart@comcast.
            source the uniform for the girls, busy   so you never quite know what you   net. The church is located at 101 E.
            parents were finding it difficult to get   might find. “It’s exciting when   Main Street in Thurmont.
            on board. “This way we can offer      someone walks in looking for that
            a one-stop-shop for girls to get into   one special item and we have it in.”   Shop Local
            scouting. We have many amazing        said Rothrock. “We enjoy the service
            local troops, led by active leaders,   we provide our community.”            Support Y our
            for girls of all ages and interests, and   Have a scout or are interested in
            now they can come into the shop and   getting your family involved? You        Community!
            speak with someone who has been       can stop in to J. Rothrock Outfitters
            in the organization for five years and   at 3 East Main Street in Thurmont,
            buy exactly what they need.”          on Thursday through Monday until                    Pratronize
               J. Rothrock Outfitters is so       6:00 p.m., or give them a call at 301-              your local
            dedicated that they have created a    842-7231. They can also be found                    businesses.
            Scout Room within their shop that     on Facebook or visit their website at
            caters to the specific needs of children   www.
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