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JULY 2017     |     Vol. 22   |     Issue 7    |     Mail Run: 8,489    |     Total Print Run: 12,000

        Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland, Since 1995

            Emmitsburg Celebrates

                      36          th     Annual Heritage Day

               James Rada, Jr.

               Rain the night before gave way                                                                                would not be possible without
            to sun and heat for the annual                                                                                   generous community support.
            Emmitsburg Community Heritage                                                                                    Platinum sponsors of this year’s
            Day on June 24, 2017. Events                                                                                     event that donated at least $500 to
            took place throughout the day,                                                                                   Heritage Day are the Emmitsburg
            beginning with the Vigilant Hose                                                                                 Business and Professional
            Company’s breakfast that started                                                                                 Association, Emmitsburg Glass,
            at 6:00 a.m. and ending with the     Photo by Grace Eyler                                                        Mount St. Mary’s University,
            last boom of the fireworks around                                                                                William and Bonita Portier,
            9:45 p.m.                                                                                                        Emmitsburg Ambulance Company,
               During the day, dozens of food                                                                                Melissa Wetzel, the Tommy West
            and craft vendors were set up in                                                                                 Foundation, Don and Libby Briggs,
            Community Park. Visitors could                                                                                   Emmitsburg Lions Club, the Town
            browse the offerings in between                                                                                  of Emmitsburg, American Legion
            participating in events like the                                                                                 Post 121, Knights of Columbus
            horseshoe competition, greased                                                                                   Brute Council 1860, Frederick
            pig chase, and bike rodeo.                                                                                       Bicycle Coalition, and More Riding
               Jill Long moved to Emmitsburg        Kids give it their all, determined to break through the finishline during the much-anticipated   Bicycles and Building Trails.
            three years ago and has attended                        Emmitsburg Community Heritage Day sack races.               Winners of this year’s games
            Heritage Day every year. She          Elizabeth Ann Seton, featuring the      Some new activities were offered   are: Greased Pig Chase — Malakai
            really looks forward to it. “It’s     music of the Frederick Camerata.     this year, including a Civil War      Andrews (ages 1-6), Lucien
            really nice to have this available    Other live entertainment that        tea and carriage history tours of     Ridenour (ages 7-11), John Lane
            for people. It shows community        played at the Community Park         Emmitsburg. Community Heritage        (ages 12-16), and TJ Burns (ages
            pride when businesses and people      bandstand was the Home Comfort       Day is coordinated each year by       17 and older); Sack Race Singles —
            come out and support this.”           Band, the CCC Praise Band,           the Emmitsburg Lions Club, but        … Story  continued on page 1 2
               Outside of the park, visitors      Commendable Effort, and the
            stocked up on books at the            Harmony Cornet Band.
            library book sale, voted for the        Ashley Hewitt attends Heritage
            best entries in the car show, and     Day every year with her family.        Flag Day Ceremony at Memorial Park
            toured one of the local museums.      They can find something for each
               Entertainers performed at          member of the family to enjoy. In
            Community Park, singing to the        fact, there’s so much going on, they
            visitors. The headline acts were      have to take a break in the middle
            “Mr. Charisma” and Elvis, who         of the day to let the kids rest before
            presented music in the styles of      returning to the park for more.
            Dean Martin, Buddy Holly, and           “I think it was bigger this year
            Elvis Presley. There was even         than it has been in previous years,”                                                                        Photo by Ross Smith
            a dance at the Basilica of St.        Hewitt said.

                                                              Residential Customer
                                                                                        On  June  14,  2017,  a  Flag  Day  Ceremony  at  Thurmont’s  Memorial  Park  was  hosted  by  the
                                                                                        communities of Emmitsburg and  Thurmont, with the support of  Thurmont American Legion
                        E D D M
                                                                                        Post 168, Emmitsburg American Legion Post 121,  Thurmont Amvets Post 7, and Emmitsburg
                       P A I D
                                                                                        VFW Post 6658.  Area Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, and Venture Crew
                                                                                        helped with the Flag Retirement portion of the ceremony.  Thanks to those representing
                                                                                   Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
                                                                                        our Veterans organizations and Scouts for helping celebrate the 240   Anniversary of the
                                                                                   515B East Main Street
                                                                                        adoption  of  the  United  States  flag  by  the  Second  Continental  Congress  on  June  14,  1777.
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