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Page 10 June 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

C o m m u n i t y news

Thurmont Historical Society Thurmont Acacia Lodge Presents

Receives Preservation Award Check to

James Rada, Jr. Blue Ridge
Courtesy Photo

Warren Grove of the
Thurmont Acacia Lodge
No. 155 presented a check
for $500 to Lynn Martin,
president of the Blue Ridge
Summit Free Library’s Board
of Directors. The Acacia
Lodge No. 155 has been a
dedicated supporter of the
Courtesy Photo

Nicholas Redding, Preservation Maryland ED; Jerry Freeze; Doug Claytor; Donna Voellinger, Thurmont Green Team’s 1st Annual
Thurmont Historical Society president; and Carol Newmann.
Plant Swap and Native Tree
The Thurmont Historical and Doug Claytor, who supervised
Society received a Best of Maryland the restoration. Giveaway
Preservation Award on May 12, Since the initial relocation, The Thurmont Green Team will host its first annual
2016, at a ceremony in Annapolis. volunteers like the above-mentioned plant swap and native tree giveaway during the opening
The award was for the people have been working to restore day of the Thurmont Farmer’s Market on June 4, 2016.
preservation of one of the original the cabin to its 1930s appearance so This activity
Cozy Cabins from the early days of that it can be opened as an exhibit will promote the
when the Cozy Inn and Restaurant at the historical society. Green Team’s
had been a tourist camp. The “There’s no money or anything mission of
wooden cabin is 10 feet by 10 feet with the award, but it shows sustainability.
and could sleep four. that we are doing good work,” Please bring
Jerry Freeze donated the cabin said Thurmont Historical Society gardening or landscaping plants to
to the historical society last year President Donna Voellinger. swap. Native trees for give-away
after the restaurant closed for good. The Thurmont Historical were purchased from the Arbor Day
The historical society started to Society was one of four community Foundation and include Eastern
raise funds to pay to have the cabin projects in Maryland that received Redbud, Thornless Honeylocust, and
moved, but when it came time to the award. The other two were Tuliptrees.
move the cabin, they were still a Historic Takoma’s Takoma Radio, Come on out to swap and help
long way off from their goal. W.F. the Historic Parole Walking Tour increase the numbers of native trees
Delauter & Son was in the process and Map and Furnace Town’s new in our area.
of demolishing the old restaurant website. The awards came from For more information, please
and buildings on Frederick Road. Preservation Maryland, the state’s visit the Thurmont Green
Workers used a large forklift to lift oldest and largest preservation Team Facebook page or email
the cabin up and carefully carry it organization. The awards program [email protected].
slowly through Thurmont to the its recognizes people, places, and
new home at the Thumont Historical projects that exemplify the best in
Society at the end of May 2015. Maryland preservation.
Some of the other people who Voellinger said that Frederick
helped with the project are: Allen County Tourism and Thurmont
Haines, who prepared the site; Mel Main Street Manager Vickie Grinder
Poole, who found a period bed for nominated the historical society.
the cabin; Alban Little, who found Jerry Freeze, owner of the former
period bunk beds for the cabin; the Cozy Inn, and Doug Claytor were in
Town of Thurmont that waived the attendance at the May 12 event on
inspection fee; the Thurmont Lions behalf of the Thurmont Historical
Club that spent money for supplies; Society.

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