Page 4 - August Banner 2017_Neat
P. 4

Page 4             August  2017                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

                   T own  H all  R eports

                                  JUL Y 2 0 1 7                                                            Emmitsburg

              by James Rada, Jr.                                                       Commissioners Get Merger Update       offer the program to their residents.
                                                                                          Vigilant Hose Company Chief
                                                                                       Frank Davis and Emmitsburg            Emmitsburg Multi-User Trail Work
                                 Thurmont                                              Ambulance Company President Mary      Day
                                                                                       Lou Little updated the Emmitsburg        There will be a work day on
            East Street Parking Concerns          Commissioners recognized the         Mayor and Commissioners on the        the Emmitsburg Multi-User Trail
               Thurmont residents who live along   Thurmont Little League team for     progress of the two companies.        on August 5, from 9:00 a.m.-1:00
            East Street have expressed the parking   winning the District 2 championship.   Members from both companies      p.m. Volunteers should dress for
            concerns they have to Mayor John      They went 4-0 in the district and hit   voted unanimously to proceed with   work, and tools will be provided.
            Kinnaird and the town commissioners.   22 home runs. The team’s expenses   the merger. Since Saturday, July 8,   Volunteers will also be provided
            Because of a lack of defined spaces   to compete in the state championship   ambulances have been operating      coffee, orange juice, bagels and
            along the street, parking can be “a little   is about $20,000. The commissioners   out of the Vigilant Hose Company   cream cheese, fruit, and more.
            bit jumbled.” Many residents would    agreed to contribute $1,500 to the   building on West Main Street.         After the work session, volunteers
            like to see the parking spaces along the   effort.                            “Since these mergers have started,   will be provided lunch. For more
            street marked.                                                             we have not failed on a single call,”   information, contact Commissioner
               Commissioner Wes Hamrick           Update on Mural Project              Davis said.                           Tim O’Donnell at TODonnell@
            expressed concern that cars might       Artist Yemi showed the Thurmont       The goal is for the merger to be
            not be able to turn around at the end   Mayor and Commissioners the        completed by January 1, 2018.
            of the street, but this can be solved   preliminary drawings for the mural                                       Yard Waste and Recycling Drop-off
            with the elimination of a parking     project that he is painting for the   Protecting Utility Lines                The next yard waste and recycling
            space or two at the end of the street   town. He told the commissioners that   Ashley Shiwarski with Utility     drop-off for Emmitsburg will be
            closest to the carnival grounds.      it is still on track to be unveiled in   Service Partners, Inc. spoke to   on August 19, beginning at 9:00
               Chief Administrative Officer Jim   the spring of 2018. Fundraising for   the Emmitsburg Mayor and             a.m. This event is held every third
            Humerick also stated that a stop      the project is ongoing, and Yemi will   Commissioners recently about the   Saturday. Items can be dropped off at
            sign will be placed on Center Street   be using local residents as models in   National League of Cities Service   the site on Creamery Road. Recycling
            at East Street, which will turn the   the mural.                           Line Program. The program             is available to any Frederick County
            intersection into a three-way stop.                                        partners Utility Service Partners with   resident, but the yard waste drop-off
               Per citizen suggestions, “one way”   Town Approves Purchase of New      municipalities and participating      is only available to people who have
            signs will be placed on Center Street   Pumps                              residents to protect water and sewer   an ID or driver’s license that shows
            and at the top of Church Street and     The Thurmont Mayor and             lines that break that are on their    they live in the 21727 zip code.
            East Street. Also, a “Do Not Enter”   Commissioners approved the bid       property. Typically, if there is a line
            sign will be posted at Center Street   of C. Schultes of Maryland to       break on private property, it is the   Last Town Block Party for the
            and East Street.                      replace the well No. 7 pumps for     responsibility of the property owner   Summer
                                                  $32,200. This was an item for        to pay for the repairs. Those insured    The last of the three block parties
            Thurmont Helps Little League Champs   which the Water Department had       by the program can receive up to      that the Town of Emmitsburg has
               The Thurmont Mayor and             been budgeting.                      $8,500 per incident.                  been sponsoring this summer will
                                                                                          “This could really benefit         be held on Friday, August 18, from
            For more information on the Town of Thurmont, visit or call   Emmitsburg, because we have a     6:00-8:00 p.m. The party will be held
                                                                                       lot of residents who don’t have a
            the town office at 301-271-7313.                                           lot of money to pay for stuff,” said   at the Community Park and is free
                                                                                                                             for everyone.
                                                                                       Commissioner Cliff Sweeney.
                                                                                          Three different types of policies   Deadline to Register to Vote
                               P a tr onize  Our Adve r tise r s!                      would be offered, and each one        Approaching
             The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.  would cost less than $10.00 a month.   August 28 is the last day that you
                                                                                       The commissioners are considering     can register to vote in the upcoming
                                                                                       offering the program in Emmitsburg.   Emmitsburg Town Election. You can
             JOIN US!                                                                  Thurmont and Taneytown already        register at the town office.

             10th Annual 5K Trail Walk and 10K Trail Run                               For more information on the Town of Emmitsburg, visit
                                                                                       or call 301-600-6300.
             Sunday, September 3rd, 2017 • 8:00am-11:00am
             Register online: & search: ThorpeWood


             Don’t miss
               the fun!                                           12805-A Mink Farm Rd.
                       Proceeds to benefit ThorpeWood’s partnership   Thurmont, MD
                            with Frederick County Head Start
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