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Page 8 June 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
B u s i n e s s news

Gladhill Goodies Officially Opens Senior Benefit Services Moves to

James Rada, Jr. New Location
Photo by James Rada, Jr.
Senior Benefit Services, Inc. is pleased to announce that they are moving to
a new location. Because of your faith and trust in them and their services, they
have outgrown their current space.
On July 1, 2016, they relocate just a hop, skip and jump from their
previous location—same parking lot, same faces, same great service, just a
bigger place. Their new address is 36 Water Street in Thurmont. Their phone
number will not change (301-271-4040).
They are confident that their new office will enable them to serve you
better. Drop by, take a tour, and check them out—they have a welcome gift for

Pictured from left are Thurmont Commissioner Bill Buehrer, Austin Gladhill, James Thomas, Cathy
Thomas, Anna Gladhill, and Mayor John Kinnaird at the oficial ribbon cutting at Gladhill’s Goodies
in Thurmont.

Anna and Austin Gladhill made The purchases are then sorted
their dream come true opening their through with saleable items pulled
own store. What began as a small out and sent to the store.
operation selling furniture at the Austin said that his wife, Anna,
end of their driveway has now led to used to work in Rockville, but she
the opening of Gladhill Goodies on would have to leave for work at
West Main Street in Thurmont. 6:00 in the morning and wouldn’t
Though the store has been get home until 6:30 in the evening.
operating with odd hours since They were also spending nearly
February, it has now officially $400 a month to keep gas in a small
opened for business. The Gladhills Honda CRV.
sell a little bit of everything— “I figured there was no way we
furniture, clothing, books, CDs, could lose doing this,” stated Austin.
housewares—at incredibly low Gladhill Goodies is open Tuesday
prices. through Friday, from 9:00 a.m.-5:00
“I go to storage unit auctions and p.m.; Saturday, from 8:00 a.m.-5:00
live auctions to find things,” Austin p.m.; and Sunday, from 10:00 a.m.-
Gladhill said. 5:00 p.m.

Thurmont Business Showcase

The Thurmont Business Showcase has been rescheduled for Saturday,
October 15, 2016, from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The Showcase will be held at
the Thurmont American Legion Post 168, located at 8 Park Lane.
If you are interested in participating in the Showcase, you may pick up
an application at the town office, or you can download an application at under the Visit Thurmont tab, and then go to events,
or contact Vickie Grinder at [email protected].
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