Page 5 - August Banner 2017_Neat
P. 5

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                        August  2017            Page 5
             F r o m  the  M a y o r              for the Thurmont Board of             F r o m  the  M a y o r              Sheriff Chuck Jenkins in attendance.

                        Thurmont                  Commissioner (BOC) meetings. We                 Emmitsburg                 The congressman likes to hike, so I
                                                  will resume our regular Tuesday                                            think he will be coming up our way
                      Mayor John Kinnaird         evening meeting on August 1 at 7:00              Mayor Don Briggs          again (and soon).

                                                  p.m. Regular BOC meetings are                                                 Congratulations to Vigilant Hose
               Summer is here and, with it, the   open to the public; you are welcome     Once again, thank you to the       Comapany No. 6 volunteer firefighter
            hot and humid weather. Please be      to attend and to participate in public   Community Heritage Day organizers,   Elyssa Cool on being awarded
            careful while outdoors and be sure    comment during discussions or at     vendors, entertainers, and town staff   the 2016 Silver Spring Trophy by
            to keep hydrated and pace yourself    the close of the meetings.           for their behind-the-scenes support.   Maryland State Firemen’s Association
            while working. Also, keep an eye        Finally, a comment about           The event continues to grow bigger    (MSFA). The MSFA presented the
            out for your elderly neighbors and    Thurmont Little League (TLL).        and better every year. The fireworks   award on behalf of the sponsor, Silver
            offer assistance when needed.         Unless you have been living in a     show was fantastic.                   Spring Volunteer Fire Department,
              The Thurmont Fun Fest is            cave, you must know about the           Thank you to the town Parks        Inc. It is presented each year at the
            coming on August 5, 2017, to          TLL teams playing in the Little      and Recreation Committee for a        MSFA Annual Convention to an
            the Eyler Road Park, hosted by        League playoffs. The 9-11 TLL        wonderful, well attended “Evening     individual who does the most in fire
            the Town of Thurmont and CYA          All Stars team took the District 2   in the Park” on July 15. Magician     prevention for his/her community.
            Football and Cheer Teams. The day     Championships and are currently      Michael Cantori left a lot of us      Elyssa received an individual plaque
            starts at 11:00 a.m. and features a   playing for the State 9-11           gasping. Everyone should visit his    for permanent possession and will
            full day of fun and games, including   Championships. The Thurmont         store on West Main Street, near       hold the trophy for one year and then
            Punt Pass and Kick Competition,       Little League 11-12 All Stars        the Square. Following his show,       pass it on. The award is administered
            games, food, giveaways, volleyball,   won the District 2 Championship      hot dogs, refreshments, and other     by MSFA Fire Prevention Committee
            NFL cheerleaders, vendors, fire/      and went on to clench the State      entertainment filled the evening      and Maryland State Fire Marshal’s
            EMS demonstrations, Police K-9        11-12 Championship. The 11-          schedule.                             Office. Thank you, Elyssa, for your
            demonstration, car seat inspections,   12 Champs are now going to             Thank you to Sherry Waselchalk,    service to our community. For more:
            bike rodeo, pet-friendly activities,   play in the Regional Playoffs in    the Maryland State Highway project    Link on the MSFA Website - http://
            music, and more. Bring the kids       Bristol, Connecticut, with the       manager, for the bridge replacement;
            and your dog for a fun day at Eyler   series beginning on August 5. The    also the Square revitalization and    SilverSpringTrophy.cfm.
            Road Park!                            Regional Playoffs will be broadcast   sidewalk projects. We were supposed     From what we already know
              This past weekend, I attended       on ESPN3, and if they move onto      to have the Square closed for three   and have felt, but only mused as to
            the Fun Fair at the Thurmont          the World Series games, you will     days and nights, but the work was     why: (from the Wall Street Journal
            Regional Library. The day was         be able to watch on ESPN. That       completed in one evening.             Jan. 17, 2016) bacon prices are up
            full of educational fun and games     two of the Thurmont Little League       There are a lot of projects        and up 80 percent. Nationwide, we
            for everyone. Outside, there were     teams have moved through the         happening around town, so here are    bought 14 percent more bacon in
            town trucks and a Guardian Hose       District 2 playoffs, and on to the   some updates and estimated dates of   2016 then 2013. No longer only for
            Company Brush Truck to look at.       State playoffs, speaks volumes of    completion (EDC):                     BLTs and breakfast sides, bacon is
            There also was an amazing soap        the quality of the Little League        Pool: Building permit received.    now a standard in a salad mix, as a
