Page 9 - August Banner 2017_Neat
P. 9
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper August 2017 Page 9
New Algae Control Proving Effective The Taney Corporation Hosts SMA
James Rada, Jr. Tour
Courtesy Photo
Emmitsburg Town Manager Coagulant usage and backwash
Cathy Willets told the mayor and water usage are both down.
commissioners that the town’s new “We are doing more backwashes,
algae-control system in Rainbow but the gallons used are less,”
Lake is proving effective so far. Willets said.
The new system, which cost the The water usage is down from
town $38,650 for setup and $13,000 1,292,250 gallons to around
a year for calibration, was installed 600,000 gallons. This is saving the
in April of this year. The LG Sonic town 85 water taps.
system uses ultrasound to destroy Willets also told the
the algae, causing it to sink to the commissioners that since the system
bottom of the lake. Willets presented has been installed, there has been no
the results of the first three months of unexpected filter-related overtime.
operation of the system. Two items that have not shown
The first data looked at was any noticeable difference is the
the presences of chlorophyll in the usage of soda ash and chlorine.
water. Willets said that this is the Usage of these items is expected
biggest indicator that shows algae to be reduced as the new system
is not growing. The amount of continues to operate.
chlorophyll has dropped from 20 Also, while the system has been
ug/L to 5 ug/L. operating as expected, the satellite
The next item examined was uplink that will allow LG Sonic The Taney Corporation, a pre-built wood stairway and rail manufacturer,
phycocyanin, which causes taste and to monitor the system hasn’t been located in Taneytown, hosted the SMA Group Tour on May 12, 2017. SMA
odor problems in the water. It has able to be established yet, which is (Stairbuilders & Manufacturers Association) is a group of businesses who
dropped from 4-5 ug/L to near 0. something that is being worked on. have an interest in stairbuilding, as well as architects and craftsmen. This
Water turbidity, which affects “Staff is very pleased with what group of thirty-eight came from all over the United States and Canada.
how clear the water is, has dropped they’ve seen so far,” Willets said. One co-stairbuilder summed it up, “Taney invited the group into their
from 4.0 NTVs to <1 NTO. Willets Data from August and September home, and we got to meet Taney’s family. Your employees are the core and
pointed out that town staff have will be examined with interest character of the company.”
received multiple comments from because this is the time when the Taney is proud of our employees and wish to thank them for their hard
fisherman using the lake that the lake has historically had its largest work, talents, and many years of dedication.
water is noticeably clearer. algae growth.
Don’t Miss “Grandparents Brunch”
Sunday, September 10th from 10-1