Page 10 - November Banner 2017_Neat
P. 10
Page 10 November 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
B u s i n e s s news
Spray Tan Option Available at Salon Soleil in
Deb Abraham Spalding
Cindy Waynant (pictured right), with no ill effects, Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding
proprietor of Salon Soleil at 1B but it’s important to
East Main Street in Thurmont now offer the spray tan
offers spray tanning, in addition to alternative with all of
traditional tanning bed tanning. the negative publicity
Cindy is happy to offer the spray that tanning beds
tan alternative. She said, “I’ve used get.”
a tanning bed all of my adult life Tanning beds are
still recommended
for psoriasis
and eczema by
dermatologists. They
are also handy to
fight the winter blues
with light therapy.
Spray tans need
to be maintained
and will last over
a week. Cindy offers three levels inquire for more information.
of spray tans: light, dark, and Salon hours are subject to change
darker. Wedding parties who need a depending on the season. Fall hours
consistent tanned look for a group are Tuesday-Friday, 10:00 a.m.-6:00
often use the spray tan option for p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.;
quick event prep. closed Sunday and Monday.
Expires December 31, 2017 Cindy plans to add a massage Email [email protected]
therapist and nail technicians to her or call 301-271-4100 for more
salon. If you have interest, please information.