            bubble demonstration. Inside          program, the determination and       Hold up: resubmitted plans for        sprinkling on a cup of soup, or piled
            activities included games, Cuddles    sportsmanship of the players, the    underwater lighting. Now waiting for   regularly on burgers. Move over
            Cat Rescue with kittens, the          dedication of the coaching staff,    Frederick County Health Department    salmon. The price to wholesalers
            National Park Service with wild       and encouragement and support of     approvals. EDC: May 2018 (to be       for pork bellies has risen to $2.10
            animal pets, service dogs, a very     the team families! Please be sure to   open for next summer season).       per pound. Bacon is becoming more
            friendly Alpaca, and many other fun   congratulate both All-Star teams and    Dog park: Site behind tennis/      of a specialty food item. Look for
            displays and activities. If you didn’t   support their journey through States   basketball court is cleared. We have   thinner strips and/or higher prices in
            manage to get there this year, be     and Regional play. Both teams will   applied for a second grant to cover   restaurants.
            sure to attend next year’s event. My   be holding fundraisers to help cover   costs. Bidding going out for fencing.   Summer reading suggestion:
            thanks to the Thurmont Regional       the costs of attending the playoff   EDC: June 2018.                       History of My Own Times with a
            Library and staff for supporting      games, and they will appreciate any     Square revitalization and          subtitle, The Life And Adventures
            our community by offering a wide      help we can provide.                 downtown sidewalk project. EDC:       of William Otter, Sen. Comprising
            range of interesting and educational    If you have questions, concerns,   June 2018. Trees to be replaced at    a Series of Events, And Musical
            activities for children and adults.   or comments, I can be reached at     locations approved by (fronting)      Incidents Altogether Original,
              The month of July typically         301-606-9458 or at jkinnaird@        home owners. Different tree varieties,   Emmitsburg 1835, written by
            serves as a break in the schedule                        all with no fruit droppings.          William Otter, an English emigrant.
                                                                                          Flat Run bridge: delicate work     Emmitsburg is spelled several ways
            Reference our Calendar on pages 46 & 47 to find events of interest.        around creek bed. EDC: Fall 2018.     including “Emmitsburgh” and
                                                                                          The town was awarded $221,907      “Emmettsburg.”It’s a very interesting
                                                                                       from a FY2018 Energy-Water            read.
                                                                                       Infrastructure Program (EWIP) grant      The third and final “pool party” in
                                                                                       through Maryland Department of the    Community Park will be held Friday
                                                                                       Environment. The grant funds will     August 18, from 6-8 p.m., featuring
                                                                                       be used to replace the pumps at the   hot dogs, drinks, Rita’s Italian Ice, DJ
                                                                                       Creamery Road Pump Station with       music, and games. Start the weekend
                                                                                       two energy efficient pumps, a new     off in the park.
                                                                                       generator, flow meter, and circulator.   “Back to School Day” will be held
                                                                                       The equipment could save the town     on Saturday, August 5, from 12:00-
                                                                                       $6,007 annually in electricity costs.  3:00 p.m., and will feature school
                                                                                          We are in the process of applying   supplies, lots of food, games, and
                                                                                       for $100,000 +/- grant for a field for   entertainment. Sponsored by Christ’s
                                                                                       soccer, lacrosse, and rugby.          Community Church.
                                                                                          I had the pleasure to introduce       Groundbreaking for the new Seton
                                                                                       new Congressman, James Raskin, at a   Center is August 18 at 3:00 p.m.,
                                                                                       recent meet and greet in Emmitsburg.   off E. Lincoln Avenue, west of the
                                                                                       It was good to have Frederick County   Mother Seton School.
                                                                                       Council Member Kirby Delauter and        This is a great place to live.
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