Page 17 - Dec Banner 2017_Neat
P. 17

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    December  2017            Page 17

                                     An Unexpected Journey Fulfilled

                                        James Rada, Jr.

                                                                                                 Courtesy Photo
               Nearly a decade ago, Brother      department                                                    his final     can use me as a vessel in the lives of
            Pascale O’Brien of Divine Mercy      with                                                          vows in the   other people.”
            should have been dead four times     Daughters                                                     Immaculate       His days are now spent
            over.                                of Charity.                                                   Conception    performing spiritual exercises,
               “I had the Last Rites given to me   He had no                                                   Chapel        studying the Bible, and praying for
            four times, and my younger brother   children,                                                     at Mount      the church and families who are in
            was told to have me prepare a living   and he has                                                  St. Mary’s    need.
            will,” O’Brien said.                 never been                                                    University       Although some hermits live on
               He had blood clots in his system   married.                                                     on October    their own in hermitages, O’Brien
            that the doctors thought would          He                                                         1, 2017.      lives on his own and conducts
            kill him. O’Brien’s health remained   applied to                                                   O’Brien       his exercises in the privacy of his
            precarious. When he finally          be a hermit                                                   said that     apartment. He wears a brother’s
            recovered, his doctor told him that   through the                                                  the Mass      collar, habit, and ring to show that
            his survival had been nothing less   Archdiocese                                                   was a         he is celibate.
            than miraculous.                     of                                                            “bigger          “I am no better than anyone else,
               “I started thinking what I could   Baltimore.                                                   event” than   but I am striving to become better
            do to repay the Lord for saving my   The process                                                   he thought    and more holy,” O’Brien said.
            life,” O’Brien said.                 not only                                                      it would         As he works toward this goal,
               He decided to take the vows of a   included                                                     be.           his life is quiet unless he is listening
            hermit.                              interviews,                                                     “My         to spiritual music or watching
               While you might imagine a         but also a                                                    life is now   a church sermon. He does not
            hermit as a bearded old man living   psychological                                                 dedicated     interact much with the world unless
            in seclusion in the woods, cut off   evaluation.                                                   to the        it is needed. His time and attention
            from society, Catholic hermits are   The                                                           Lord,”        are instead focused on growing
            men, and sometimes women, who        evaluation                                                    O’Brien       closer to his God.
            have dedicated their lives to the    took years,                                                   said. “My        “I feel blessed,” O’Brien said. “I
            Lord. O’Brien, who turned seventy    but he         Brother Pascale O’Brien is shown on the day he took his final   life is about   feel fulfilled, and I feel like I have a
            this year, is retired from the dietary   finally took    vows to become a hermit on October 1, 2017.  how God    purpose in life.”
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