Page 12 - Dec Banner 2017_Neat
P. 12

Page 12             December  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by
            Inspiring Local Teenager from Smithsburg Creates

            Garden to Diminish Hunger in Community

               James Rada, Jr.

               Laura Knotts’ garden has produced                                      have to design the project, but she
            over 1,100 pounds of squash, zucchini,                                    also had to show leadership in it and
            peppers, tomatoes, and herbs, since this                                  have at least one hundred hours of
            past June. Yet, she hasn’t tasted any of                                  participation.
            it. All of the produce is donated to New                                    “I looked around and saw New
            Hope Ministries in Mechanicsburg,                                         Hope Ministries and thought it was
            Pennsylvania, to be given out to families                                 an organization that I could help
            in need.                                                                  out,” Knotts said. “I asked what they
               “Every load of produce that we’ve                                      needed, and Jeanne told me there was
            had come in is gone the next day,” said                                   always a need for a fresh source of
            Jeanne Troy, New Hope Ministries                                          produce.”
            northern region gift officer. “It is such a                                 The pantry typically receives only
            premium to have fresh produce.”                                           canned or boxed items. Knotts came
               New Hope Ministries serves around                                      up with the idea of creating a garden
            2,900 people a month. Because of                                          that could provide needed pesticide-
            the availability of the herbs and                                         free, fresh produce for the pantry.
            vegetables from Knotts’ garden, New                                       It also tied in with Knotts goal of
            Hope Ministries is now teaching the                                       becoming a nutritionist when she
            families it serves how to cook with fresh                                 starts college next fall.
            vegetables.                                                                 The garden is now a permanent
               Knotts, a seventeen-                                                                 part of the West
                                                      Seventeen-year-old Laura Knotts of
            year-old high school                    Smithsburg donated 1,100 pounds of fresh        Shore Evangelical
            senior from Smithsburg,                  produce, from the garden she created           Free Church in
            is a member of the                      and built, to New Hope Ministries for the       Mechanicsburg, where
            American Heritage                                hungry in need.                        the plot is located.
            Girls. Her troop                                                                           “She set up a
            meets in Dillsburg,                                                                     plan for keeping it
            Pennslyvania, which                                                                     running for the next
            is why she located her                                                                  few years,” Troy said.
            garden in Pennsylvania.                                                                 “Next season, all we
            The garden is 40 by 60                                                                  have to do is clean up
            feet, and she arranged                                                                  the ground, till it, and
            for the land and                                                                        plant seeds.”               Shop Local
            equipment. She also                                                                        Knotts said that she
            made sure that there are                                                                would like the see the     Support Y our
            volunteers to maintain                                                                  Mechanicsburg garden         Community!
            the garden. The Ames                                                                    enlarged to provide
            Charitable Foundation                                                                   more for New Hope
            donated the tools for the                                    Photos Courtesy of New Hope Ministries Ministries. She would       Pratronize
            garden work, built the                                                                  also like to see other
            storage shed, and built the fencing.  earn her Stars and Stripes Award,   churches duplicate the idea on their                  your local
               Knotts got the idea for the garden   the highest award in the American   properties to give fresh produce to                 businesses.
            when she was looking for a project to   Heritage Girls. Not only did Knotts   their local food pantries.
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