Page 42 - July Banner 2017_Neat
P. 42

Page 42             July  2017                                           The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

                          rts &                        ntertainment                                      Bring Your Creative Side to Light

            “Catoctin Voices”                                                          Catoctin Mountain

            Evening of Poetry                                                          View Farm Oil

            Welcomes Mark Barton,  Paintings at Thurmont

            Guest Poet                                                                 Regional Library

               On July 21, 2017, beginning at 7:00 p.m., Mark Barton will share his       Four oil painting                                          Courtesy Photo
            poetry at The Creeger House, located at 11 N. Church Street in Thurmont.    scenes of Catoctin
            Poets and lovers of poetry are welcome to share their original or favorite   Mountain View Farm by
            works during the open mic session. All ages are welcome and refreshments   Andrea Myers Mannix,
            are provided.                                                              daughter of Rodman and
               Barton is a member of the Pennsylvania Poetry Society’s Keysner         the late Jean Myers, are
            Chapter. He is grateful for the group’s poetic insights and for the structure it   currently on display at
            provides. Mark has also gained from his association with Mituro Music, a   the Thurmont Regional
            collaboration of close friends, who have intermittently cultivated their own   Library, through
            compositions and lyrics since the 1970s.                                   September 10, 2017. The
               Barton’s poetry has appeared in Encore (National Federation of          paintings are displayed
            State Poetry Societies) and Prize Poems (PPS); in Words with Wings (a      near the Thurmont
            Keysner Anthology); in Modern Haiku and in Grit, Gravity, and Grace (a     Center for Regional
            compendium released by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia).         Agricultural History
               Mark Barton lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, near Harrisburg. A    Room.
            graduate of Dickinson College and the Pennsylvania State University, he is    In April 1962, C.      Andrea Myers Mannix is pictured with her two children and her
            retired from a career in human services. He reads, writes, gardens, enjoys the   Rodman and M. Jean   dad (from left): Denise Mannix, C. Rodman Myers, Andrea Myers
                                                                                                                              Mannix, and Kevin Mannix.
            natural world, and attempts the in-home study of other languages. Barton   Ogle Myers purchased
            says he is sustained by his wife, Bonnie, his daughter, Chelsea, and by Bartlet,   Catoctin Mountain View Farm on Smith Road in Thurmont from Harry and
            the family dog, and also by his friends. Please come enjoy the poetry of this   Marie Zentz. In 1967, an additional farm was purchased from William and Lola
                                                  gifted gentleman!                    Zentz; and, in 1969, an additional farm was purchased from Claude and Martha
                                                    “Catoctin Voices” occurs every     Favorite. Catoctin Mountain View Farm consists of 425 acres, with its main
                                                  third Friday at historic Creeger     crops consisting of corn, wheat, barley, soybeans, hay, and straw.  Until 2006,
                                                  House and showcases poets from       Holstein cows were milked, and now steers graze the land.
                                                  the region. For more information,       In early 2017, Andrea’s oil painting teacher, Kevin Cook (www.kevincook.
                                                  contact Lisa Cantwell at 301- 418-   com), held an exhibit of all his student’s work. The photo (above) is from the
                                                  3375.                                Artist’s Opening Reception, held on January 10, 2017, at New Paltz’s Elting
                                                                                       Memorial Library. Andrea has raised her son and daughter in New Paltz, New
                                                                                       York, and resides there for her job as an IBM Project Manager in Human
                                                                                       Resources Corporate Business Applications. New Paltz is in the Hudson Valley
                                                                                       area of New York State, with lots of mountains, orchards, and beautiful
                                                                                       scenery— just like the Catoctin area!

                                                   by Valerie O’Rourke Kitts

                                                           Untitled / John

                                                       Pale reed writhing
                                                       As if  in ecstasy or pain,
                                                       Once kissed by the wind
                                                       And caressed by the rain,
                                                       What of  your mud-soaked foot
                                                       Now dancing in the flame?

                                                       Nothing, save the soot;
                                                       Not a thing remains.

                                                               Share Your
                                                   Email: [email protected]
                                                     Send in your poem, photography, art, etc.
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