Page 9 - November Banner 2017_Neat
P. 9
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper November 2017 Page 9
Look Who Took Us Along! Play Our Games!
Bill and Rachel Each month, you’re invited to participate in our Where Am I? Photo Contest
Wivell hold up The and Hidden Object Game. The winners of each game are announced in the next
issue of The Catoctin Banner newspaper. Winners are given a gift certificate
Catoctin Banner at to the advertiser of their choice. To participate, call 240-288-0108 or email
the base of Mount [email protected] to record your guesses by the 15 of each month.
Rainer National Park Please don’t forget to spell your full name and leave your phone number.
in Washington State
in July. They were Where Am I? Photo Contest
there to celebrate
their son Todd For the “Where Am I?” Photo
Wivell’s retirement Contest, take a look at the photo
from the active duty to the right and tell us where it
U.S. Air Force after was taken. It is somewhere in or
twenty-three-plus around our Northern Frederick
County Area, which is defined
years of service. as Rocky Ridge to Cascade,
Lewistown to Emmitsburg, Foxville
— Thanks for to Creagerstown, and everywhere
taking us along, around and in-between.
Last month’s “Where Am I?”
Bill and Rachel! photo was taken of the bicycle
repair station at the entrance to the
“Thank you” to your carnival grounds, beside the trolley,
son for his service. on Main Street in Thurmont. The
winner of the “Where Am I?”
Contest for October’s issue is Lucas
Hidden Object Contest
Last month’s Hidden Object was Winnie the Pooh. It was located on page
53 in the Mountain View Lawn Service, Inc. advertisement. The winner of
the Hidden Object game for October’s issue is Donnie Wastler, Jr. Please
contact The Catoctin Banner to claim your prize.
This month’s Hidden Object is a blue and white cat . Good luck!
Note: Hidden Object is always hidden in one of our advertiser’s display ads.
Test Your Word Power
Test Your Word Power
“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
(Answers on page 42)
1. I n f a my [ˈinfəmē] (n.) 4. P os t h u m ou sly [päsCHəməslē] (adv.)
a) A source of credit or distinction a) In an oblivious way; inattentive to what
b) Extremely bad reputation, resulting from demands attention
★ Assisted Living ★ Memory Care ★ Respite Stays ★ shameful , criminal, or outrageous act b) In an ungainly manner, not gracefully or
c) Lacking knowledge or information as to a smoothly
particular subject or fact c) After the death of the originator
2. E r udi t e [ˈer(y)əˌdīt] (adj.) 5. N em esis [ˈneməsəs] (n.)
a) Common; uncultured; unsophisticated a) A long-standing rival, archenemy
b) Real or actual, rather than imaginery b) A person with whom one shares a secret
c) Characterized by great knowledge; c) A person who endures hardships without
educated; scholarly complaining
3. B enc hm ar k i ng [ben(t)SHmärk] (v.) 6. V oc a t ion a l [vōˈkāSH(ə)n(ə)l] (adj.)
a) Noisy, energetic and cheerful; rowdy
a) Evaluate or check (something) by
There’s no place like home, that’s for sure. Yet when life changes, drop by for comparison with a standard b) Characterized or done in secrecy
c) (of education or training) Directed at a
a visit, or give us a call, as there’s no place quite like HeartFields either. b) Report another’s wrongdoing particular occupation and its skills
c) Obtain or work towards something;
petition for 7. W hi c h w o r d abo v e w o ul d w o r k bes t i n t hi s s en t en c e ?
1820 Latham Drive, Frederick, MD 21701 ★ 301-663-8800 The seven concluding books were ________ published in 1654.