Page 13 - August Banner 2017_Neat
P. 13

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                        August  2017            Page 13

            There’s a House…

              Wayne Powell

               There’s a house in our small       house in greater Emmitsburg where    and all that’s in it—especially the   sleep, or someone who just can’t
            community that’s more than just       the announcement “fire” does not     people!                               handle working outdoors on
            a house. Even though it’s a house     lead to panic. In fact, that term, “fire”   Little ol’ fire station number 6   bitter cold winter nights, or for
            right along Main Street, in fact,     just means it’s time to go to work.  runs with the pace and precision      that matter, blistering hot summer
            many pass it by, never thinking         But, in this house, there’s        of a beehive. The long-ago            afternoons, or perhaps you are
            about its importance.                 something very special…no, it’s      Norman Rockwell-like image of         just one of those who needs time
               In some ways, it may seem to be    not a collection of photos—albeit,   those who inhabit houses like this    to ponder, plan, sort, think, re-
            a house not all that different than   some of those old pictures take      community’s firehouse no longer sit   think, then review your options
            your home. However, it’s a house      the folks back, just like photos in   around playing cards or checkers     before initiating an action, then this
            that is very different than most      your albums do—and it’s not the      all day—an image of a by-gone era.    sometimes hectic pace necessary
            others in Emmitsburg and beyond.      computers or the TV’s or even the       In fact, sometimes they feel they   for the required rapid-fire decision-
               It’s a house where you can hear    super large red machines that fill   have enough to keep them busy         making may be a bit much to
            the phone—a rather special phone,     much of the first floor. No, it’s the   even if they never got called out—  handle.
            it is at that—and you can’t escape    people there who make it so special.   with training and paperwork, and       But, thank goodness there are
            its ring no matter where you might    The fact that they’re committed      fundraisers and paperwork, and        those who somehow take all these
            try to hide, for you always have to   to helping others is what makes      cleaning and paperwork, vehicle       and many other challenges in stride
            answer it, even at dinner time.       this house so very special, indeed.   maintenance and paperwork,           and are willing to do the right
               The nature of the chores in this   All in all, it’s a pretty amazing    and the endless certifications and    thing. In fact, a review of history of
            house are, at times, pretty much      place, especially in these interesting   equipment checks, and, of course,   this region finds that there’s been
            just like everyone else’s: wash the   times in which we all now live. As   in case it wasn’t mentioned, there’s   these type of folks here for well
            floors, clean the sinks, dust the     you’ve likely already figured out by   all that paperwork, too.            over 135 years, who have been, and
            shelves, run the washer, scrub the    now, we’re talking about a house        Their radios blare, yet they all   still are, there when the community
            toilets, put away pots and pans,      that is actually YOUR house, too.    seem to block out most of the routine   calls upon them for help.
            shop, keep records, pay the bills;    Yes, that’s right, the community’s   buzz, unless it’s something close or     That house, and those in it,
            yet, it’s a house where training      firehouse!                           unusual or profound; then, yes, they   routinely make a difference in the
            videos—not DVD or VHS movies—           Those at this house, the           listen intently. And, they always     lives of others, even those they
            line the shelves on either side of the   firehouse, certainly are “family,”   listen for Number 6 to be called   don’t know. The men and women
            television.                           and just like everyone else’s        upon when it’s their turn to help     of this particular house stand
               For those who reside there, it’s   family, they have some interesting   others in danger. They are proud to   ready—on a moment’s notice—to
            their “Home away from Home,”          characters, too. Plus, just like     do their duty, just like firefighters   help when and where needed. And,
            as they say. And, it’s about the only   you, they take pride in their home   in our country have been doing for   the rest of us are so very lucky they
                                                                                       more than 375 years—yes, all the      do.
                                                                                       way back to Peter Stivincent in New      If you would like to better
                                                                                       Amsterdam, or New York as it’s        understand the critical role that
                                                                                       called today.                         volunteer ‘First Responders’ in
                                                                                          What’s amazing is that those in    communities just like ours do every
                                                                                       that house do what they do for free.   day to help others, I encourage
                                                                                       Yep, no pay! No stipend, no fee per   you to watch this superb 5-minute
                                                                                       call, not even an honorarium for      animated video (https://vimeo.
                                                                                       preparation time or travel time.  And,   com/223485932) that tells those
                                                                                       oh yes, they still make house calls!  in the community the value of
                                                                                          If you’re a person who doesn’t     their volunteer fire and emergency
                                                                                       like to be woken up from a sound      services personnel.
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