Page 18 - Dec Banner 2017_Neat
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Page 18             December  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

            Celebrating Distinguished Catoctin Graduates  — Continued from page 1

            what he wanted to do with his life.   to switch majors to something he     Michael Gray                          formed by then-unknown country
            It then became his job to make the    loves and excels in. Failing his first   Drummer Michael Gray received     artist Lee Brice. Brice and his band
            most of those opportunities.          interview for a position with the    the arts and humanities awards. He    have since produced a number of
               “Opportunities are given, but      White House Communications           told the students his story of how    top-10 hits.
            success is earned,” voiced West.      Agency enabled him to hone his       he pursued his dream of making           Gray urged the students to
                                                  skills and advance in rank, so that   a career in the music business. He   go after their dreams and not let
            Richard Love                          the position he eventually took in   and his wife left their Baltimore     anyone stop them.
               Local dentist Dr. Richard Love     the agency was even better than the   home in 2002 to move to Nashville,
            received the business award. He       original position for which he had   Tennessee. With no promise of            Catoctin Principal Bernie
            spoke to the students about having    applied.                             work, he began to build a name for    Quesada concluded the ceremony,
            strong core values, embracing           “You’re going to fail,” he leveled   himself in the music business. His   declaring, “All of us have a place in
            teamwork, and doing the right thing.   with the students. “Let yourself    persistence paid off, and he became   the history and future of Catoctin
            He also urged that they should put    learn from it, because great things   the drummer in a new band, being     High School.”
            themselves on the path of constant    can come of it.”
            and never-ending improvement.
               Although he also enjoyed playing   Scott Hahn
            sports in high school and college,      Scott Hahn received the public
            he realized that he would never be a   service award. He emphasized to
            stand-out star. By the same token, he   the students to find something they
            also saw that he had a part to play   could believe in, something that
            on the team, and if he did his best in   brings joy to their lives. He found
            his role, he would help the team.     his in helping feed the hungry as
               Love has applied this idea of being   the food packaging director for
            part of team and a team leader to     Feed the Hunger. The Evangelical
            growing and managing his business.    organization has helped feed
                                                  millions of people in the United
            Ryan Rippeon                          States and in some of the poorest
               Navy Lt. Cdr. Ryan Rippeon         places in the world.
            received the military service award.    He also cautioned the students
            He also spoke of turning life’s       against gauging their success by
            failures into learning experiences.   their material wealth. “Life will
            Getting his first failing grade at    leave you empty if your main goal is
            the Naval Academy allowed him         to accumulate things.”
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