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Page 4 June 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by

Beauty Salon Town Hall Reports

by James Rada, Jr.
21 Meadow Lane • Thurmont Thurmont and Emmitsburg MAY 2016
301-271-4551 Emmitsburg Thurmont The commissioners are planning

Senior Citizen Commissioners Looking for Options Budget Available for Download on having an independent third
party examine the trees, and then
for Dog Park
they will determine how to move
The draft FY2017 budget for
Perms $30 has some potential complications the Town of Thurmont is currently forward from that point. The loss
The Emmitsburg Dog Park
of all of the trees represents roughly
being discussed by the town
Tue 1 - 8 p.m. • Thu 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. with the proposed location that commissioners. You can download forty percent of the trees in the park,
Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. may require it to be moved. The a copy to review from the town and they will need to be replaced.
website (
This is something else that the
15,000-square-foot dog park is
Call 301-271-4551 for appointment. proposed for a very low area of Some of the topics up for commissioners will need to discuss at
Please leave message after 4 rings. Community Park. Although it can’t discussion include the funding of a future time.
be called a wetland, it is a very a part-time economic development
wet area of the park because water staff member for $15,000. It is Keep Your Lawns Mowed
drains to that low point. It is also expected that this position would Now that lawns are thriving
located fairly close to a residential eventually be combined with the once again, the Thurmont Police
area, where the noise from barking part-time Main Street Manager Department is reminding residents
dogs could become an issue. After position that the town funds to create that the Thurmont Town Code
discussing the park at a recent town a single full-time position. requires that any grass, weeds, and
meeting, the commissioners put the Another item that has been leaves blown into a town street be
question to staff to recommend other discussed is whether the town removed within four hours. It is also
potential locations for the dog park. should have an emergency housing unlawful to wash such debris into
fund to help out residents who find storm sewers. Violators can be fined
Citizens Advisory Committee Having themselves suddenly without a place $50.00 per violation.
Problems Reaching a Quorum to stay at night. A consideration
Emmitsburg Commissioner Joe with this item is how it can be Town Commission Vacancies
Ritz, III told the commissioners administered without it becoming The Town of Thurmont has
during a recent town meeting that political. vacancies on the Board of Appeals
the Citizens Advisory Committee and Public Ethics Commission. If
is having trouble getting enough Town Approves Green Purchasing you are a town resident interested in
members out to have a quorum. Policy serving the town, contact the town
Without a majority of the members The Thurmont Mayor and office at 301-271-7313.
present, the committee can’t formally Commissioners approved a green
make any recommendations. Ritz purchasing policy during a recent For more information on the town of
has tried to encourage attendance, town meeting. The policy is based on Thurmont, visit
but is having little luck. One option a similar policy in place in Boonsboro or call the town office at 301-271-
the commissioners are considering is and is not expected to be a hindrance 7313.
to reduce the size of the committee, to current purchasing processes.
which would reduce the number of Chief Administrative Officer James
people needed to reach a quorum. Humerick told the commissioners Advertise
that the policy just makes the town
Emmitsburg Trail Work Day keep sustainability in mind when in The Catoctin Banner
Commissioner Tim O’Donnell making purchasing decisions. He • Full Color •
is coordinating a work day on the also said that the policy is not meant Affordable • Effective
Emmitsburg Trails on June 18, 2016, to hamstring the town into making
from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Those fiscally irresponsible decisions but to • 301-447-2804 •
interested in helping should meet at help improve sustainability. • [email protected]
Rainbow Lake on Hampton Valley The Catoctin Banner, serving Northern
Road. Free food will be available for Community Park Will Lose Forty Frederick County, Maryland, since 1995
volunteers and their families before Percent of Trees to Emerald Ash
and after the work detail. Dress for Borer
the weather and to work. Tools will Thurmont’s Community Park Emmitsburg
be provided. For more information, will lose 276 of its ash trees to the
contact O’Donnell at todonnell@ Emerald Ash Borer. The damage to Auction Service the trees has already been done and
the trees are dying. Experts estimated 17319 N. Seton Ave.
Tall Grass Reminder that the trees have about two years Emmitsburg, MD 21727
Now that grass is growing tall left before they are totally dead.
enough to be cut, Emmitsburg town If treated, that lifespan might be COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICES
code requires that grass and weeds extended a year. The trees will not Real Estate • Estates
be kept to a height no taller than even have value to be sold as timber. Old Toys • Antiques
eight inches. In areas along streams, “They’re going to have to come Household • Coins
a maximum height of eighteen inches out,” said Commissioner Wayne
is allowed, and a minimum height of Hooper. Guns • Vehicles
six inches is recommended. Removing all of the trees will AUCTIONS EVERY SUNDAY
be very expensive, though, but the @ 10:00 A.M.
For more information on the town of commissioners need to make sure Call us at 301.447.2300
Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd. that there is no danger to park Bruce & Barb May, Prop.
gov or call 301-600-6300. visitors.
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